Do yout think this could be harmful?


New Member
I was just sitting here thinking about how long i sit with conditioner in my hair (sometimes up to 12 hours or so) and i was wondering do you all think this could potentially be harmful in the furture, me having my scalp exposed to conditioner for so long, in which some may have harmful ingredients in them to begin with? (I ask because most conditioners say to leave it in for only a certain amount of time but many of us are leaving it on for much longer :ohwell:)
I know there are some ladies on here that dc overnight. I know that hair does better with heat when it it well moisturized. I always wanted to try this but I'm afraid of moisture overload.
Overnight/Extended DCs are what I have been doing for almost a year now. I would not have it any other way. My hair appears to be thriving from it.
I don't think it's harmful. Are you worried about potentially toxic ingredients in your products? If so, just switch over to natural/organic products. Or are you worried about "over-conditioning" or something? A lot of ladies leave conditioner in their hair even in-between washings with no ill effects.
I've been wondering this too, but I feel like the ladies who have the most success with this method are natural. I'm not, and I don't know if my hair can stand so much moisture.

Any relaxed ladies dc'ing overnight?
I DC overnight. The only problem i ever have with it is when my scalp gets dry if I leave it in for 24+ hours. Why that happens idk. I am prone to dandruff because I have eczema so i think when I allow the conditioner to sit on my scalp like that and dry up it causes flakes and what not. However, once I get my hair wet its okay again.
I don't think it's harmful. Are you worried about potentially toxic ingredients in your products? If so, just switch over to natural/organic products. Or are you worried about "over-conditioning" or something? A lot of ladies leave conditioner in their hair even in-between washings with no ill effects.

What she said.

If you are worried about toxins, try your best to limit your exposure to and use of toxic substances. I know its really hard. i have a mix of synthetic and natural products, I try to identify which chemicals I try to limit exposure to and just really only use products with those chemicals if no other product gives similar results.

As far as over conditioning, just keep listening to your hair and make sure your moisture level is balanced. If your hair ever suffers from over moisturizing, just cut back.
I've been wondering this too, but I feel like the ladies who have the most success with this method are natural. I'm not, and I don't know if my hair can stand so much moisture.

Any relaxed ladies dc'ing overnight?

I'm natural. I DC overnight all the time. I have been doing this for years, at least 3 plus. I've never had any problems.

I remember reading a few threads about relaxed heads and too much moisture. I agree, DCing overnight may be too much if you are relaxed.
I've been wondering this too, but I feel like the ladies who have the most success with this method are natural. I'm not, and I don't know if my hair can stand so much moisture.

Any relaxed ladies dc'ing overnight?

When I used to DC last year, it was always overnight and I never suffered from moisture overload.....but I DC'd with balanced conditioners like ORS replenishing or organics hair mayonnaise
I've been wondering this too, but I feel like the ladies who have the most success with this method are natural. I'm not, and I don't know if my hair can stand so much moisture.

Any relaxed ladies dc'ing overnight?
Yes, relaxed and have no problems ALTHOUGH I don't DC overnight all the time and I mix a a mild/medium protein within my DC every session to balance my moisture/protein. I only overnight DC when I'm being lazy. If I need a little hair pick me up, I would opt for steaming my hair. Ok so enough rambling, the point being is relaxed heads can DC overnight.
thanks ladies- one of my friends also said i could possibly use more protein (but even then i may be back to my original dryness) I asked this question also because my hair was looking a little mushy from the last time i did this. And also i may cut back on leaving condish in so long because this could be potentially harmful health wise and its really difficult to find truely natural products (alot of them say natural but i know whats up)

When people describe their hair as mushy, this usually mean they have moisture overload. Try a protein treatment and see if that corrects it. If you are looking for natural products Aubrey Organics has various moisture and protein conditioners. Good luck.