Do your products stop working?


Well-Known Member
I was just wondering if those like Macherieamour who have found a line and stuck with it have noticed that their beloved products lose effectiveness over time..

If so, How do you combat this? Through clarifying or rotating products? How often would you rotate?

What about people with beautiful hair who have been using the same product for years? How is this possible?

Just curious because I am going to start a regimen challenge in a few weeks but I dont want my products to quit on I want to be prepared.
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Honestly the only time my products stopped working for me is ..
1.) If I stop working with them :lol:
2.) If I dont clarify, I have thrown away tons of products before , just because I knew nothing of clarifying .. and I think they dont work
Clarifying definitely helps....Products build up over time. I also read somewhere that product rotation helps, but clarifying is a rule of thumb for me...

Clarifying on a monthly basis should do the trick.....
Your hair could change over time. It might not be that the product doesn't do what it's supposed to do. But rather that you need something else.

That's what I'm afraid of. I am not looking forward to the product search once again. It took me forever to find products that worked for me as well as those did. :cry3:
Has anyone else found clarifying to be the solution to this problem? I have two different product lines in rotation and neither is working for me anymore.
I actually thought about this over the weekend. Like @krissyhair I do believe hair needs change, but I also think my hair just gets bored w/being exposed to the same products over and over. I had been using DevaCurl products for a while and the end result just isn't the same anymore, despite super cleansing clay washes. I switched to Kinky-Curly Sunday, and it's like life was breathed into my hair. I know it's often said to be consistent and work w/a specific set of prods, but this doesn't work for me.
I haven't had a product stop working for me since I started me healthy hair journey. It helps that the products I use don't leave much buildup, have no silicones, and I shampoo regularly.
I've had this problem for most of my hair journey, mostly with my leave-in and moisturizers. For whatever reason I don't have this issue with my rinse out conditioners and deep conditioners. I used to buy in bulk stuff that works but I have come to realize this just doesn't work for me for my leave in conditioners. Some of the problem stems from companies reformulating/discontinuing my staples and the other my hair just wants something new. For this reason I like to have multiple products that work for me in each category, just in case my products stop working. Clarifying doesn't work for me at all.
Products don't stop working, but my hair has changed over the years. My hair is much finer and more fragile than before so I have to avoid heavy products even if they worked great in the past.