Do you wear necklaces

Do you wear necklaces

  • Yes I do, very frequently

    Votes: 42 45.2%
  • Yes I do, from time to time

    Votes: 20 21.5%
  • On special occasions only

    Votes: 20 21.5%
  • No I dont at all

    Votes: 11 11.8%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Do you wear necklaces??? Honestly I dont or very rarely.

A few years ago, I bought a very nice indian gold necklace because I wanted to start wearing some jewelries, no I was not a jewelry girl before that, and that has changed since:grin: Well, I wore it for a couple of months and from time to time I'd find a piece of hair (or two) wrapped around the closure piece. Well, I thought it was not a big deal and kept wearing my necklace for several months. About a year later, I had the worst surprise of my life, part of my hair on the back was gone:blush: yep, the W shape:yep: Ever since that happened to me I wear necklaces only on very special occasions and always feel extremely incomfortable wearing them. What about you Ladies?
Yeah.. usually every day... but I have had no incidents... (crosses fingers)..Never gets tangled. I usually put one on before I take down my hair.
Yeah.. usually every day... but I have had no incidents... (crosses fingers)..Never gets tangled. I usually put one on before I take down my hair.

See, seems like I might be the problem though. So what can I do avoid that, my hair and my necklaces seem to fall in love every time they get close to each other:lachen:
At this point my hair shrinks too much for it to matter. When I was relaxed I wore necklaces primarily with collar shirts so there wasn't any tangling. Now that I'm natural my hair shrinks to 2 inches long, so it's a complete non-issue.
Woooooooooooooooow... that's why I was getting a "W" shape! I didn't realize that's what causes it... Are there any other symptoms or or reasons why people can get a W?
I haven't had a problem with my necklaces. Wel, l I'm just SL so I guess my hair isn't long enough to get tangled yet.
Woooooooooooooooow... that's why I was getting a "W" shape! I didn't realize that's what causes it... Are there any other symptoms or or reasons why people can get a W?

:yep::yep::yep:Yep!!! If you wear your hair up you should be fine:yep:
See, seems like I might be the problem though. So what can I do avoid that, my hair and my necklaces seem to fall in love every time they get close to each other:lachen:

I think you are :lachen::lachen:

Not that I have as much lovely locks as you... but even when it was super long...never got tangled by the necklace. If I'm wearing a pendant; I keep it pulled down. A regular clasp never gave me any problem..

That's scary necklaces starting breaking... Oh my....
I think if you have really long hair or really short hair you're fine. I know my hair gets tangled from time to time too..but I never thought anything of it.
I used to wear necklaces all the time...had to match my jewelry up, you know! But everytime i pulled it off i took 4 or 5 strands of hair with it. I had to stop wearing them all the time, now only on special occasions. :sad:
I wear necklaces daily! When going out somewhere I wear 2. Can't tell me nothin' then, lol. I feel naked w/o a necklace. I do not like a bare neck look at all.
I have always been an accessory person. I wear necklaces most days unless I am wearing huge earrings. I try to balance out my accessories.
i used to wear them all the time, now i just wear them when my hair is up. i was noticing some hair loss in the back/nape area when i wore certain types of necklaces (chains and such)
I get hairs wrapped around the clasp and part of the chain, so I rarely wear necklaces. Those of you who still do, how to you keep your hair from getting caught and torn in the necklace?
I get hairs wrapped around the clasp and part of the chain, so I rarely wear necklaces. Those of you who still do, how to you keep your hair from getting caught and torn in the necklace?

Yeah, good question, how do you guys manage to keep some hair on your head though... I am lost:lachen:
I love jewellery and usually have one on whether my hair is down or up and no incidents. Mamato could it be the type of clasp on the necklace that causes problems? I am sure there are some that get caught in clothes and hair and some are smooth enough that hair was get caught on them.
I never really wore necklaces until this year. I wanted some "staple" jewelry, so I went looking for necklaces and found a perfect neutral one that sits flat on my chest.

I wear it daily. It does not get caught on my hair though.
I have that problem but I have solved it. I wear my hair up with the necklaces that I know my hair will get caught in. When I wear my hair down(which isn't often) I only wear the necklaces I know my hair won't get caught in. I love my jewelry, but I do not want to lose my hair behind necklaces.
I love jewellery and usually have one on whether my hair is down or up and no incidents. Mamato could it be the type of clasp on the necklace that causes problems? I am sure there are some that get caught in clothes and hair and some are smooth enough that hair was get caught on them.

Possibly, I may need to try different types of clasps though...:yep:
I have a really great collection of jewelry sets, I had to stop wearing the necklaces for a long time because I developed a small inverted V where the clasps were on my necklaces. Now I only wear them if my hair is up (most of the time), or if I can wear the necklace far enough down inside my collar (mostly in winter).

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