Do You Wash More Often in Summer


Well-Known Member
I'm having issues. My hair is really fine and so cannot take too much product or it will be really weighed down.

it's is HOT, HUMID etc and my hair stinks like every 2/3 days. I refuse to walk around with my hair smelling like product, sweat and the city funk, so I wash more frequently. I deep condition every time, but is there anyone else washing more than once a week in the summer?

how do you manage? any problems or issues?
I just wash and deep condition 2x a week problems....

I think that ALOT of ladies here wash more than once a week...I remember seeing a post and was surprised...

I am just enjoying the fact that I have the extra time to do it because when classes start again in the fall it will be back to 1x a week for me....
I've always washed and deep conditioned 2 x each week since LHCF, throughout the year. I love having fresh-smelling, clean, bouncy hair all of the time.
bajanplums1 said:
thanks. Isis, you inspired me to go heat free. I realize it can work, just takes patience and committement.
You're welcome Bajanplums1.

Yes, it does take patience and commitment. I just make washing 2 x each week a habit so it becomes part of my lifestyle. Now, washing more than that every week is another story and I know I don't have the time for it.:lol:
I usually was 2-3 times a week, two times in the winter, 3 times in the summer. I'm washing every other day now. The humidity plus working out is really bad for my scalp. I develop little heat bumps on my scalp hours after working out so I have to wash that often.
It's a pain but oh well!
In the summer, I wash twice a week. Sometimes more, because I cant stand having sweaty hair. I havent had any problems with it, besides detangling. (thats always a nightmare 4 me:( ) I've found that my hair grows faster when I wash it more often. :look:
With the 200% humidity I'm washing 2x per week and loving it:) I'm deep conditioning each time with either ORP RP, Silk Elements, or Jason Organics.

I am enjoying going heat free:grin:
i still shampoo every 5-7 days buti rinse in the shower every 2 days and spritz with water every morning :-)
Water touches my hair everyday. I shampoo when I feel I need it, sometimes I'll shower 3 times a day and everytime I shower there's at least a light rinsing.

If I don't shampoo 3 times a week I feel gross. But I've been basically daily washing (unless I straighten my hair which is less than 5 times a year) for 10 years now.
I wash more in the summer also. I wash once a week and I'm not doing anymore than that. It just dosen't feel right and I don't like to manipulate my hair much so I'm not washing it often. In the winter i wash once every two weeks. This works perfect for me.
No, I was once a week, whether winter, summer, or spring. Since I usually wear a bun anyway, the humidity, sweating, extra oiliness doesnt bother me.

I usually do the pre-poo/shampoo/conditioning once a week. But during the summer, I conditioner wash mid week.

bajanplums1 said:
I refuse to walk around with my hair smelling like product, sweat and the city funk, so I wash more frequently.
I find myself washing my hair once a week now. My scalp is not dry during the summer months, so I cut back. In the winter I shampoo and deep condition 2x a week because my scalp get really dry.
I co wash every two days because my hair dry easily and I deep condition weekly sometimes 2 x a week. I just started the co washing every two days a week ago and I love it because it seemed like my hair would become dry faster as I stretch my touchups....I need to find a good moisturizer so maybe I will not have to co wash often but I think it is because I have 8 weeks of ng and that is the reason why my hair is drier now ....but with the co wash it is soft and moist....and I believe it is growing my hair faster I don't know for sure but will now when I get my touchup in 4 more weeks.
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I wash my hair every other day and have had no problems. It stays alot more moisturized this way.:) I usually alternate between a co-wash and shampoo.