Do you want your Poo and DC to really work for you?


Ladies rinse your hair well for about 2 to 3 minutes prior to applying shampoo and conditioner. I have been rinsing very well for the past few times I shampood and DCed. I have to admit ladies, I'm loving it. My hair feels so soft, moisturized, I will never stop doing that.
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Good idea,

I have been rinsing for 1 min per section and really scrubbing my scalp and edges as well. It has worked wonders. I started doing this 2plus years ago when I first heard of the curly girl method. Now that I am relaxed I still do it.
Never gave it any thought, but I always rinse my hair first before applying anything. I have no idea why I do that. Glad you found it works well for you ;0)
I like to get my hair fully saturated b4 I use shampoo. I tried to not to that one time & I hated it. I feel when the hair is fully saturated w/ water, you don't use that much shampoo.
Saturating it is not the idea for me I rinse out all the build up from the products I use during the week, such as moisturizers. I have he feeling that the ingredients in some products may not work well together. I have gotten tangled hair before and when I tried this method with the same products that caused the knotting, they work as they are suppose to.