do you use sound Christian judgement?


Well-Known Member
this is something that i am dealing with right now and i ran across this article and would like to share.

i have a hard time with staying focused on my issues internally. when i am thinking about something that i am doing that i know isn't right, i tend to start thinking about another person that is doing the same thing and how i need to tell them or show them the errors of his or her ways. i believe that this the devil trying to get me sidetracked on what the real issues of my life are. like just as i was reading this article i wanted to email it to a couple of people to check them about judging others. lol! isn't that a trip!

does anyone else struggle with this or have struggled? how do/did you overcome it?
Yes, absolutely, I struggle with this every single day. For me, it's not necessarily that I am doing something I know is wrong and see someone else doing it. It's usually two completely different things. Like maybe I was rude to someone on the phone at work b/c they called me 5 times in a row. But someone else is complaining using curse words. So, different things but still.
^^^ yes! i experience this too. sometimes at the moment that something is happening, i getting that warning to walk away or calm down. sometimes i ignore it and give in to temptation or sometimes i do listen to that little voice in my head telling me to walk or handle the situation better. i gave into temptation yesterday and my mouth just went crazy. i said some awful things and i know i could have used better judgment before, after, and during that whole episode. or like how i utilize my time. i know i can do better with how i manage my time.
^^^ yes! i experience this too. sometimes at the moment that something is happening, i getting that warning to walk away or calm down. sometimes i ignore it and give in to temptation or sometimes i do listen to that little voice in my head telling me to walk or handle the situation better. i gave into temptation yesterday and my mouth just went crazy. i said some awful things and i know i could have used better judgment before, after, and during that whole episode. or like how i utilize my time. i know i can do better with how i manage my time.

You know, the interesting thing is that in most situations, I am too good about holding my tongue. People will chew me out and I won't say a thing. I'm trying to display godly behavior in this but at the same time, I have also learned that God doesn't want me to have people walk all over me either. So I have to balance being godly in the sense that I don't retaliate in acting the way the person is acting but also being godly in that I stand up for myself.

This is hard work! :spinning: