Do you think your hair grows faster in braids?

Does your hair grow faster while in braids?

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That's precisely why I mentioned "slight tension." I wasn't talking about tight braids. Any kind of braid to the scalp produces slight tension, even looser ones.:grin: And the kind of braids the "elders" are referring to are box braids...larger ones.
I think it grows the same except in braids I can see the growth happening and I retain more

I voted no also - same growth rate, just less manipulation and I agree with danigurl - I love love love watching my plaits get looser over time as my hair grows!
I love braids. I don't think I'll do them again, though, because the amount of time it takes to put them in vs. how long it takes for them to look raggedy, bootleg and chewed just isn't worth it anymore. I do lots of cowashing and my braids start looking frizzy too quickly.

To answer the original question, I feel like my hair grows faster in braids because you have a very clear idea of where your hair was before and how long it has grown since you put them in. I know logically that my hair probably doesn't grow faster in braids... but it feels like it does. :spinning:
I don't think it grow faster but I do retain more and I am also able to stretch relaxers longer...