Do you think we could solely live off All-Natural Hair Products?

Do you think we could solely live off All-Natural Hair products?

  • Absolutely! I've been doing it already

    Votes: 26 41.9%
  • I think it's possible but we would have to change our styling habits

    Votes: 19 30.6%
  • I don't think it's possible

    Votes: 3 4.8%
  • I don't care if products are all-natural or not, I just use them!

    Votes: 7 11.3%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 7 11.3%

  • Total voters
This is a slight spin-off of another product thread.

With all of the really great all-natural and mostly-natural products available now, I'm thinking of doing away with using popular mainstream brands. I'm trying to take good care of my hair and it seems like there are way too many bad ingredients in shampoos, moisturizers, spritz, gels, etc.

So do you think it's possible to solely live off natural products or do we somehow need those bad ingredients in the products whether we like it or not?

My answer was: "I think it's possible - but we would probably have to change our styling habits quite a bit." That's because I still get relaxers done and neutralizing shampoo has to be used as well. I also like to use holding spray sometimes. So I would assume that neutralizing shampoo, relaxers, and spritz aren't available as all-natural products. Right?
It's easy for me especially now that I finally found a shampoo bar. I don't relax so I don't need a neutralizing shampoo so no advice there, but keep a natural and/or organic hair routine has been simple and MUCH cheaper than what i was doing before.
I think it's possible, but yes, you would have to change your styling methods.

I dont use all natural products anymore, at one time it was becoming a focus of mine but I have allergies. I found that a lot of the natural stuff has a base that aggravates hayfever etc. If you have these type of allergies, henna or shea butter may not have a good turnout (itching, hives, sneezing etc).

Just a thought for allergy sufferers.....
I am trying really hard to do this now. Hopefully, I will find all the right products before the year is out b/c I want to get away from the chemical laden products as much as possible and as soon as possible.
I tried to...I tried the Ayurveda living. The shampoo bar, the oils, powder etc. Broke out in a really bad allergic reaction and couldn't pin point it. Went to an allergist, derm, even the ER. Finally it cleared up.

Took a break from doing my hair and was going to the dominicans for awhile. The other day I went to wash my hair with my shampoo bar and what do you know my whole face turned itchey, red and started to get those hives.:wallbash: I dumped everything.

All the other natural products are just so flipping expensive..and I go through bottles quickly.:ohwell:
I think you could but I personally would never opt to do it entirely. I think "bad" ingredients are relative so:look: I think everything has its purpose in some shape or form. I don't believe in extremes in anything in my life ex. all meat diets, veganism, raw food only etc....... I think there is always a balance. I think extreme in any way left or right can cause more problems.
Of course we could, and in fact humans did for most of human history without their hair falling off. :lachen:Of course, though, you can't do with wholesome products everything you can do with synthetic products. There go the relaxers, for those of you relaxed or texlaxed. And the super duper holding products probably wouldn't be around, either. But what do you need, something to clean the hair, a moisturizer, that's it, really, and those things can be natural.
I do already - and you do have to change your styling habits. I am all natural and I use butters and oils to lubricate my hair and to hold braids and twists. The next thing I want to do is develop a better diet w/ organic and non-genetically modified food.
Im going to have to say I dont know. While using mostly if not all natural products while I was natural and gently relaxed (hair still looked and acted natural) they provided great moisture and promoted to the health of my hair. Now being fully relaxed once again and having only those natural products I find that they do little if anything to my hair.
Natural products seem to light to do anything to my hair even if they were considered heavy when I was natural. Also I find that when natural I could live off of a bottle of Blended Beauty hair product and not make much of a dent in it for months while using it daily. Now that Im relaxed and try to use it even when my hair is damp I will have to use so much more product to even see a slight result. Its like mineral oil and silicons are best friends with relaxed hair and enemies of natural strands. But I know that statement cant be completely true so Im just going to assume that my hair is damaged beyond restoration and that's why natural and unnatural product dont seem to do much to my hair.
I do already - and you do have to change your styling habits. I am all natural and I use butters and oils to lubricate my hair and to hold braids and twists. The next thing I want to do is develop a better diet w/ organic and non-genetically modified food.

this is my plan of attack, also. good luck to you sweetie
If you can do THIS:

Many tribes dyed the hair with red earth and grease; some stiffened it with animal dung.

And live HERE:


And still grow WAIST LENGTH hair

The traditional hair styling in some parts of Africa also gives interesting examples of how people dealt with their head hair. The Maasai warriors tied the front hair into sections of tiny braids while the back hair was allowed to grow to waist length. Women and non-warriors, however, shaved their heads.

I think that only natural products can get you RIGHT far. :grin:
I make and use all natural products. I have found that any thing that I have needed I have been able to find a comparable natural ingredient. I make my shampoo, hair gel, setting lotions, hair spray and deep conditioner. If I feel I have a need for something, I research using google, yahoo search and the library. My hair regimen has not changed at all other than I have gone all natural with my products. I don't feel that I am an extremist because I have chosen to use all natural products nor was I am extremist when I chose to relax my hair for many years. Just choices I made then and choices I make now. I also don't believe the vegan or vegetarian are extemist. Again choices someone has made regarding how they choose to live. The vegetarian who has decided that they do not wish to eat animals and the vegan taking it to the next level not only not wanting to eat animals but not wanting to eat any product from an animal. Still not an extremist just conscientious choices of how one chooses to live their life.
Does Creme of Nature count ??

everything else i use is all natural

but i just can't live without my creme of nature...ill die b4 you pry it away
:lachen: I can't give up serums. I already walk about with Shaka Khan hair. Can you imagine me without serum? :ohwell:
I was just about to say, if you can live with frizz, you can use all natural products. Otherwise, you'll always need that magic bullet with silicone to keep hair smooth.

OT: brownshugahgirl, you and your hair twin are gorgeous.
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If I can give up commercial conditioners, anything is possible.....believe me.

I am currently only using oil, a shampoo bar and natural butters. The cost of taking care of my hair has reduced dramatically...AND it looks and feels better. My next step is to learn how to make my own shampoo bars at home. Then I'll be set. It's a freeing feeling. There was a time when I sort of enjoyed being a conditioner junkie and trying all the new ones in the pretty bottles. But the reality is that I rarely found anything spectacular. There is one conditioner and one shampoo that I miss and may use from time to time. (That's out of the hundreds I've tried!) I also like the idea that my hair care methods now are better for the environment. Now, I have to reduce my water usage. There's only so far I can go with that one, it seems.
Of course we could, and in fact humans did for most of human history without their hair falling off. :lachen:Of course, though, you can't do with wholesome products everything you can do with synthetic products. There go the relaxers, for those of you relaxed or texlaxed. And the super duper holding products probably wouldn't be around, either. But what do you need, something to clean the hair, a moisturizer, that's it, really, and those things can be natural.

LOL! You're right, I've always wondered what they did back then....especially before the comb was invented.
I make and use all natural products. I have found that any thing that I have needed I have been able to find a comparable natural ingredient. I make my shampoo, hair gel, setting lotions, hair spray and deep conditioner. If I feel I have a need for something, I research using google, yahoo search and the library. My hair regimen has not changed at all other than I have gone all natural with my products. I don't feel that I am an extremist because I have chosen to use all natural products nor was I am extremist when I chose to relax my hair for many years. Just choices I made then and choices I make now. I also don't believe the vegan or vegetarian are extemist. Again choices someone has made regarding how they choose to live. The vegetarian who has decided that they do not wish to eat animals and the vegan taking it to the next level not only not wanting to eat animals but not wanting to eat any product from an animal. Still not an extremist just conscientious choices of how one chooses to live their life.

Tottzu, Do you sell your gels and sprays?
I se mostly natural products- but thats more because its what my hair likes better. I think that if I should decide to incorporate more cones into my regimen than I should have that option. Some natural products are not good for people. If you have plant allergies- I suggest that you be careful cause somethings we are not even aware we are allergic to can kill us.
I learned the hard way that chamomile and ragweed were in the same family!!!
Guess I'm saying- be true to what works for your hair. No matter what it is.
I think you could but I personally would never opt to do it entirely. I think "bad" ingredients are relative so:look: I think everything has its purpose in some shape or form. I don't believe in extremes in anything in my life ex. all meat diets, veganism, raw food only etc....... I think there is always a balance. I think extreme in any way left or right can cause more problems.
I agree 110% with everything u wrote
Tottzu, Do you sell your gels and sprays?

No, I don't sell. I just share with friends and family. However, I will be in Bmore near the end of the year and promised my cousins some gels and shampoos if you are near (I noticed you are in Md) I would be more than happy to share.
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No, I don't sell. I just share with friends and family. However, I will be in Bmore near the end of the year and promised my cousins some gels and shampoos if you are near (I noticed you are in Md) I would be more than happy to give you a jar.

Yayy!! That would be great! You can just PM me whenever you're going to be in the area this year. Again, Yay! That's so nice of you :spinning:
yep! i only use all natural products and my cupboard helps out with honey, monalases (sp?), olive oil, coconut oil, baking soda and acv! other than that i use organic dr. bronners soap and oyin handmade products. living naturally is easy and my hair has never looked so great!
I most definitely think it's possible to soley live off of all natural hair products, whether they be homemade or commercially bought. I prefer to make mine at home.

For me it's more economical, I feel a sense of freedom from not having to be tied down to a commercial product especially ones that contain questionable ingredients...and I just love mixing it up in the kitchen...

I did not think it was possible at first until I did research on the regimens of those that use all-natural commercial or homemade products...I realized that it was all about finding a ingredients that would act as cleansers, conditioning agents, moisturizers/softeners, and sealants....

Here is what I have been using lately:

Cleansing agent
warm water
ayurvedic herbs (shikakai, aritha, amla, etc)
baking soda (for clarifying)

Conditioning agent
herbal teas
Greek yogurt

herbal teas
vegetable glycerin

Moisture Sealant
castor oil

So I am trying to avoid using even the commercial all-natural products for economical reasons, however so far the only one I use now is my Trader Joe's Nourish Spa Conditioner as a base for my deep conditioning treatments....I have a few bottles to go through, but I plan to eliminate it from my routine in the future...Oh and I use MN cream for growth but I do not plan on keeping it my routine forever either

I think that being natural makes it easier to go this route, however I don't think it would be impossible for someone w/ a relaxer.