Do you think this will work?


Well-Known Member
Okay so for some reason lately, i've been realizing that one side of my hair is thinner than the other, (might have something to do with that horrible trim). From what i've read online it's completely natural and may have something to do with which side I sleep on so I've heard, not sure if i sleep on that side more or not.

Do you think if I do a
If I do a protein treatment every 2 months
rub castor oil on the thinner side/portion of my head every day
And take Biotion 1000mcg, Msm 1000 mcg and this Hair & Nails stuff I picked up at the vitamin section do you think it's possible that I can make that side thicker?

Sorry, i'm just now starting to understand all this hair stuff, though I have kept up very healthy hair practices for myself.
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I experienced this early in my HHJ. Well before I knew anything about vitamins and castor oil (both of which will likely help you). I started sleeping on the other side. I made sure I didn't fall asleep in the same positions cuase I knew I might flip during the night but at least I could start out on a different side:giggle:. Over a period of about 2 months things kinda evened out and I haven't had any more problems like that. I guess b/c I am just more aware. I also made sure not to wear the same styles too often and I try to sleep in braids or twists, etc with a satin bonnet or silk scarf. I think all of that has helped me.
Is it thinner on one side, uneven in length or both? I think what you're planning on doing looks fine.

I've had uneven-ness in the back where my right side was a bit shorter than my left. I ended up getting it all cut evenly and continued to just baby that side only a bit more than my whole head. Being aware (as Prudent1 has said) helped more than anything as it made me more gentle with that "weaker" side of my hair in the back.

I avoided too tight styles and unneeded tension, became way more gentler when detangling and manipulating, kept my hair moisturized and was more regular with my protein and deep conditioning treatments. Also, since i sleep wild, i cant really dictate which side i sleep on, but i do remember to always wear my bonnet and when wearing a scarf i tie it in the front so the knot doesn't rub on my hair. Also, i dont sleep in tight buns or wraps (i've read that some who wear wraps at night tend to develop uneven-ness depending on which way they wrap, unless they alternate the direction). I sleep with my hair braided, twisted or in a loose bun on top of my head. All of this has helped with my uneven hair.

as far as thinness, the biotin and oil should really help. Henna and cassia also works wonders for thickening up hair, along with other ayurvedic oils and powders. Some say MSM helps with thickness, and there are many other supplements that may help as well. HTH and hopefully someone else will add ideas for thickness. Good luck!
Oh there's no problem with length just the thickness, ive noticed it for a while that it has been like that.

What does HTH mean? Sorry not fully aware of the lingo.

And yeah i think i should probably get back into the habit of satin bonnetting and tying my head up at night or getting a satin pillow case or something.
My hair is the same, however I didn't notice it until I went natural. My problem was I wrapped my hair in same direction for 10 years. My hair is getting better, but I think it will take time and growth.
One side of my head has always been thinner than the other. It's just genetics. I can't do much about it except for take care of all my hair as best as possible.
I am constantly dealing with a 'weak side' that has thinner, shorter hair. The only way I've been able to balance it out is to apply topical growth aides to only that area, and regular trims. It gives just enough edge in growth rate to help my two sides catch up. But then I stop and the weak side thins out again. *sigh* consistency is not my strong suit. I really think my problem comes from external damage (styling and whatnot). Because over the years the problem has been on both sides. I just need to figure out what Im doing wrong.

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