do you think this is her hair?

I think this girl is crazy. Not even in denial because she know she is full of crap. I just ran across her videos. Even with her hair being straightened doesn't match what her hair should look like straightened. It goes from looking curly shiny to of a different dry texture straightened and then back to shiny again and it looks like obvious weave
We still talkin bout this chick??? TBH this is the first time when it looks like it might actually be her hair.

ETA: I see you say you just came across her videos, but there have been several threads about this girl. The consensus is, she's full of crap :lachen:
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We still talkin bout this chick??? TBH this is the first time when it looks like it might actually be her hair.

ETA: I see you say you just came across her videos, but there have been several threads about this girl. The consensus is, she's full of crap :lachen:

I was wondering was there a thread but couldn't find it and she is like 4 years old on You tube curlycrocheter
We still talkin bout this chick??? TBH this is the first time when it looks like it might actually be her hair.

ETA: I see you say you just came across her videos, but there have been several threads about this girl. The consensus is, she's full of crap :lachen:

It's sad people can look you dead in your face, well the camera lol and say I'm telling you the 100% truth
It looks like she is wearing clip ins in the back. The front is much shorter and thicker, with a few long strands in the back. Oan her skin is flawless
What was the purpose of the video? She "detangled" her hair than "scrunched" it back up…tangling it yet again…. ??
That was the craziest hair video I've ever seen.

It looked like her hair to me but she used nearly a full bottle of product on it that she didn't need, scrunched it all up then brushed it all straight again then slathered more stuff on it and threw it in a messy bun?! Basically, her hair looked like sh!t from beginning to end :lol:. It is BEAUTIFUL hair though, lovely auburn color and she is a gorgeous girl but that video was a pointless exercise.
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There's a forum that bashes Youtubers, can't remember the name, but they exposed this girl as a fake years ago. They showed proof that her eye color was brown (she pretended that her colored contacts were her real eye color for a long time), that she had her boyfriend win one of her giveaway contests (this same boyfriend actually said that she was a liar and that she wore extensions when they broke up- dude sounded crazy though), that she lied about her job title and so much more.

They were like the LHCF FBI and had photos, links to her family members Facebook pages, statements from people who went to school with was a mess!

She was also selling some product she made and people were saying she took their money and never sent them anything.
There's a forum that bashes Youtubers, can't remember the name, but they exposed this girl as a fake years ago. They showed proof that her eye color was brown (she pretended that her colored contacts were her real eye color for a long time), that she had her boyfriend win one of her giveaway contests (this same boyfriend actually said that she was a liar and that she wore extensions when they broke up- dude sounded crazy though), that she lied about her job title and so much more.

They were like the LHCF FBI and had photos, links to her family members Facebook pages, statements from people who went to school with was a mess!

She was also selling some product she made and people were saying she took their money and never sent them anything.

Oh wow!!!!!!
Lmao the front of her hair in the last video of her posted (where she is describing her background :rolleyes:) Looks damaged, stiff and dead. Now how does the front look like that, but the back is shiny and healthy as heck? :lol: lyin arse.
Ugh, not her again. I think everything about her has been debunked. Down to her eye-colour and what she does for a living.
There's a forum that bashes Youtubers, can't remember the name, but they exposed this girl as a fake years ago. They showed proof that her eye color was brown (she pretended that her colored contacts were her real eye color for a long time), that she had her boyfriend win one of her giveaway contests (this same boyfriend actually said that she was a liar and that she wore extensions when they broke up- dude sounded crazy though), that she lied about her job title and so much more. They were like the LHCF FBI and had photos, links to her family members Facebook pages, statements from people who went to school with was a mess! She was also selling some product she made and people were saying she took their money and never sent them anything.

I sho WISH someone could find that link to the website that bashes her
I did not know she was still doing videos. yeah, there is a long and very old history with this you tuber.
I liked her up until I discovered she was a fraud. Why lie? I suspected it wasn't her hair the way she raked through it with a rat tail comb IIRC. I would NEVER do that to my hair, without even having all the information I have about hair now. I find women with fake hair comb/brush through it very aggressively. She is a pretty woman and seems to have had a lot going for her.

OP, I didn't click on the link so I am not sure if anything I said could be refuted.
Lets see, she has long hair, pretty and obviously live very well, I wonder why everybody is jumping on her? The only fault I find with her is that she handles her hair too rough. Scrunching, brushing, tossing, back and forth. I wouldn't have any hair left on my head after all that. Anyway, I wish her well.
OMG...I couldn't even watch let alone listen to the entire video. All I can say is bless her heart!!! I mean really....she claims to have a product line...have ya'll seen said product line???

Yes. It was called Neeshee or something like that. People ordered and said they never received anything.
I liked her up until I discovered she was a fraud. Why lie? I suspected it wasn't her hair the way she raked through it with a rat tail comb IIRC. I would NEVER do that to my hair, without even having all the information I have about hair now. I find women with fake hair comb/brush through it very aggressively. She is a pretty woman and seems to have had a lot going for her.

OP, I didn't click on the link so I am not sure if anything I said could be refuted.

Yes. The way she was combing I was like Yeah right and she is so skittish about showing her back. She always editing when she shows it too