Do you think the word Christian carries baggage?


Well-Known Member
I do.

I am a believer but sometimes I think in the body of Christ and outside of it the word Christian carries perceptions and beliefs that have nothing to do with a relationship with our Savior.

Some people think if you're a Christian you shouldn't wear pants or makeup. You should act a certain way in church and so on and so on.

Many of these "beliefs" have no basis in truth but have been passed down from generation to generation as the right way to worship the Lord.

So do you think that people(saved or unsaved) have expectations for you because you're a Christian?
In ALOT of settings...being a Christian has actually lost its meaning...everybody and their momma profess to be "Christian" but there life is anything but Christ-like....the majority of African Americans will identify as Christian....but it doesnt mean that they have transformed their lives....

I think that when you say that you are Christian...and then proceed to have a "Christ-like" walk then people will raise their expectations or try to impose standards they "think" are supposed to come with that (what they heard or what they saw)...but saying "Im a Christian" ALONE....nope...the response is like "AND so I am and everybody else...Im real spiritual."

Just FYI....I am being general....I know there is a proliferation of beliefs and religions...I am speaking about my experience and social network...
ITA with brownsugarflyygirl

We must remember that from the beginning, the enemy has always tried God's people and has always planted seeds in the minds of those who are not of God and even those who are of Him, but have not been delivered with thoughts and ideals about God and being his people that are not true. Why you ask? B/c he is the father of lies. And b/c of these lies, you have a lot of people believing that "_____ (you fill in the blank with whatever thing you have heard) is what a Christian is or should be doing" But our responsibiliy as Christians is to be light. You see, no matter what people profess or claim, if you are truly living for Christ according to his Word, your light will shine, and those who are hungering and thristing for righteousness will be asking you how can I get filled.
alexstin said:
I do.

I am a believer but sometimes I think in the body of Christ and outside of it the word Christian carries perceptions and beliefs that have nothing to do with a relationship with our Savior.

Some people think if you're a Christian you shouldn't wear pants or makeup. You should act a certain way in church and so on and so on.

Many of these "beliefs" have no basis in truth but have been passed down from generation to generation as the right way to worship the Lord.

So do you think that people(saved or unsaved) have expectations for you because you're a Christian?

I have been through many 'expectations' - high, low and in between. But you know what? No matter what we do there will always be a disparagement from someone who simply does not want to give honor to our faith in Jesus. They look for any and every reason to count it null and ineffective. Most times to justify their choice for not following Him.

In the following manners of judgements we receive:


When it comes to our lives, it not what we wear but how we wear it. Are we modest or immoral in our dressing. Wearing pants is not a sin, as they are actually quite functional and even necessary for many activities. For me personally, I'd prefer to wear pants before I climb a ladder, climb into a truck or sit upon a high stool...not a dress or a slim skirt.

As for wearing pants in church, it's not a sin. In many ways, it's more attractive than many of the dresses and skirts I've seen. Only because it's Church, I just prefer to wear my best. Sometimes, I have a conviction that I dress better for work or 'play' than when I go to worship God. It's like, am I giving God my very best today? But that's just me. I cannot judge someone else for what they wear.

Jewelry is not a sin. But it can be taken to an extreme. Mutiple chains, bracelets (not a sin), but a little too much at times.

There are those who live outside of marriage as though they are and yet go to Church without conviction. Only God can judge them. For there are things that I do which appear un-Christ like. While I know my intent, others don't. So, it's up to me personally to correct it.

Anyway, there's much to what both you and Brownsugarflygirl are saying and it's giving me 'food for thought' for each day, I have to be aware of my living testimony for Jesus.

But you know what? It's not just us as Christians. And as no offense to anyone else's faith, you will notice the same issues.

Not all Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, etc., live the faith they profess 'accordingly'. It's like that in ALL walks of life and for many, many reasons.

I can see your heart; you love that you love Jesus and you do not wish to compromise what it means to you, to be a Christian. You have the heart to please God. ;)

Thank you for making this thread... ;)
I don't think it carries baggage but it does bring about realistic and unrealistic expectations.

No one can tell someone else what is the total package as far as Christianity because no one is a perfect Christian. We all sin and are fighting it daily.

It like climbing a ladder/stairs and their are levels. We all don't reach those levels at the same time and for some the climb takes longer. Some folk are kickin the devil with the left foot while still using the right foot to try to get higher. :)
firecracker said:
I don't think it carries baggage but it does bring about realistic and unrealistic expectations.

No one can tell someone else what is the total package as far as Christianity because no one is a perfect Christian. We all sin and are fighting it daily.

It like climbing a ladder/stairs and their are levels. We all don't reach those levels at the same time and for some the climb takes longer. Some folk are kickin the devil with the left foot while still using the right foot to try to get higher. :)

Truth...Truth...Truth... :yay:

It's like climbing a tree with no limbs or branches sometimes. But thank God for being the 'Vine' to which we cling.