Do you think natural hair care products is all hype?


Well-Known Member
I personally did not take good care of my hair before I discovered this forum, and that is when I learned about all the natural products. My hair feels pretty decent when I do take care of it. Not great ( I think I need to add protein now so ill see how that goes) but decent. Before I would wash my hair with like do grow shampoos, use cholesterol to deep condition with, and use some type of do grow grease. I hated my hair in those days and it never truly felt good. To be honest my hair felt the best when I was a kid/teenager, and my mom was taking care of it most of that time, later I was. In those days, she/I did not use all natural products.

Now I use pretty much all natural products. I let myself slip a little as far as taking care of if over the last year as I was in the Southern Hemisphere and they had basically nothing for black/curly hair types. Anyways my hair I healthier, but I am wondering if its just the methods I use of combing, washing etc and not the products.

I see a lot of ladies with beautiful hair on this website and in general and a lot of them do not use all natural hair products. Is it all hype? What's your experience/opinion?

Thanks ladies :)
I don't think natural products are all hype but I also don't think everyone needs to use all natural products. Like anything else some natural products are junk. Some natural products aren't even natural.

I think it makes sense to use natural products if you are concerned for whatever reason with the ingredients that are coming in contact with your body.

If you can get great results with non-natural products and you are OK with the ingredients in products, I say go for it. Keep it simple.

My body tends to be quite sensitive to different things and my hair doesn't like some of the more popular ingredients in non-natural products. Some things I just don't like the idea of it. So I don't use it.

My relaxed hair was OK with synthetic products. My natural hair doesn't do well with synthetic.
I think there is a difference when you use quality products vs lower end beauty supply products. I can't say whether or not all natural products inherently offer better results.
I had been using Carol's Daughter for a few years before becoming a natural head. I am using natural products in most aspects of my life except makeup (I am getting there). It is about knowing and understanding what I am putting on my body/organs. Plus they work so well for me.
Ogoma I guess I guess I am like you. I am all organic with food, use natural body products etc so that is why the natural hair products appeal to me.
I use natural products because my hair likes them. They make my hair soft and supple. I wouldn't say I'll never use unnatural products. I do use some unnatural things now but I find my natural hair likes all natural everything and my relaxed hair doesn't mind some unnatural products.
For women using natural body and hair products, what criteria do you hold the products to? In other words, what do you constitute as natural?

Do you stick to all natural products in other areas of your life? Using simple cleaning products like vinegar, borax, baking powder, lemon juice etc?
I don't think it's all hype:

My hair loves natural products better. Quite frankly....I prefer to buy from people who make natural products than a big name brand company who use 2 cent worth ingredients who products do nothing for my hair or my people.

I believe every relaxer system (except 1) are white corporate owned. They don't want our natural hair... (Uhh I do relax my hair) but it's the principal. Lol
For women using natural body and hair products, what criteria do you hold the products to? In other words, what do you constitute as natural?

Do you stick to all natural products in other areas of your life? Using simple cleaning products like vinegar, borax, baking powder, lemon juice etc?

I don't always. I have used vinegar to clean because it's cheap...not necessarily because it's natural. It being natural is a plus. The main reason I use natural hair products is because my hair is my priority right now. The main things I don't want in my hair products are petrolatum, sulfates, mineral oil, lanolin, and most cones. Most BSS products contain these. When I can, I like to use natural soaps like Dr. Bronner's etc.
For women using natural body and hair products, what criteria do you hold the products to? In other words, what do you constitute as natural?

Do you stick to all natural products in other areas of your life? Using simple cleaning products like vinegar, borax, baking powder, lemon juice etc?

I like to use products that use ingredients that I know what they are and could probably get myself: butters, oils, water, essential oils, extracts, herbs, etc. I could probably make them myself even though I don't.

When I pick up a product I first look for the things I don't want in the product before I look to see what else is in it. I look for cones (just doesn't work for my hair). I look for parabens, mineral oil, petroleum, carbomer. If it has any of those I don't look any further. After that I look to see what it has.

I am shifting to more natural products in other areas of my life but I have not replaced all of my products. I may do so in the future but I like to phase things in slowly vs. going cold turkey.
I like to use products that use ingredients that I know what they are and could probably get myself: butters, oils, water, essential oils, extracts, herbs, etc. I could probably make them myself even though I don't.

When I pick up a product I first look for the things I don't want in the product before I look to see what else is in it. I look for cones (just doesn't work for my hair). I look for parabens, mineral oil, petroleum, carbomer. If it has any of those I don't look any further. After that I look to see what it has.

I am shifting to more natural products in other areas of my life but I have not replaced all of my products. I may do so in the future but I like to phase things in slowly vs. going cold turkey.

This pretty much right here.
Relaxed Head using predominately Natural/Handmade Products.

I don't think it's all Hype.

I enjoy using Products with Ingredients I can actually Pronounce and know what they are.

And can see the results of Natural/Handmades.

Even though I relax, I still like limiting the overall use of Cones, Parabens, Sulfates, Glycols and other stuff like that.

And using Natural/Handmades allow me to do that.
I dont think it's all hype either. I have noticed a difference based on the products I use. But that just means my hair likes a certain type of product/ingredient. I hvent had much luck with regla ol' BSS stuff. I wish tho. Then I could get all my stuff on the ground, whenever I wanted, no shipping, no consistency issues
I'm not going to say that they are all hype, but they are not necessary. my natural hair prefers very basic products, I can get by with George's aloe Vera juice as a daily moisturizer and jbco to seal. My cleansing and conditioning process combines professional products with natural oils and powders.
I think it's all about methods, less about products. Products are a preference. I have used all natural on my hair since my journey, and I've used cones. In fact, my hair felt much better and retained more moisture with cones, even some mineral oil and petroleum.

So for me, I've started using whatever works. Some natural, some not so natural. As long as you have a consistent routine and your hair is thriving, I don't think it's hype. We all have to go sometime and unless you are growing it, farming it, and constructing it yourself, you will never really truly know what's in it.
For women using natural body and hair products, what criteria do you hold the products to? In other words, what do you constitute as natural?

Do you stick to all natural products in other areas of your life? Using simple cleaning products like vinegar, borax, baking powder, lemon juice etc?

I am transitioning all things as my pantry empties out and will be making my own detergent next.
My hair has flourished since I changed to handmade products. However, I also had learned how to take better care if my hair too.
For me it was mostly hype. I can get away with few natural shampoos but every natural dc that I've ever tried wasn't sufficient enough for my hair or it dried out my hair. I stick to salon quality deep conditioners w/ cones bc that's what works for me.
I don't think its hype, more like preference. I prefer to use salon shampoos and heat protectants, but handmade black owned everything else when possible. This is what works for me and I can't force my hair or my pockets to like something it doesn't like.

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Nowadays, I think it is because of the whole "movement". That's why I don't only buy "natural" products. I buy whatever works for my hair.
No it isn't hype for me and my hair.

I can't see any mentions on my IPhone. PM me if it is a must see. Allons y
No hype here. To this day, my hair hates most o-t-c stuff. It just sits on my hair and smells. The natural products soften and moisturize my hair like nothing ever in the history of my hair care.
I think the ability to retain length is 90% hair practices/10% products.

I honestly believe that somebody who protective styles/protects their ends could use 99 cent shampoo and conditioner with all the junk that's in them and have long hair. Where they might catch a problem is balancing moisture/protein or just not liking the feel of their hair but I think they would achieve their length goals.
Natural products and oils are the only things that work on my hair. Before I tried them, my hair never thrived. Cheap products don't even penetrate my hair. They leave it hard, dry and broken.
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It is hype - but it is useful hype.

Most bss mnoisturizers are laughable on natural hair. "Natural remedies" such as coconut oil and shea butter have been shown through scientific study to have superior qualites to what we often fnd on shelves at the bss- petroleum, lanolin, and mineral oil.

Avocado oil penetrates hair - the amount of it available in most commercial brands is negligible.

Coconut oil penetrates hair, protects against protein loss, replenishes the lipid barrier, and prevents hygral fatigue in hair - again in order to reap these benefits you are better off buying straight coconut oil and leaving it in your hair overnight before a cleanse to reap the full benefits.

Olive oil also penetrates the hair and shea butter is superior to petroleum when it comes to transepidermal water loss in the skin.

Natural ingredients especially when used to retain moisture have gained legitimacy in the scientific community and in many ways can be superior to refined ingredients.

The issue comes in when we are looking at coating and restructuring agents. Retaining moisture is one side of the coin when it comes to hair care it keeps hair pliable. However when you want strength, an easy combing session, and heat protection; that is where hydrolyzed proteins and silicone come in. That is where high end silicone conditioners come in.

That is where the labs and white coats unfortunately make their appearance; and when I want results in this area (strength and protection rather than moisture) I turn to high end salon brand conditioners.

You can never really get away with cheap unless you want very specific and very easily rendered results like 'slip' (such as in aussie moist) or you are purchasing basic natural ingredients for moisture retention (such as shea butter or coconut oil).
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All I know is that despite my best efforts cones make my hair look like hot garbage. The only way to regain dignity after using them is to chelate my hair. When I compare my hair with cones to without in pictures it's night and day. My hair with comes is much less defined and frizzy and hardish.