Do you think HEALTHY hair makes your face look CLEARER?


New Member
Similar to freshly arched eyebrows. I was in the mirror looking at my face and then hair...and thought Wow! my face looks like it's glowing. My hair looked so thick and healthy and shiny that it complimented my face.:)
I've felt the same...but then if your hair is being helped by vitamins, your skin is sure to benefit from them as well.
My skin loves MSM and flaxseed oil and the fact that ever since i started MSM , I've been drinking no less that 3 litres of water each day ( Too afraid of getting bumps on my face to drink less):lol:
blueabyss333 said:
Similar to freshly arched eyebrows. I was in the mirror looking at my face and then hair...and thought Wow! my face looks like it's glowing. My hair looked so thick and healthy and shiny that it complimented my face.:)

I definitely agree with this, If my hair is a mess, then it doesn't matter how clear my skin is or how perfect my eyebrows are, it just doesn't look right to me. Whenever I get a compliment that my face looks like it's glowing, it's due to a fresh relaxer + freshly arched eyebrows+ clear skin (thanks to black soap)
my face is riddled with acne no matter how healthy/cute my hair is or how perfect my eyebrows are.
Whimsy said:
my face is riddled with acne no matter how healthy/cute my hair is or how perfect my eyebrows are.
You would never think that looking at your ppics! You're beautiful! What works for me is I added MSM to my St Ives Fash Wash (blemish Control, not the scrub) and my moisturizer and it works very well.:)
Whimsy said:
my face is riddled with acne no matter how healthy/cute my hair is or how perfect my eyebrows are.

What are you talking about? ...I don't see ONE PIMPLE anywhere in those pics!!!... I've found that the more I wash my hair, the less acne I get. I used to go three weeks without washing, and no matter how many vitamins I took or how many times a day I washed my face, there would still be a pimple peeking at me when I looked in the mirror. Now that I've been washing my hair weekly, I hardly ever get acne.
I think it does help. I remember comming out of the hair dresser and my face would look sooo much better because my hair had a nice shine/sheen.
definitely. ever since i started washing and conditioning my hair twice weekly, my skin has been so clear and flawless. i also live a healty lifestyle, but as soon as i started washing my hair more often, my face stopped looking like an oily pizza :D
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I think it may appear that way because beautiful hair enhances your overall appearance.

I think even if you are dressed bummy, a beautiful head of hair can deflect from what you're wearing.
My skin looks better when my hair is clean.. if my skin is looking a little dull, it's time to wash the hair.
I don't think so. Healthy hair may divert the attention away from the face for a while, but if it's blotchy, uneven, or acne-ridden, the hair won't help.
Synthia said:
I always look best with freshly done hair --- and right after a relaxer -- OMG. I love myself! :p

yea i certainly agree with this. i have all these edges and my sideburns seem more out of control and my eyebrows suddenly look bushier and everything. but then when i get a touchup, my face looks smoother or something.
My mother brought this to my attention when I was a little girl. She always said my face glowed right after she washed my hair. Through the years I hadn't noticed it so much until I went natural and started washing my hair more often.
See, I knew it wasn't just me. One thing that we know is that having healthy hair relates to general health overall and it shows in our face.:)
I don't know if it's healthy hair but I know my skin radiates when I get a touchup or redo my braids.
Well, I think an even, clear, blemish free complexion stands on its own, regardless of the condition of hair. Sure, it helps to have clean, well-groomed hair, but if the skin is full of acne, spots, breakouts, etc. a nice hair style will not change that. Folks with flawless complexion looks good no matter how messed hair gets cuz the skin glows no matter what.

This is just my humble opinion . . .

I think if doing things for hair (vitamins, drinking more water, etc.) skin will naturally benefit too cuz the stuff that's good for hair is also good for skin.