Do You Think A Person Can Change Their Character?


New Member
I'm currently reading Why Men Love *****es (great book by the way) and it states:

"Always look at what you are dealing with; what you see is what you get. His character won't change. His career might change, his clothing might change, his priorities might change, his residence might change. But his character will stay the same."

A part of me believes this is true, especially in reference to Mya Angelou's quote, "The first time someone shows who you they are, believe them". But the idealistic part of me wants to believe that a person can change if they truly want to. What do you guys think?
I think it's true. I do think that some people can put on a good disguise for a while, but their true nature will come out soon enough. What people get caught up in is thinking the "new negative" is the change and they stick around waiting for the other person to change back. That's why you have to believe and then leave when they show you something you don't like.
It is possible for anyone to change. The question is do they think they need to change? If they do, will they change? I'd say it's a less than (Lucie statistics) 10% chance a person will change.
B_Phlyy said:
I think it's true. I do think that some people can put on a good disguise for a while, but their true nature will come out soon enough. What people get caught up in is thinking the "new negative" is the change and they stick around waiting for the other person to change back. That's why you have to believe and then leave when they show you something you don't like.

I agree, the new negative is the real them....
I'm currently reading Why Men Love *****es (great book by the way) and it states:

"Always look at what you are dealing with; what you see is what you get. His character won't change. His career might change, his clothing might change, his priorities might change, his residence might change. But his character will stay the same."

A part of me believes this is true, especially in reference to Mya Angelou's quote, "The first time someone shows who you they are, believe them". But the idealistic part of me wants to believe that a person can change if they truly want to. What do you guys think?

Don't believe the hype. Someone changing their character is very rare.
I've seen people repent, change and grow many, many times. Usually it requires them hitting rock bottom in whatever manner applies to their particular character flaw, and then leaving behind all the people who could remind him of how he used to be. So, while I believe a man can change his character, I wouldn't hang around waiting to see it happen.
Oh, some people change (not just talking about men here). My character has changed over the years lol.

However, I am NOT the one to practice this attempted change on.

For example: If a guy used to be a douche in his late teens, but every SO or wife since then has purely good to say about him, then OK I'd possibly think about it. If he was just a douche up till last week and wanted me to be the practice person, forget that lol:look:
I've seen people repent, change and grow many, many times. Usually it requires them hitting rock bottom in whatever manner applies to their particular character flaw, and then leaving behind all the people who could remind him of how he used to be. So, while I believe a man can change his character, I wouldn't hang around waiting to see it happen.

Oh, some people change (not just talking about men here). My character has changed over the years lol.

However, I am NOT the one to practice this attempted change on.

For example: If a guy used to be a douche in his late teens, but every SO or wife since then has purely good to say about him, then OK I'd possibly think about it. If he was just a douche up till last week and wanted me to be the practice person, forget that lol:look:

Duly noted. Thank you.
"The first time someone shows who you they are, believe them". But the idealistic part of me wants to believe that a person can change if they truly want to. What do you guys think?
True, coming from an old cynic. Here's my analogy:

People might think they've changed, but all they've done is moved the books around the shelf.

In other words, unless a person gets NEW books (new personality, new character traits that they were BORN with), it's still the same damn books on the shelf. They've just rearranged them and fooled both you and themselves that theyve changed. May take a minute, but you realize--dang! SSDD!

Getting new books is very rare. Generally only happens with massive catastrophic life events.
I think people can change but when they do, they do it for themselves, they don't do it for others. A person who wants more for themselves will make the change. I agree with others though that it is not worth waiting around for. Even if the desire to change is sincere it can take years to undo. And a person who is really making a change is not talking about it, they are just doing it.

A person put on the spot to change, won't change because they are falsely motivated.
I think people can change but when they do, they do it for themselves, they don't do it for others. A person who wants more for themselves will make the change. I agree with others though that it is not worth waiting around for. Even if the desire to change is sincere it can take years to undo. And a person who is really making a change is not talking about it, they are just doing it.

A person put on the spot to change, won't change because they are falsely motivated.

I wholeheartedly agree with your whole post. Thanks, I needed to hear that.
This is interesting. for the people who feel that people don't change have you not grown any in the last 5-10 years?

I do think people change. Yes, we all have a personality, and I think that is set, but people are capable and do shed their bad habits over time (and sometimes go backwards and shed the good ones too).

Now if we are talking along the lines of the Maya Angelou quote, the one about believing who people show themselves as, then absolutely! We are all actors. I'm definitely not always "prim and proper" at home.

So to the OP: My answer in light of the book is that I do agree that his character won't change. If you are in the dating world, it is quite unnatural to wait around 3 years to figure out if an a-hole is going to change.
I do think that people can change their character and like Pat Muhurr said, a rock bottom is usually involved.

But I also believe that there are deep down good people that do bad things, just like there are deep down bad people that do good things as a show.

The old "hurt people, hurt people" applies and I think as people mature they can/will change back to who they really are whether it's good or bad.
I've seen people repent, change and grow many, many times. Usually it requires them hitting rock bottom in whatever manner applies to their particular character flaw, and then leaving behind all the people who could remind him of how he used to be. So, while I believe a man can change his character, I wouldn't hang around waiting to see it happen.

Agreed... for people period, I think it's very hard to change your character and by character I mean more than personality flaws. I mean your moral compass, ethics, value system, kind heartedness, meanness, selfishness, all of the real issues they deal with. I find that people who do change, which it's been rare to see if they do so, it's b/c they've been through something pretty bad. Most people aren't really self reflective enough to really see the cause of such a trait and therefore strive to change it. It can be an incredibly difficult feat. When they do think they've changed, things just look a little better and it may not be as bad as before but that seed is still there just waiting to come out and you push them hard enough and it will strike :yep:

True, coming from an old cynic. Here's my analogy:

People might think they've changed, but all they've done is moved the books around the shelf.

In other words, unless a person gets NEW books (new personality, new character traits that they were BORN with), it's still the same damn books on the shelf. They've just rearranged them and fooled both you and themselves that theyve changed. May take a minute, but you realize--dang! SSDD!

Getting new books is very rare. Generally only happens with massive catastrophic life events.
Agreed.. and this is a great analogy.
This is interesting. for the people who feel that people don't change have you not grown any in the last 5-10 years?

I do think people change. Yes, we all have a personality, and I think that is set, but people are capable and do shed their bad habits over time (and sometimes go backwards and shed the good ones too).

Now if we are talking along the lines of the Maya Angelou quote, the one about believing who people show themselves as, then absolutely! We are all actors. I'm definitely not always "prim and proper" at home.

So to the OP: My answer in light of the book is that I do agree that his character won't change. If you are in the dating world, it is quite unnatural to wait around 3 years to figure out if an a-hole is going to change.

To answer your question, YES of course I've changed within the last 5 -10 years, however --- my morals and character has remained pretty steady and it's not something I try to do, it just is. However, other things have changed about me, but the root of who I am has remained pretty constant and I feel that way about a lot of people. Ex, a friend I met freshman year of college - off bat, she was very very kindhearted, simple, not a jealous person at all, very naive, just a good hearted person. Well, I met up with her this summer and she is still the same gentle soul. Of course, she may not carry on w/ the same antics as she did when she was 20 b/c she's older and more mature but the crux of who she is has remained the same. She said the same about me, that I've def matured since college but I'm still the same Brittny, she just shook her head and laughed.

Likewise, I have a friend that I was very close to for years and it took some time for me to really realize her main character flaws and when the veil was lifted from my eyes, I stopped talking to her b/c I felt our whole friendship was a joke, the joke being on me. Well, I'm still in contact w/ this person and have even been around her several times.. and each time I still see that competitive, like to 'harmlessly' throw shade, self centered, it's alll about me me me attitude. I feel like that is just who she is and until she really sits down, self examines herself and figures out why she feels the need to behave like that she will continue... and she does. She may be a slight less of a jerk but she's still a jerk nonetheless.

Bad habits are much easier to change and proactively try and work on than trying to change your character. I have an ex who had a terrible character. I left him and he used to tell me soooo much how much she's changed and that even his mom noticed. He'd call me crying just apologizing for what a jerk he was. I'd start to hang around and he def had softened up a lot, matured and changed for the better... but push his buttons and the old him would come out or even if you didn't push his buttons, he just became slightl lesser version of the a$$hole he use to be. Instead of being a big a$$hole, he's a smaller one... but an a$$hole nonetheless.
ia w/ everything that has been said.

and i like to look at it long term. i assume what i'm getting now is what i will get weeks, months, and years from now. and in all of my relationships, how i feel about that will determine how i want that person in my life.
My mom always told me people change... but not for the better. They get worse. IME it's true. So when I see someone's true colors, I know what to expect and to step away if need be because they will not get better.
Lots of people change as they go through life...for better or worse. Some people become more of who they already are while other people turn on a dime and decide to doing things entirely differently. Again for better or worse.

Regardless, you have to choose a partner you can love and respect for who they are right now. And trust that as you grow together over the years you can both accept the people you will become.
I think the advice in the book is good for its readers. For relationships, women need to go into them thinking a man won't change. Too often women hold on to the thought of a changed man instead of the reality of who he is. :ohwell:

Outside of a relationship, I believe a person can change. I did. Everything about me and my very core values about life have changed over the last two years. So I know if I can completely change, so can a man. But I wouldn't go into a relationship with that mindset.
What type of "changes" are we talking about? I was thinking more values which don't change IMO. For example would you date someone who used to sell drugs 10-20 years + from the time you dated them? Or who stole money, who was a pimp/Madame etc...I'm thinking of our famous couple on LHCF ;)
No a person can not change their character. Character is a big deal to me it is the heart and soul of a person and it will determine how they treat you. A mean person is a mean person. A nice person is a nice person....and so on. A drug addict, bum, loser or whatever can be a very good person but just has a very bad habit . Then you have the NBA baller who is $$$$$ and is a jerk! Character is not so much what you do but who you are no matter what.
I think people can change but when they do, they do it for themselves, they don't do it for others. A person who wants more for themselves will make the change. I agree with others though that it is not worth waiting around for. Even if the desire to change is sincere it can take years to undo. And a person who is really making a change is not talking about it, they are just doing it.

A person put on the spot to change, won't change because they are falsely motivated.

I agree with every word of this post!

I think the advice in the book is good for its readers. For relationships, women need to go into them thinking a man won't change. Too often women hold on to the thought of a changed man instead of the reality of who he is. :ohwell:

Outside of a relationship, I believe a person can change. I did. Everything about me and my very core values about life have changed over the last two years. So I know if I can completely change, so can a man. But I wouldn't go into a relationship with that mindset.
This! As many other posters said before, when someone shows you who they are, believe them!

I've changed (for the better) significantly in the last 6-8 years. I still have some of my old friends, but I also had to make some new friends because sometimes the people I knew before couldn't (or wouldn't) accept the changed me and sometimes I couldn't repair relationships I damaged.