Do You Talk to Your SO About This Site?


Dancin' on sunshine!

I was talking to my husband today about this site (yet again) and he said, "If I didn't know any better, I would think you created it!" I was :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: my butt off!

Anyway, after catching my breath, I thought it was cool that I could share all your tips without any judgement or any WTF looks. He loves the progress and it makes it easy to stay on track with the eternal bun :D

After all of this said, does your SO make it easy/difficult to reach your hair goals?

Everyone knows I frequent "hair boards." I'll say "the girls on the hair boards said this..."

I don't really tell my friends and family to look at the sites, though, cause I might say something I wasn't ready for them to know! :D

The guy I'm dating has known me for a long time, so he's always very supportive of whatever I want to do. He's been encouraging me to do the BC, even though he's only known me with longish hair. He thinks I'll look fab with shorter, natural hair, and he's the one who told me I looked beautiful with my braidout. :blush:

I make my own hair decisions with or without feedback from other folks, but sho' is nice when someone special's feelin' your hair. :grin:
I talk to my hubby about it all the time. At first, he thought I was crazy, but he's getting more and more supportive. He's even starting to use my products, but he still makes fun of me for having a fotki...and occasionally wants to strangle me because of my PJ'ism. He keeps asking to see the boards, but I won't let him. He's another one that doesn't believe black women can really have waitst length hair if they don't have "indian in their family". :lol:
I make my own hair decisions with or without feedback from other folks, but sho' is nice when someone special's feelin' your hair. :grin:[/quote]

It sure is nice to get support :)
My sweetheart knows ALL about this hair site. He always says, "Girl look at you on that site again." :lol: We laugh about it but we BOTH have learned so much from this site we could write a book. :yep:
msbrown76 said:
I talk to my hubby about it all the time. At first, he thought I was crazy, but he's getting more and more supportive. He's even starting to use my products, but he still makes fun of me for having a fotki...and occasionally wants to strangle me because of my PJ'ism. He keeps asking to see the boards, but I won't let him. He's another one that doesn't believe black women can really have waitst length hair if they don't have "indian in their family". :lol:

You should let him see it, that way you can put that Indian myth to bed. My husband hates the fact I have his picture in my Fotki, only because he hates the picture I have up of him. But, he can do whatever he wants if he gets his own :D
He knows.....whenever I mention getting some hair products...he'll ask "Where did you get this idea from.....your hair board?":lol:
baglady215 said:
Oooo, that's a no no around here. :lol: My SO and son get the stuff that I don't like, but they know DO NOT TOUCH MY ______!

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
My husband is very supportive of my hair goals. Though he does have to crack the occasional man-joke. Yes, and he thinks all of you all are imaginary and I'm on here talking to myself:lol:

Then he asked me what type of pay and health benefits this "new job" has. I was like what? He was like, you're putting in hours and checking messages like you are on the clock or something . . . and you are always saying how you need to "catch up" on what you missed:lachen:

Bless his heart.:lol:
My husband is in a bubble :lol:
He was with me while I was on the boards the other night and was like.. what the hell is that?
So I said my boards.. he just sighed and went into the other room.
HE calls the computer my bf 'Puter. So anything to do wtih online time is a no no :lol:

For the most part, he is a great listener, but I hate having to explain to him about the board each time. So I dont really tell him much.
I have one other friend who I talk to about the board all the time. But I like having this to myself.
Then he asked me what type of pay and health benefits this "new job" has. I was like what? He was like, you're putting in hours and checking messages like you are on the clock or something . . . and you are always saying how you need to "catch up" on what you missed:lachen:

Bless his heart.:lol:[/quote]

That joke must have been circulated to all the men, my husband asked me the same thing! Looking at your pics, I know he sees the progress :)
**That joke must have been circulated to all the men, my husband asked me the same thing! **

Girl these men must have a mental p.m. system of their own going on or something.:lachen: They all got the pm:lol:
My FH knows that I frequent hair boards too, in fact he is the ONLY one who knows I don't tell anybody else :sekret: at first he thought I was :nuts: and obsessive he still thinks that I am but he is loving and can't argue with the results my hair is giving. I refer to ya'll as the girls from "the forum" :grin: and he KNOWS exactly what I am talking about. But when he sees girls with busted hair he itches to tell them about my little secret and I am like don't be putting my business out on the street :fishslap:
aquarian1252004 said:
My FH knows that I frequent hair boards too, in fact he is the ONLY one who knows I don't tell anybody else :sekret: at first he thought I was :nuts: and obsessive he still thinks that I am but he is loving and can't argue with the results my hair is giving. I refer to ya'll as the girls from "the forum" :grin: and he KNOWS exactly what I am talking about. But when he sees girls with busted hair he itches to tell them about my little secret and I am like don't be putting my business out on the street :fishslap:

I love that last smiley face you have. When my husband found out about the no-poo method when I was natural, boy oh boy, he thought I was deranged!! But, over the course of time, it became normal to him.
Yep, I also refer to ya'll as the "the forum." After seeing my progress he's even started taking better care of his hair. Go figure. :look:
My bf is the only one that knows about the "message board"(<--he understands that term).

There was a time when I was reading a members update a while back and she had announced that she was going to trim her hair, and everyone on the board was so shocked that she cut it (because it didn't need to be). I told my bf and he could not comprehend why this was sooo amusing to me. He thinks it's really boring, but then again he is benefiting from some of the hair care tips :lol:

also he was one to believe that we can not grow our hair out... I was furious when he told me so I had to whip out the wanakee web-site and show some other examples of ladies that have dispelled the myth. Believe it or not he said "oh, thats a weave" :eek: !!!! . But now that I'm growing mines, I think he's starting to believe it, or think it now may be a "genetics thing". humph!!
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First what is a FH...cause I don't know. I don't have a SO but the guys I date frequently ask "why do you always wear your hair up" and I begin to explain that "from the ladies on the my hair website I have learned to..." and I will make comments about how I learned this or how I'm going to purchase this product or try this style.
Absolutely! When I first joined this site,I would discuss my hair woes to my then boyfriend about hair boards. He would encourage me, and buy my products for me.:grin:
planodiva said:
First what is a FH...cause I don't know. I don't have a SO but the guys I date frequently ask "why do you always wear your hair up" and I begin to explain that "from the ladies on the my hair website I have learned to..." and I will make comments about how I learned this or how I'm going to purchase this product or try this style.

FH stands for "Future Husband." Or it could be F$#!ing husband, depending on my mood, :lol:
My husband's very supportive. He can see the progress for himself, and I have amde sure to show him yall's pictures, because he told me all his employees where wigs or weave. He USED to think bw couldn't have long hair, but he sees differently now.

He also teases me about my fotki, especially if I ask him to take pics of my hair.
He thinks I do it just to look at myself, but I tried to explain to him that I like documenting my journey. Men!;)
No.. I do sometimes mention "on a hair forum..." though ;)

My boyfriend likes most things I do with my hair, which is great :)
He likes it straight, curly, and sometimes even when I think it looks horrendous!
My hubby is very supportive. He especially encouraged me to stay natural. He told me when I put chemicals in my hair, something bad happens.:D He knows about my obsession w/ the site. When the site was down, he kept patting me on my head and say they'll fix your site. don't worry.:lol:
DDtexlaxd said:
.... When the site was down, he kept patting me on my head and say they'll fix your site. don't worry.:lol:
:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

I talk about this site frequently, but not the hair board. Mostly I'm laughing my head off from reading the Entertainment or Off Topic boards.