Do you Still Use A Blow Dryer?

Caramela said:
I blowdry my hair 2x per week. Actually I think it's helped with my hair growth and keeping breakage at bay. I'll explain. When I used to airdry I had much more breakage and problems with tangling. It seemed like the underside of my hair was getting a lot of splits. I started blowing my hair dry again, using a comb attachment but it's an IONIC blowdrier which makes all the difference in the world. I don't blowdry on hot heat or for an extended period of time. I only dry on the cool setting or the warm setting and LORD knows this thick mess isn't thinning out AT ALL :lol: My ends are in much better condition and my hair overall has 99% less tangles and breakage. I think blowdrying can be used responsibly and not be damaging to your hair.
Oh, BTW, my hair is 2.5 inches from waist. So it hasn't stunted my growth in the least.
:) I used to blow dry my hair once a week with an Ion Dryer also. My Ion dryer did seem to hold in moisture. However when it broke, I used an old dryer (without the ion) and my hair seemed to have lost length and quality. I used to blow dry so that my ends can be trimmed evenly.
Now, I know what you mean though because I'm a natural and I get a lot of tangles as my hair air dries. I refuse now to b/d because I'm going to be relaxing anyway in the very near future. It's good to know that I was using the right dryer though just in case. :grin:
Blowdrying my hair once a week led me to find this board. My medium weight hair was thinning and I was afraid I would go bald! I think some of that thinning due to my advancing years. :) But since coming to this board in August 2005, I have only BD'd my hair 5 times, and 4 of those times hairdressers did it for me. Airdrying has saved my hair and allowed me to retain more length than I've had in years. My hair is still finer than it was when I was younger but it's a lot better than it was last August.
I keep changing up things. Sometimes I'll be on the blowdrying once or twice a week kick, then I'll go back to condition washing daily & airdrying. I don't know, I still love blowdrying far more better than airdrying. My hair just looks SOOOOO much better and behaves better when blowdried. I don't think that I could ever give up blowdrying though.
I blow dry my hair every three weeks, which is when I wash my hair. I've tried the air drying method, but my hair gets so tangled up that I can't untangle it, and I end up losing more hair than if I were to blow dry it.

I don't think it has effected my hair growth, and I truly do believe that I am keeping more hair from coming out.
I usually blow-dry my hair once a week, when I wash my hair. I airdry about 80% and then blow-dry on low flow with warm temp. I never use the comb attachment, I use an old denman brush. I normally dont add anything onto my hair other than my leave-in and oil, after that if my hair is smooth enuff from blowdrying I use the caruso rollers or flat-iron my hair.
sassyhair said:
I usually blow-dry my hair once a week, when I wash my hair. I airdry about 80% and then blow-dry on low flow with warm temp. I never use the comb attachment, I use an old denman brush. I normally dont add anything onto my hair other than my leave-in and oil, after that if my hair is smooth enuff from blowdrying I use the caruso rollers or flat-iron my hair.
When I saw this post, I couldn't believe my eyes because you don't add anything other than oil.
However, when I took a look at your album....well, I close my case. Obviously, you take great care of your hair. Amazing....I say! ;)
I stopped blowdrying in June and my hair has done great without it. But I gotta try an Ionic dryer. It seems like that makes a world of difference.
LadyJay114 said:
I stopped blowdrying in June and my hair has done great without it. But I gotta try an Ionic dryer. It seems like that makes a world of difference.
When I used it in the past, it seemed to hold the moisture in that I added and not take away from...(the Ionic Dryer). ;)
High Priestess said:
When I saw this post, I couldn't believe my eyes because you don't add anything other than oil.
However, when I took a look at your album....well, I close my case. Obviously, you take great care of your hair. Amazing....I say! ;)

Girl I have been through so much with this hair, but I like to try everything if I mess up something I say o well it will grow back...I try not to stress myself over my hair, although it is very important to me...thanks for the compliment.
Also I use leave-in and oil b4 I blow-dry my hair not just oil...I do this because I usually use a serum when flat-ironing or using my caruso rollers so I dont want product over load.
I've stopped using blowdryers (unless it's a rollerset and i'm under a hood dryer). My hair is fine and since i stopped using it my ends have finally had a chance to come back to life. I get dominican blowouts quite often throughout the year and now i see that i should really quit unless it's strictly for root straightening, it's just too much direct heat blowing on my hair when they go all throughout. My advice, avoid blowdryers as much as possible. If you must use it, get and ionic one and keep it far from your hair and please dont use it with a circle brush, it's tempting because it works well, but it's just too much! ( i learned that the hard way...)
When I used to blow dry, I always used a very wide type pick/comb attachment.
Once at a hair show,the stylist wanted to blow dry my hair with a "brush":mad: I was cringing all the way inside,and said never again.
When I get my hair relaxed,my stylist honors my decision not to blow dry and will wet set it, or wrap it.

Now, I airdry,and my hair is so much better now. I started airdrying in Febuary.

At first ,I had a problem with dry ends, but discovered here on the board about the shey butter (melted) and combined with another oil locks in the moisture.
When my grandmother did my hair as a little girl,there was no blow dryer, and my hair was in good shape and grew.
Funny how everything old is new again.