Do you sometimes feel


Well-Known Member
A little discouraged w/ your hair. I mean even after all the adjustment you have made to attain health and length. Do you go through those periods where you question whether or not its meant for you to have such.

This is where I am. I have really did a 360 w/ the way I care for my hair but yet it looks like I'm not seeing the results I want. Last night I'm doing my hair and to me watching it everyday I don't see length difference. My problem area has filled in, but its as thin as the rest of my head. I just wonder is it even meant for me to have long hair. I have never had it, BUT, I think its because I didn't know how to take care of my hair....I think, maybe its not in my genes.:wallbash:

I know it doesn't happen overnight but after all the pills I have put in my body, all the products I have purchased promising to give long lusturous hair, I don't SEE it. I would even take thick hair at the length mine is now.

I am just wondering if anyone else sometimes feel like this. After all you do are you seeing the fruits of your hard labor? And if you don't, what do you do to keep positive and not resort back to past unhealthy habits? For instance, last night I greased my scalp, because although its not good for the scalp, I just know I didn't have thin hair when I did this. It wasn't as thick as I preferred but it wasn't this thin either.
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I understand how you feel. It's discouraging to see some many people having great progress but not seeing your own results.:sad: I feel the same way. I'm not ready to give up yet. When I joined the site, I had ear-length, severely damaged, uneven hair. I had a lot of shedding and breakage. When I stopped focusing on "miracle growth" and concentrated on improving the condition of my hair, that's when I started seeing improvement.:yep: Now, it's uneven, neck-length (I'm wondering whether I should trim it now) but atleast it's not breaking like it used to.

Anyway, remember, not every product or regimen works for everybody. We have to be patient and find out what works for us. You'll start seeing results but remember "a watched pot never boils":spinning:, try not to do a daily length check. You'll start seeing results. HHG!
I feel you. Although my hair is FINALLY BSL, I have to just accept that my hair is fine and thin. :(
I've done everything I can to get my hair to be thicker, and all it's done is give me raggedy ends and hair that looks good in a bun. Sigh.
I understand how you feel. It's discouraging to see some many people having great progress but not seeing your own results.:sad: I feel the same way. I'm not ready to give up yet. When I joined the site, I had ear-length, severely damaged, uneven hair. I had a lot of shedding and breakage. When I stopped focusing on "miracle growth" and concentrated on improving the condition of my hair, that's when I started seeing improvement.:yep: Now, it's uneven, neck-length (I'm wondering whether I should trim it now) but atleast it's not breaking like it used to.

Anyway, remember, not every product or regimen works for everybody. We have to be patient and find out what works for us. You'll start seeing results but remember "a watched pot never boils":spinning:, try not to do a daily length check. You'll start seeing results. HHG!

That is exactly what I do, and your right. I am thinking of getting braids so I can let that obsession go. I have been wearing a phony bun to work everyday, but on my way home all I can think about is getting it off to check my hair. ITS INSANE I KNOW. My hair is doing better than it ever has, its just like you said seeing all these testimonies makes me anxious about my results.
That is exactly what I do, and your right. I am thinking of getting braids so I can let that obsession go. I have been wearing a phony bun to work everyday, but on my way home all I can think about is getting it off to check my hair. ITS INSANE I KNOW. My hair is doing better than it ever has, its just like you said seeing all these testimonies makes me anxious about my results.

((Sending you a big hug)) I'm thinking about getting braids also because I've been wearing wigs for the last two weeks.
If you do a 360, of course you're not going to see a change, b/c you're back where you started (360 is a full circle). Just teasing and being a smart aleck. :grin:

Anyways, I feel what you are saying, but just be patient. After my touch-up at the end of July, I didn't see much difference, but then my roomie said "Hey, your hair is getting longer. That no heat thing worked." It was the best compliment I received in while.

Also, take progress pics b/c you may forget what your hair looked like before.

Most importantly, try to wear your hair in a way that is both healthy and pleasing to you. I know that with me, I cannot stand buns 24/7, so I change it up often (wearing my hair out or loosely clipped or a braidout). I also don't like wet/damp hair on my head too often, so I don't cowash every 2-3 days like some ladies here.

Good hair care is more fun when you actually like how your hair looks, IMO.
That is exactly what I do, and your right. I am thinking of getting braids so I can let that obsession go. I have been wearing a phony bun to work everyday, but on my way home all I can think about is getting it off to check my hair. ITS INSANE I KNOW. My hair is doing better than it ever has, its just like you said seeing all these testimonies makes me anxious about my results.

This is exactly what i have done. :yep: I haven't seen progress and decided maybe I'm doing TOO much to my hair. I chopped off an inch of split ends and went into braids 6 weeks ago. I have been applying growth aids to the parts and I finally had to take them out this past weekend. I refused to touch up, use heat or do anything to show the length. I have kept it out of sight (rolled up, braids, etc) during this 1 week break, and new braids are going on tomorrow! I'm going to try to keep this up until December.
If you do a 360, of course you're not going to see a change, b/c you're back where you started (360 is a full circle). Just teasing and being a smart aleck. :grin:

Anyways, I feel what you are saying, but just be patient. After my touch-up at the end of July, I didn't see much difference, but then my roomie said "Hey, your hair is getting longer. That no heat thing worked." It was the best compliment I received in while.

Also, take progress pics b/c you may forget what your hair looked like before.

Most importantly, try to wear your hair in a way that is both healthy and pleasing to you. I know that with me, I cannot stand buns 24/7, so I change it up often (wearing my hair out or loosely clipped or a braidout). I also don't like wet/damp hair on my head too often, so I don't cowash every 2-3 days like some ladies here.

Good hair care is more fun when you actually like how your hair looks, IMO.

^^^i agree with the bolded i was sure my hair wasnt doing anything untill i started taking pics and saw that the diference
I'm going to agree with taking progress pics. Because you DO see your hair everyday. But eventually you'll start making small milestones for yourself like styles you couldn't have worn before or realizing that your hair falls differently and it makes you feel SO much better.
it tends to be more discouraging when ur growth rate isnt like everyone else. Ive accepted the fact that im a 0.25 a month grower. I still know for a fact my hair will get longer but its just gonna take a much longer time. It sux cuz im almost a year into my journey and looks as if i only gained 2 inches. but ive learned to deal with it. sometimes u cant complain about how long the trip is taking....but sit back, relax, look out the window and enjoy the scenery while on the trip
If you do a 360, of course you're not going to see a change, b/c you're back where you started (360 is a full circle). Just teasing and being a smart aleck. :grin: :lachen:

Anyways, I feel what you are saying, but just be patient. After my touch-up at the end of July, I didn't see much difference, but then my roomie said "Hey, your hair is getting longer. That no heat thing worked." It was the best compliment I received in while.

Also, take progress pics b/c you may forget what your hair looked like before. Yes I have been taking pics for nearly a year, it has helped. But still have my moments, because I know where I want to be & ain't seeing it quick enough.

Most importantly, try to wear your hair in a way that is both healthy and pleasing to you. I know that with me, I cannot stand buns 24/7, so I change it up often (wearing my hair out or loosely clipped or a braidout). I also don't like wet/damp hair on my head too often, so I don't cowash every 2-3 days like some ladies here.

Good hair care is more fun when you actually like how your hair looks, IMO.

This is exactly what i have done. :yep: I haven't seen progress and decided maybe I'm doing TOO much to my hair. I chopped off an inch of split ends and went into braids 6 weeks ago. I have been applying growth aids to the parts and I finally had to take them out this past weekend. I refused to touch up, use heat or do anything to show the length. I have kept it out of sight (rolled up, braids, etc) during this 1 week break, and new braids are going on tomorrow! I'm going to try to keep this up until December.

it tends to be more discouraging when ur growth rate isnt like everyone else. Ive accepted the fact that im a 0.25 a month grower. I still know for a fact my hair will get longer but its just gonna take a much longer time. It sux cuz im almost a year into my journey and looks as if i only gained 2 inches. but ive learned to deal with it. sometimes u cant complain about how long the trip is taking....but sit back, relax, look out the window and enjoy the scenery while on the trip

I enjoy wearing my hair in bun, but of course the look gets old.
I know exactly how you feel. I've been on this board for 5 yrs or so and I feel like I should have hair down my back. When I first found the hair boards I had severe breakage and ended up cutting. I started using some good products that really stopped the breakage. I'm not sure what happened......I had a setback and then another and another-you get the picture.

I'm going to cut maybe 1-2 inches off and start from there but from now on out I'm focusing on HEALTHY HAIR and not length but thickness. I think before i was focusing on LENGTH. It was all about length. I think if you have healthy hair then the length will come:)

Girl I could have sworn my hair was thicker too. I'm sure it was. I think the culprit for my ends being thinner is airdrying. I just not too long ago found out that combing the ends after airdrying causes them to break/shed:(
I know exactly how you feel. I've been on this board for 5 yrs or so and I feel like I should have hair down my back. When I first found the hair boards I had severe breakage and ended up cutting. I started using some good products that really stopped the breakage. I'm not sure what happened......I had a setback and then another and another-you get the picture.

I'm going to cut maybe 1-2 inches off and start from there but from now on out I'm focusing on HEALTHY HAIR and not length but thickness. I think before i was focusing on LENGTH. It was all about length. I think if you have healthy hair then the length will come:)

Girl I could have sworn my hair was thicker too. I'm sure it was. I think the culprit for my ends being thinner is airdrying. I just not too long ago found out that combing the ends after airdrying causes them to break/shed:(

Food for thought...hmmm.

You are so right as for focusing on health instead of length. I have to remind myself of that. Its just I seeeeee sooooo many ladies with lovely long hair, and I impressed and want to share that experience. I am still new, so as for bandwagons, I have jumped on a few, and learning some is not for everybody.

I am working this co-wash so I'm still trying to see if it is for me. One thing about that is I haven't had any negative affects from it, but I haven't noticed a HUGE difference either, other than more moisture.

I have considered going natural several times, the longest I went was 8 mths but couldn't stand the hastle everyday in taming my hair.
A little discouraged w/ your hair. I mean even after all the adjustment you have made to attain health and length. Do you go through those periods where you question whether or not its meant for you to have such.

This is where I am. I have really did a 360 w/ the way I care for my hair but yet it looks like I'm not seeing the results I want. Last night I'm doing my hair and to me watching it everyday I don't see length difference. My problem area has filled in, but its as thin as the rest of my head. I just wonder is it even meant for me to have long hair. I have never had it, BUT, I think its because I didn't know how to take care of my hair....I think, maybe its not in my genes.:wallbash:

I know it doesn't happen overnight but after all the pills I have put in my body, all the products I have purchased promising to give long lusturous hair, I don't SEE it. I would even take thick hair at the length mine is now.

I am just wondering if anyone else sometimes feel like this. After all you do are you seeing the fruits of your hard labor? And if you don't, what do you do to keep positive and not resort back to past unhealthy habits? For instance, last night I greased my scalp, because although its not good for the scalp, I just know I didn't have thin hair when I did this. It wasn't as thick as I preferred but it wasn't this thin either.

For sure, Tigget...I went through it. I looked at my hair after a few months here and was so let down..the lack of growth, the breakage, the hours of devotion to my hair and I felt I was worse off than before I started on LHCF. The funny thing is if you stay the course you'll realize the difference in your healthy growth...stay with it, be oh so very will be eventually quite pleased with your increased knowledge, health and the way your hair begins to grow and make you proud of the accomplishment. Do not give up, it really does take time, patience and dedication. YES, YOU ARE MEANT TO HAVE LONG, HEALTHY STRANDS!!
I feel the exact same way. I'm really impatient about everything, hair is no exception. I'm frustrated because i've been inching towards healthier health practices for a while and my hair seems to be at the same length month after month. My hair was longer when i was doing all of the wrong things (flat ironing everyday with no protection, never moisturizing, and certainly never dcing, etc) and that really pisses me off. I still see breakage, and i'm beginning to worry whether i can ever have long hair again. When i was a kind, my hair was APL...and i never even appreciated it. Now i keep thinking shoulda coulda woulda about what i've done wrong and where i couldve been my now. But i know that once i find what's right for me, i'll see the progress. I just wish it would hurry up!