Do You Sleep on Wet Hair?


New Member
I've decided that my hair care regimine should include wetting my hair about every 3 days (be it washing or co-washing, and always DCing). The thing is that in order to do it I have to reserve like 2-3 hours out of a given morning to allow for the entire process to include sitting under my dryer. I am often hindered because I just dont have 2-3 hours of my morning to spend on my hair. I'd like to wash it before bed sometimes.

My question for you is this: is there anything wrong with sleeping on wet hair? I've done it once or twice. I've just wrapped it in my same ol' satin scarf and gone to bed. Am I damaging it by doing this? It doesn't dry completely, I would either have to style it damp or blow dry it a bit.

Any thoughts? Oh, I am relaxed, not natural.
I don't use any heat on my hair, so everything I do is air dried... which often means washing or cowashing before bed. I normally wrap it, braid it, band it, twist it or bun it and let it dry overnight. I've been doing this about 2 years and I think my hair benefited from it (having other alternatives to using heat).

I think some things to be considered would be climate and your specific hair.
I sleep with wet hair all of the time. I also dc overnight 1x week which is not an issue. I am relaxed.
I'm relaxed and do this all the time. I usually never finish it off with heat, I just let it airdry overnight and then take the scarf off in the morning.
I'm a big nighttime co-washer. I'll take a shower around 9pm, then braid it or bun it with a scarf on top.

Its still a little damp in the morning, but I'll take it down while I'm getting ready and shake it out...I sometimes hit it with a diffuser before rebunning. Works great for me.
Yep. I usually end up washing my hair at night time and by the time I go to bed it's still wet. I just scarf it and forget it. There have been a few times it's been so wet that when I shift my head on my pillow it's all damp and I end up flipping the pillow for a dry spot:perplexed. Usually from my damp bun or braids.
Yup sure do. I tie it down with a satin scarf after adding leave ins and sealing. You can also roller set and air dry! :yep: