Do you share all of your hair care knowledge?

I don't tell them all because if you mention certain things then they will look at you crazy. I will help them if they ask me a particular question. My mom recently contacted me about something to help cover her gray hair. She says nothing she used worked and she lives in a small town with no hair store. I sent her a care package of products with instructions and pictures.
I do tell people, and I even have my niece now taking notes.

But I try not to give too much info; because like other posters stated, many are not really interested in really trying. People just wanna complain and say that they can't do this or that with their hair, but they're not willing to try. So in that case; neither am I! :nono:
i do when i can tell that a person genuinely is interested. but i won't offer advice when it's not asked for.
Well I told a few of my closest friends about the site. If someone not so close asks me about me or my daughters hair then I give them some of the things that I do. If they seem interested enough to actually follow through then I will I will tell them about the site. Some people look at me like :ohwell: when I tell them that I subscribe to a hair forum. And honestly of the handful of people I have told only 2 have joined. The other people comment on how my hair is growing etc but have no real interest in properly maintaining their hair. So I keep it to myself.

So to answer your question. I love to share what I have learned and encourage others to gain more knowledge about the health and maintenance of our hair. But in general no matter what the state of their hair they don't seem to have much interest in trying. I hear things like my hair will never grow past NL or my hair is different so I have learned to keep my mouth shut with them

ETA: I told a friend how to care for her daughters hair during the summer while she was swimming and her hair has flourished. My friend told me that even when she went to the salon for her back to school hair appt. that the stylist was happy with the growth she achieved with no damage. So that was a good feeling.

Same thing here. I always get the "hungry" eyes but never the questions althoug I'm willing to give out the 411 if they're going to take it seriously.
Well the truthful answer is NO. Not only do I NOT mention this site on other sites or to strangers generally, I don't tell all of what I think here either. People are very sensitive about their hair generally and few want to be told their habits are mostly bad or to take a radically diff approach. If they want to know, they'll seek out the info or learn by default. Too many people have a tendency to expect you to figure out their complex hair problems and tell them precisely how to fix it, but if something goes get the blame. No thanks!

I wouldn't direct newbies here anyway...there's far too much room for confusion based on how things are organized. This place is a mixed bag for positive info, IMHO....some good, some bad, but alot is very difficult to obtain/use , very time consuming, and expensive for the newbie.
I am very generous with my hair info and actually get very excited when I meet someone who is truly interested in hearing what I do have learned over the years. :yep: But I probably even ramble on when the person isn't really interested.... :lol:
I'm fairly new to LHCF (lurked different boards before I decided to join) and have been quite pleased with the information and knowledge that I have acquired since joining. When I hear people complaint about their hair, I try to share my new knowledge about hair care and they just look at me like I have lost my mind. I usually get the response.. well your hair is not like mine.. So, I have stopped trying to share what I have learned.
Any one on here, I will share, share, and share some more. (Or anyone who asked in my fotki.) Why, people I know I am talking to liked minded people and they really want to know and have some understanding of what I do.

Now non LHCF or Fotki sistas, I tell ONLY if asked and I am careful how much I share. I have learned the hard way that some people ask with no intentions of following through. But most of them dont want to hear no heat, protective styles, etc. It all sounds like :blah: :blah: :blah: to them.
I learned very quickly to keep my mouth shut. Only my Mom and sister know about this site and I have told 1 friend my actual regimen (she was truly interested and followed up for weeks with questions).

Otherwise, the new opinion about my hair now is that I'm mixed (from ppl who have known me forever) and that's why my hair grew all of a sudden. :ohwell:

My mom, however, does like to "lend" me out to ppl with unhealthy hair!! She's forever telling ppl they should talk to me about getting their hair in shape.
It's kind of cute actually since she was one of my biggest doubters at the beginning. :grin:
I'm fairly new to LHCF (lurked different boards before I decided to join) and have been quite pleased with the information and knowledge that I have acquired since joining. When I hear people complaint about their hair, I try to share my new knowledge about hair care and they just look at me like I have lost my mind. I usually get the response.. well your hair is not like mine.. So, I have stopped trying to share what I have learned.
Exactly. And welcome. :welcome:
I share with those that are willing to listen. Some people think that if they use this cream or this oil that their hair will grow and go whooosh! down their back. They don't want to learn how to really care for it. So then I don't bother.
Yeah , I dont mind at all to share what I know but everytime my fellow sisters be like YA WHATEVER YOURE MIXED...although they seem to forgot how ugly my hair was bacckkkkk than and how it was all mashed up by the perm because it wasnt taken care of. And I did achieve long beautiful natural than texlaxed hair. SO SAD!! The only person that actually listens a bit is my little sister who jacked up her natural waist lenght hair and now has permed shoulder lenght thats healthy! My mom too!! I realize that whenever I talk about hair people think im obsessed or expect that I will tell them umm YOU KNOW WHAT THERES THIS PILL that will grow your hair down to your butt in a month or something . People are anxious to have long hair but for some reason dont want to commit to the whole maintenance and retain your lenght part. I love to talk about hair so im always up to share what I know.
Well, that's funny cause a lot of you are saying that people just look at you crazy, or don't want to hear about it. And sometimes that's true. But for some reason, people come to me about hair advice, and i, again, give them lil bits, unless they're close, and they take in what i say. my hair isn't even down to my back, but if i say, "sticking your head in the toilet" will make your hair grow, they will do it. A lot of ppl come to me about hair advice and they do it. i didn't realize how many ppl wont listen to a lot of you ladies with such beautiful hair.
Before and since I found LHCF, I have tried to give people tips when they compliment my hair, but I am going to stop because basically they don't listen & then wonder why their hair is jacked up.
I love to share but now I’m a bit jaded b/c for the most part, everyone wants nice hair but doesn’t seem to be interested in discussing what it takes to get there. Most people think I am just hair obsessed and a bit of Lenny lame cake for actually frequenting a hair board.
I know it's a silly thread, but just out of curiosity, do you ladies share all of your secrets with non-members? Do you just give them a "lil somethin" to live with? We are asked all the time "ooh, what do you do with your hair, and what do you use". Do you all share this website?
As for me, um, I give a lil something. I don't share all. LOL:look:, but as for close ppl, i may share all.

Tried to do poll. Oh well.

Great thread. In the beginning I used to, but not anymore. I'll tell them what I do and use, but don't get into specifics UNLESS THEY ASK. I also direct them to the INTERNET.

I tell everyone all the time that everything I learned about natural hair or otherwise I learned on the INTERNET.
I love to share but now I’m a bit jaded b/c for the most part, everyone wants nice hair but doesn’t seem to be interested in discussing what it takes to get there. Most people think I am just hair obsessed and a bit of Lenny lame cake for actually frequenting a hair board.

You and me are >>>>>>>>here<<<<<<<<!!

I don't know about relaxed heads, but most naturals (especially in Los Angeles) think going natural is literally doing NOTHING to your hair and leaving it a dry dusty mess. This infuriates me to no end.

I have dark hair, so I have to make sure it has some sort of sheen EVERYDAY. If it starts to look dusty or awful, then IT'S TIME TO WASH IT AND START THE PROCESS OVER AGAIN. I have to re-wash my hair at least a minimum of twice a week.

So yeah, I'm given compliments on my hair, but I'm not doing anything special to it, except WASHING AND MOISTURIZING IT AS NEEDED. Of course, product selection helps with this, but I still find that peeps will ask me questions, but don't want to really follow through.

When I was relaxed, I washed my hair about twice a week or more too. I don't know why black folks are afraid of soap and water on their hair? Jeez!! Their scalp itch something awful! LOL!