Do you seal in moisture on dry or wet hair??


New Member
I don't really know how to seal in moisture. Do I apply the conditioner after i co wash my hair while it's wet..or do i wait for it to dry..then put the confused..
I'd imagine that since water is a moisturizer, sealing damp hair made more sense if your goal is to "seal in moisture". For someone with very porous hair, waiting for your hair to dry then sealing would be just sealing straw.

When I used to seal hair, I used to use a serum and I would always apply it to damp hair. Never dry.

But conditioners are not really what I'd call a sealant so I guess you can apply them to dry hair. They usually have water in them, so you can use them to moisturize dry hair.
oh okay..i just didn't really know. I kind of meant if I were to put a moisturizer on my hair..should i put it on when my hair is wet or dry?? I know it sounds like a stupid question..but i really don't know
oh okay..i just didn't really know. I kind of meant if I were to put a moisturizer on my hair..should i put it on when my hair is wet or dry?? I know it sounds like a stupid question..but i really don't know

I don't think it matters. Just try either way and see which one you prefer.

Applying it to wet (damp?) hair might dilute it and therefore take away from its benefits. Applying it dry hair might be OK, except if your hair shrinks and gets hard it might be a pain to apply.

When I apply S Curl to my hair, I usually apply it to damp hair because if I am wearing my hair out, I need some lube to be able to comb it. By the time my hair fully dries, the S Curl seems to have also evaporated coz my hair doesn't feel as soft as it did when I applied. At that point I reapply S Curl but this time to dry hair. I then plait my hair and baggy for the night and by the AM, the S Curl seems to have penetrated the strands beautifully.

Sometimes the product may give suggestions of how best to use. So try it on damp--just so you're not leaving your hair bare and vulnerable. And then once it dries, if it feels dry, reapply on dry. I bet if you baggy, you won't have to wonder if you did the right thing.
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I don't really know how to seal in moisture. Do I apply the conditioner after i co wash my hair while it's wet..or do i wait for it to dry..then put the confused..

If you are "cowashing" you would use the conditioner while you are cleaning your hair like shampoo.... and some girls leave in some of the conditioner while other wash it out and follow with and actual "leave in conditioner..." I dont know if i am making any sense now lol
I poo or cowash. Tshirt dry for about 10 mins, any longer than that, my hair gets too dry and I have to remist it to apply my leave-ins. I find that my leave-ins stick to the hair better when a bit damp but not overly wet/saturated. After I apply leave-ins, I scarf dry. So to answer you, damp hair is when I moisturize and seal on poo/cowash day. Day to day I moisturize/seal on dry hair as well but use different prods than on wash day.
Wash/cowash hair --> Towel to sop up water so hair isn't dripping wet --> Liquid or creamy leave in to damp hair --> oil/butter/serum to seal in moisture --> get to styling
IA w/ foxglove. I like to seal my hair AFTER I moisturized it (when it's dampm but dry and nut wet but damp)