Do You Scratch Your Scalp When It Itches?


New Member
I don't have a problem with dandruff, etc. But I have always enjoyed a good scratch while shampooing. Since I have been doing healthy hair, I have stopped scratching my scalp. Sometimes I get the urge for a good scratch since now when I have an itch I just tap it or rub it. My question is:

1. Do you scratch your head when it itches?
2. How bad is it to scratch?
I'm a scratcher, but I make sure to do it gently. For a short time, I stopped. In comparison, I don't see any difference from when I didn't scratch to now.
oh man.... just yesterday I was scratching like nobody's business!! I felt so bad, but I couldn't stop! I actually scratched until my scalp became sore. :(
i always i take mad vitamins so my hair is always scratching daily so i scratch for days but it relieves me and sometimes i spray the anti-itch but it scratching relieves me better or sometimes i just let it go and let it itch:( i even scratch through the plastic cap or satin bonnet hahha
Are you all saying that your hair is growing when your scalp itches. Or you scratch for the taste of it?
Zeal said:
Are you all saying that your hair is growing when your scalp itches. Or you scratch for the taste of it?

That's a good point. Is it itching because it's growing? I never thought of that. I mean...when I trim up my...erraaaa...bikini line....that mess itches like CRAZY when it's growing back. So is it actually a "growing itch?" And is it still okay to scratch? My scalp is itching something awful right now and it's freshly washed.
secretdiamond said:
oh man.... just yesterday I was scratching like nobody's business!! I felt so bad, but I couldn't stop! I actually scratched until my scalp became sore. :(

Uh Diamond...I'm not a professional...but I think scratching till it's sore is pretty damaging.
CreoleInDC said:
I don't have a problem with dandruff, etc. But I have always enjoyed a good scratch while shampooing. Since I have been doing healthy hair, I have stopped scratching my scalp. Sometimes I get the urge for a good scratch since now when I have an itch I just tap it or rub it. My question is:

1. Do you scratch your head when it itches?
2. How bad is it to scratch? a crack fiend in d-bo's pigeon coop. I used to just try and "pat" or rub, but it just gets I get down and dirt...I'll have to admit, sometimes I even get one of those small fine toothed combs and scratch the scalp...until it flakes...even if I don't HAVE dandruff...I know that's damaging, but it feeeeellllllsssss ggooooooooooood. Shampooing, I think I do's subconscious. You get soooo used to doing it a certain way for so long, that you don't even notice you do it....
i scratch my head like no tomorrow if and when it itches/. i have no marcy on my scalp i've got dry scalp disease in my whole family anyway, the naturals, the men the babies...

its part of my regime!
My scalp has been itching a lot lately.

I know mine is because of growth because it has been growing at a fast rate.

I don't have dry scalp and no dandruff so that is not it.

I NEVER put anything on my scalp, but I have been over the past month or so. That may be it, as well, because the day I shampoo, I get no itchies.

But, when it does, I DO scratch. I can't help it!!!
LOL now I don't feel so bad. I scratch like there's no tommorow! That stupid anti itch spray just doesn't work and it feels so good... :lachen:
my scalp is always itching, but I don't scratch it cause its pretty dry right now and I don't want flakes to show if I scratch.
brownsugar9999 said: a crack fiend in d-bo's pigeon coop. I used to just try and "pat" or rub, but it just gets I get down and dirt...I'll have to admit, sometimes I even get one of those small fine toothed combs and scratch the scalp...until it flakes...even if I don't HAVE dandruff...I know that's damaging, but it feeeeellllllsssss ggooooooooooood. Shampooing, I think I do's subconscious. You get soooo used to doing it a certain way for so long, that you don't even notice you do it....
LOL:lachen::lachen: I see I'm not the only Friday fan.
My scalp always, always used to itch and I would scratch freely. Since I started washing every 3 days (Cathy Howse method), it no longer itches. I've even scratched my scalp to see if I can trigger some itching. Nothing. I've also noticed that new hair growth makes my scalp feel sore rather than itchy.
I used to scratch my scalp allot, but sonce I've been rinsing my scalp with cool sometimes cold water and I have no more itchy scalp.:)
I use to have the itchies real bad until I started shampooing 2 to 3 times a week and keeping my scalp moisturized. I am currently in braids, my hair is growing like crazy, but still no itches. I think the frequent shampooing and the moisture is working to keep the itchies away.
CreoleInDC said:
I don't have a problem with dandruff, etc. But I have always enjoyed a good scratch while shampooing. Since I have been doing healthy hair, I have stopped scratching my scalp. Sometimes I get the urge for a good scratch since now when I have an itch I just tap it or rub it. My question is:

1. Do you scratch your head when it itches?
2. How bad is it to scratch?

I am a scratcher. I don't scratch much or hard. On the other hand my sister is a "patter". She pats her head when it itches (like when you see people in braids patting their hair). I am not sure if it actually makes a difference but her hair always grew faster than mine.
brownsugar9999 said:
I'll have to admit, sometimes I even get one of those small fine toothed combs and scratch the scalp...until it flakes...even if I don't HAVE dandruff...I know that's damaging, but it feeeeellllllsssss ggooooooooooood. Shampooing, I think I do's subconscious. You get soooo used to doing it a certain way for so long, that you don't even notice you do it....
I do the fine tooth comb thing too, some circles call it scritching; while that's a cute term, my mom always called scratching anything "scritching" so it ain't THAT original, lol!!
sometimes, I just lie on the couch and start at the nape and slwoly, methodically work my fingernails through every single inch of scalp and it feels sooooo good. Especially to do that before a wash- AHhhhhhhh!
Normally I wash my hair everyday and don't have an itchy scalp or at least don't have flakes, but when it's pressed I don't wash it for a few days until I can't stand it anymore because of the itching and flaking and jump in the shower and lather the mop up!! *scritch scritch*
sareca said:
LOL:lachen::lachen: I see I'm not the only Friday fan.
Originally Posted by brownsugar9999 a crack fiend in d-bo's pigeon coop
"...sweatin' like a slave", lol!!
Yes, I'm a scratcher. I know I probably shouldn't, but I scratch with a metal pick. My hair and scalp are both fine.

I only wash once a week though. Maybe if I washed more it wouldn't itch. Who cares though?:lol:
My scalp has been itching for the past few weeks so I scratch a little. I don't get it though: there's no dandruff and my scalp has never looked healthier. Go figure, eh.
If my scalp is feeling itchy, I usually just massage my head with some tea tree oil. If it is a persistent itch, I rinse or conditioner wash my hair more often. If you are concerned about scratching causing damage, try massaging instead to loosen up the scalp, and using essential oils to soothe it. Otherwise, as with many things, I think scratching is fine and normal as long as it’s done in moderation. ;) :)

I’m kind of a scientific sort, and biologically, itching is meant to alter our brains to a problem (like experiencing pain). Itchy scalp can be caused by diseases, new hair growth, or even stress. If it’s hair growth, regular pore cleanings help me to release the hair. I just make sure I follow up with a deep moisturizing conditioner that does not contain protein. The massaging with tea tree oil help reduce any tightness from stress. A medical issue I have is iron deficiency anemia that caused an itchy scalp, and I’ve been eating foods higher in iron and taking a supplement and my scalp itches much less. (I was not getting enough nourishing blood and oxygen to my scalp because of the anemia.) Check with your doctor if this is a concern, as it is very easy to overdose on iron, which can make you ill.

If none of these things apply to you, all I can say is...HAPPY SCRATCHING!!! :grin:
I'll scratch my scalp when necessary, but if it the itching continues then that's a sign I'm in need of a good shampooing. Once I shampoo the itching usually stops.
Legend said:
Itchy scalp can be caused by diseases, new hair growth, or even stress. If it’s hair growth, regular pore cleanings help me to release the hair.
I can only hope mine is due to new growth!

OT: I had anemia too a few years ago, and right about the same time, my hair had become finer and weaker. So ladies, don't neglect your iron supplements, especially if your periods are heavy.