Do you remember "Black Barbie's" terrible blowdrying youtube video? Well, she's back!

Re: Do you remember "Black Barbie's" terrible blowdrying youtube video? Well, she's b

Dang, I didn't see it? Was she the one with the blowdrying tutorial with the roundbrush?
Re: Do you remember "Black Barbie's" terrible blowdrying youtube video? Well, she's b

Did ya'll scare that girl again????

Baaaaaaad girls!! Just BAD!!!!! :lachen:
Re: Do you remember "Black Barbie's" terrible blowdrying youtube video? Well, she's b

It's okay to make mistakes on your journey to salvation...we all do's when you stand up on the pullpit put on a robe and start preaching Playboy to the choir that I have a problem.


Ya'll know ya'll evil!
Re: Do you remember "Black Barbie's" terrible blowdrying youtube video? Well, she's b

I think the reason we dont like this girl is the silly comments she makes about how terrible black hair is, negro naps, how she hates her hair... then she proceeds to tear it out while blowdrying and stating that black people have to do this to their hair for it to look good and this and that and such.

To add insult to injury, this girl is supposedly natural, but her hair looks so fried in the blowdrying video you would NEVER tell. It looks like cooked relaxed hair, like she hit that mess with a marcel and no heat protectant.

Not all black folks hate their hair like she does, and not all of us are ashamed of our hair texture like she seems to be. We don't all tear it out to style it, and we don't all cover it in grease for no apparent reason like she does... Only misinformed people do that nonsense. So now I do get why white folks assume we feel this way, because black folks out there do things like this. The folks watching her videos must think our hair is so terrible that we have to abuse it to behave.

I'm not against grease- I have the dax and the blue magic under the sink just like the next girl... but seriously... that much? On top of the grease she already had in her head? The Oil Sheen alone would have been fine. And the way she was talking about it... in that voice... I was about to go crazy.:nono:

Get out of here! No wonder she was chased off. This is ignorant.
Re: Do you remember "Black Barbie's" terrible blowdrying youtube video? Well, she's b

What's her name on Youtube? Does she have other videos? I wanna see 'em!
Re: Do you remember "Black Barbie's" terrible blowdrying youtube video? Well, she's b

I think the reason we dont like this girl is the silly comments she makes about how terrible black hair is, negro naps, how she hates her hair... then she proceeds to tear it out while blowdrying and stating that black people have to do this to their hair for it to look good and this and that and such.

To add insult to injury, this girl is supposedly natural, but her hair looks so fried in the blowdrying video you would NEVER tell. It looks like cooked relaxed hair, like she hit that mess with a marcel and no heat protectant.

Not all black folks hate their hair like she does, and not all of us are ashamed of our hair texture like she seems to be. We don't all tear it out to style it, and we don't all cover it in grease for no apparent reason like she does... Only misinformed people do that nonsense. So now I do get why white folks assume we feel this way, because black folks out there do things like this. The folks watching her videos must think our hair is so terrible that we have to abuse it to behave.

I'm not against grease- I have the dax and the blue magic under the sink just like the next girl... but seriously... that much? On top of the grease she already had in her head? The Oil Sheen alone would have been fine. And the way she was talking about it... in that voice... I was about to go crazy.:nono:

Bingo - I didn't see the mean comments left but I'm sure they were about this. She really says some rude stuff about being black and her hair. I know she was talking about "negro naps" in this video. In the last one, she tried to justify being rough on her hair because she's African-American/Carribean/African mix so she has a triple nappified head of hair (she said something to that effect, don't quote me). When I watch her videos, I'm shocked by those comments she says.

On the flip side, this girl keeps me laughing - she makes some hilarious faces and noises when she's doing her hair. If it hurts that much, it's a sign you're doing it wrong sweetie. I can't believe she's passing this off as sound, tried and tested methods of hair care.

She clearly likes hair and thinks she is the ish. I hope she does come here to learn about how to take care of her hair so reality matches up a little bit more closely with fantasy.
Re: Do you remember "Black Barbie's" terrible blowdrying youtube video? Well, she's b

:look: Ummm can ya'll stop leaving comments on that childs videos till AFTER I have posted that I've seen it
This is the second time I missed it
I wanna get my laugh on too :lol:
Re: Do you remember "Black Barbie's" terrible blowdrying youtube video? Well, she's b

I think the reason we dont like this girl is the silly comments she makes about how terrible black hair is, negro naps, how she hates her hair... then she proceeds to tear it out while blowdrying and stating that black people have to do this to their hair for it to look good and this and that and such.

To add insult to injury, this girl is supposedly natural, but her hair looks so fried in the blowdrying video you would NEVER tell. It looks like cooked relaxed hair, like she hit that mess with a marcel and no heat protectant.

Not all black folks hate their hair like she does, and not all of us are ashamed of our hair texture like she seems to be. We don't all tear it out to style it, and we don't all cover it in grease for no apparent reason like she does... Only misinformed people do that nonsense. So now I do get why white folks assume we feel this way, because black folks out there do things like this. The folks watching her videos must think our hair is so terrible that we have to abuse it to behave.

I'm not against grease- I have the dax and the blue magic under the sink just like the next girl... but seriously... that much? On top of the grease she already had in her head? The Oil Sheen alone would have been fine. And the way she was talking about it... in that voice... I was about to go crazy.:nono:
I am glad someone said something, because it will impact someone else that is searching for help. I thought grease was moisturizer and I greased my scalp every single night, and I blew dried the mess out of it and I thought I was right to do it. Her video (which I didn't see) confirms it and so I am glad she removed it so that someone, that is seeking truth, doesn't find it and continue to lose their hair and continue to believe that we as a people were not meant to have long beautiful hair and when it does happen, its only for certain people. When its actually achieveable for all. Now that I am growing my hair out. All of the sudden my mixed blood is appearing in the minds of cousins and aunts and so forth- I had short hair all my life - now its growing and I am working hard they discount all that and say its family roots. Shoot where was those roots when I was trying to grow it way back when? Nutbuckets:spinning:
Re: Do you remember "Black Barbie's" terrible blowdrying youtube video? Well, she's b

And this time, she's teaching people how to wrap!!

I don't know if people remember her blowdrying video but enough LHCFers left comments that she took down the video - and it looks like she changed her name too.

Those teeth on that comb give me nightmares.

Click to watch the video:

shoot i missed it. the video is gone....
Re: Do you remember "Black Barbie's" terrible blowdrying youtube video? Well, she's b

The comment that I saw posted before she pulled the video was not a mean comment. It was a comment simply directing her to this site for more information and better hair care practices. I can only vouch for that comment and not any others left, but I only saw that comment, and when I went back a few moments later the video was pulled. I dont think this is a case of mean LHCFers bashing the girl or running her away from youtube. She seems quite sensitive.
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Re: Do you remember "Black Barbie's" terrible blowdrying youtube video? Well, she's b

I caught the video....personally I didn't see anything wrong w/ it, her hair looked healthy. If it works, it works. If it would've been someone with MBL hair, people would've been hopping on the "wrapping with comb/brush/dax grease/oil sheen" bandwagon *shrugs*
Re: Do you remember "Black Barbie's" terrible blowdrying youtube video? Well, she's b

Please... the way some women are referring to themselves as a group, they need to get off their high horse, talking about their board as if they are some kind of cream of the crop message board. It is just another bunch of strangers who get online and talk about hair, like any other message board. Like if you registered at that site you somehow know better or you are just automatically at such a higher standard than the rest. Boo. In fact, speaking of, I have seen just as much boo-boo elsewhere as I have here, if not more. People are people. This silly girl got online trying to get attenion with that self-hate nonsense (you wouldn't get on YouTube if you didn't want attention) and when people called her out and stated what was wrong with it she ran scared. Then started up again. She must not have been confused if she took all that time to set up the camera and talk all that mess. Just another black girl trying to make white folks think we all hate ourselves as much as she does. It was more than just LHCF folks leaving comments talking about what this girl did wrong.

We are not heartless for being honest and straightforward. It would have been heartless to let her go on that way. I hope somebody finds her next post and shoots it down too. Talkin about Negro Naps and sayin thats the only way our hair can get done.:look:
Re: Do you remember "Black Barbie's" terrible blowdrying youtube video? Well, she's b

I caught the video....personally I didn't see anything wrong w/ it, her hair looked healthy. If it works, it works. If it would've been someone with MBL hair, people would've been hopping on the "wrapping with comb/brush/dax grease/oil sheen" bandwagon *shrugs*

I know. I didnt see it either, but alot of black people who dont know anything about hair use words like "nappy" and have self-hate for their hair without them even knowing.
And alot of them think that they know everything about hair, and that wrapping, greasing, and oilsheen is the way to go.---and i think everyone knows that if they werent that person themselves.

Theirs no need to laugh or talk about the girl, just inform her.

I also bet if like CandyC, Sistaslick or any other well respected member with pretty hair said that was their regimen everyone else would be jumping on it.
Re: Do you remember "Black Barbie's" terrible blowdrying youtube video? Well, she's b

I am really confused as to how upset people are getting over this.

Are you mad about mean comments left on the girl's youtube site? Numerous members have reported that there weren't any rude comments left. We encourage each other to say something to stylists when they are unprofessional or give information to ladies who need help with their hair care. How is leaving a message directing her to this site or giving her tips any different?

Is there anger because there is a perception that we are ganging up on this girl since she's not a member of LHCF? I don't think that's true either. We post articles and videos about hair care all the time and dissect those - is this not the same?

Is there a sense that we're picking on this girl for no reason since she had proper technique? Many of us thought that she was using some terrible technique, had hair in terrible condition and had no business up there acting like an expert. If you think what she was doing was fine, I guess we have to agree to disagree.

Some people have mentioned that if somebody with long hair was doing this, people wouldn't be so mean. That's just completely untrue. First, people with long hair who use proper techniques have been criticized - people have said thing about macherieamour's videos (she posted that somebody tried to say her hair was damaged). People always have something to say about hair videos on youtube, whether the person has long hair or short hair. Go through any youtube video about haircare and read the comments. Also, you're assuming you can continue to damage your hair on a consistent basis and keep your hair long - that's a pretty big jump to what if. There's a reason why this girl had short, damaged hair and why some of our members are able to maintain their long length for years. I'm sure if any of our long hair ladies adopted the techniques in the video, their hair would start to get shorter.

This girl tried to put up a video of her acting cute and got completely burned. She looked old enough in the video to begin to recognize her hair issues, take responsibility and seek information; instead, she chose to seek youtube glory and insulted curly hair (the girl looked to be about 16).

Bottom Line: This wasn't started as a 'let's bash this girl out of youtube existence' thread and I don't believe it ever evolved into that (whatever people may perceive). I don't think the majority of us even posted comments on the youtube page. There is a difference between laughing directly at the girl and laughing at the circumstances surrounding the events. Nobody here is directly laughing at the young lady - please, we're not that mean. The fact that she pulled her video down with a quickness, IMO, stems from deeper issues that have nothing to do with hair.
Re: Do you remember "Black Barbie's" terrible blowdrying youtube video? Well, she's b

I know. I didnt see it either, but alot of black people who dont know anything about hair use words like "nappy" and have self-hate for their hair without them even knowing.
And alot of them think that they know everything about hair, and that wrapping, greasing, and oilsheen is the way to go.---and i think everyone knows that if they werent that person themselves.

Theirs no need to laugh or talk about the girl, just inform her.

I also bet if like CandyC, Sistaslick or any other well respected member with pretty hair said that was their regimen everyone else would be jumping on it.

I think you are insulting a lot of folks' intelligence with that statement. I don't care if everyone I took advice from got on their blog talking about using that blowdryer the way that girl did, I am no fool. I would take it as a joke, delete them from my favorites, or just move on. If it looks stupid (i.e. blowdrying with a comb attachment and no heat protectant on hair that is already clearly damaged) then I'm not going to try it. I usually research and think about things with common sense before I approach them, or at least ask around first. I'm not a robot, and I don't think everybody on this site is... There may be some girls who jump on every train that comes through here, but don't act like we all would.
Re: Do you remember "Black Barbie's" terrible blowdrying youtube video? Well, she's b

I caught the video....personally I didn't see anything wrong w/ it, her hair looked healthy. If it works, it works. If it would've been someone with MBL hair, people would've been hopping on the "wrapping with comb/brush/dax grease/oil sheen" bandwagon *shrugs*

:yep: I didn't get to see it, but I'm sure most of us can relate to abusing our hair at one time or another because we though it was the right thing to do. Hopefully she will do a bit more research and find accurate ways to maintain her natural hair.
Re: Do you remember "Black Barbie's" terrible blowdrying youtube video? Well, she's b

Are you talking about LHCF Black Barbie?:nono:
Re: Do you remember "Black Barbie's" terrible blowdrying youtube video? Well, she's b

I knew someone who say just what was on my mind. Thanks for all the ladies that share my sentiments for posting it. Y'all are bolder than me cuz I was going to say not a d@mn thing.:ohwell:

Looooooong before LHCF I knew black women with long hair and were doing everything wrong, according to us. Heck! Even I blow out my hair with a roundbrush. The Dominicans blow out hair with a plethora of round brushes and EXTREME high heat. The wonderous thing about hair is that it will always grow back. People have many different ways of achieving growth. Lately, I've noticed that my hair can thrive on petroleum (not much, tho). Hair is so mysterious and confusing, and mine always keeps me on my toes (hence the writing). We all bring something different to the table and thats what I love about hair/beauty forums. Someone always has a different approach to achieving the same look. Its just like Algebra--one kid does it this way, the other does it that. Both answer equal 7... go figure?!

I shouldn't say this, but I know a member who got better results with growth from her hairstylist than she EVER got on this board. She got so frustrated with all the bru-haha and did things her own way. Went to the best stylist every week and got to the length she wanted... a year after she joined LHCF and went AWOL. Thats just how hair is. :grin::grin::grin: Ficke.

As far as the self-hate comments.... no need for all of that. People are entitled to their opinions and its not nearly that serious. Like I said in the Dominican threads last year, everyone is entitled to be outraged and everyone is entitled to be apathetic. It's just hair. No need to get so riled up. I honestly don't care if everyone becomes enlightened about naps because I am so used to it. I've personally always envied natural hair, and one day I am going to take the plunge. For others, its just not a priority.

I'm not going to comment on whether I felt you all were wrong or right for scaring her off. But, I will say that I try to be as diplomatic and reasonable as possible when it comes to hair care and LHCF. I think I only attach the name of this board when a person makes a comment that begs to be addressed. For a lot of people, men included... long hair is NOT a priority... and thats okay.

But, do what cha'll do
HTH and happy holidays.
Re: Do you remember "Black Barbie's" terrible blowdrying youtube video? Well, she's b

Awww man.. it was removed. I really wanted to see. lol
Re: Do you remember "Black Barbie's" terrible blowdrying youtube video? Well, she's b

I think you are insulting a lot of folks' intelligence with that statement. I don't care if everyone I took advice from got on their blog talking about using that blowdryer the way that girl did, I am no fool. I would take it as a joke, delete them from my favorites, or just move on. If it looks stupid (i.e. blowdrying with a comb attachment and no heat protectant on hair that is already clearly damaged) then I'm not going to try it. I usually research and think about things with common sense before I approach them, or at least ask around first. I'm not a robot, and I don't think everybody on this site is... There may be some girls who jump on every train that comes through here, but don't act like we all would.

OH lord. That wasnt the point of my post. You/I have to remember to pick my words extra carefully on this site because your post will get picked apart and turn into someting else. :ohwell: I love this site and respect everyone on it, and i know that everyone is intelligent.
I do not put everyone all in one catergory, i know everyone is different, i know everyone follows their own regimen ect. ect.
I was just saying that if it was someone from this board with a regimen that seemed to be harmfull like blowdrying with a paddle brush weekly like a newbie with WL hair or an oldtime member, then people would respect it, and people would probally be intrigued and maybe try it out, since she's not, people are more likely to laugh and dismiss other ideas and the way people handle their hair, not even just about this incident. Everything doesnt work the same for everyone. People get results with all sort of things--not just baggying, low heat, and protective styles :ohwell:

Anyway, my point was to only say we should respect people, not laugh at how much oil sheen they spray and stuff like that and that they use grease. We should tell them there is no such thing as "negro naps" and the proper way to take care of hair because we were all their, or knew someobody who was their at some point
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Re: Do you remember "Black Barbie's" terrible blowdrying youtube video? Well, she's b

I read through the entire posts and all I can say is WOW!
Re: Do you remember "Black Barbie's" terrible blowdrying youtube video? Well, she's b

That girl probably put a new one up by now anyway. I wonder how they were both found.

Some people always want to preach about how they're better and we're so bad... but some of them act like they have spoken nothing but positivity when we all know that is a damn lie.:look: I prefer to be the one who tells it like it is and speaks the truth. Whether it is harsh or kind or easy or hard to handle, the truth is the truth, regardless. You don't put yourself on the internet and step back and expect nobody to criticize you. You don't sit on camera and spout off ignorance and expect nobody to call you on it. 16 is old enough to know when you are embarrassing yourself. I thought I knew what I was doing 5 years ago when I was washing my hair with Joy dishwashing soap when I ran out of shampoo and straightening my hair with a curling iron everyday--- but I didn't get online and try to encourage everyone else to do it. In fact, all the complaining I did about my hair being dried out (like this girl did about her "negro naps" and the things she "had to" do to style it everyday) made me realize maybe I didn't have it so good afterall. Especially since I broke off everytime I got any length. She acted like she had some special hair secret and expected folks to come to her with advice.
Re: Do you remember "Black Barbie's" terrible blowdrying youtube video? Well, she's b

Look....It's not so much that she didn’t know what she was's that she had the nerve to share that info with other people as the truth. IMO if you're going around giving bad info, YOU NEED TO BE BASHED!!! If people had come at her all nice like "Oh sweetie pie that's not proper hair care..." she may have left the video on there, and another poor soul might've followed her tips, and jacked up their hair. However if she'd posted a thread on the board with her regimen, people wouldn’t have responded that way. We would've been more caring and given her advice...

And for that board to call us heartless....the proof is in the pudding. Everyday you see people giving their personal hair advice to the other members of this board out of the kindness of their hearts. This entire board is based upon kindness and love for one one with a hateful agenda would ever give you heartfelt advice intended to help you and make you better so they need to STFUWTBS! and if you're a LHCF member and you feel that way, I ask you this, what has LHCF done for you?? Because it's done enough for my hair, health, acne, and self esteem for me to BASH this site and it's members.

Okay I'm done.

I knew someone who say just what was on my mind. Thanks for all the ladies that share my sentiments for posting it. Y'all are bolder than me cuz I was going to say not a d@mn thing.:ohwell:

Looooooong before LHCF I knew black women with long hair and were doing everything wrong, according to us. Heck! Even I blow out my hair with a roundbrush. The Dominicans blow out hair with a plethora of round brushes and EXTREME high heat. The wonderous thing about hair is that it will always grow back. People have many different ways of achieving growth. Lately, I've noticed that my hair can thrive on petroleum (not much, tho). Hair is so mysterious and confusing, and mine always keeps me on my toes (hence the writing). We all bring something different to the table and thats what I love about hair/beauty forums. Someone always has a different approach to achieving the same look. Its just like Algebra--one kid does it this way, the other does it that. Both answer equal 7... go figure?!

I shouldn't say this, but I know a member who got better results with growth from her hairstylist than she EVER got on this board. She got so frustrated with all the bru-haha and did things her own way. Went to the best stylist every week and got to the length she wanted... a year after she joined LHCF and went AWOL. Thats just how hair is. :grin::grin::grin: Ficke.

As far as the self-hate comments.... no need for all of that. People are entitled to their opinions and its not nearly that serious. Like I said in the Dominican threads last year, everyone is entitled to be outraged and everyone is entitled to be apathetic. It's just hair. No need to get so riled up. I honestly don't care if everyone becomes enlightened about naps because I am so used to it. I've personally always envied natural hair, and one day I am going to take the plunge. For others, its just not a priority.

I'm not going to comment on whether I felt you all were wrong or right for scaring her off. But, I will say that I try to be as diplomatic and reasonable as possible when it comes to hair care and LHCF. I think I only attach the name of this board when a person makes a comment that begs to be addressed. For a lot of people, men included... long hair is NOT a priority... and thats okay.

But, do what cha'll do
HTH and happy holidays.
Re: Do you remember "Black Barbie's" terrible blowdrying youtube video? Well, she's b


I guess I thought you meant that we were only mad at this girl because her hair wasn't long and that had it been long we wouldn't have said anything. Because at least I would have. I'da left a comment just as fast had someone like Macherie had a video talkin about what this girl was.

OH lord. That wasnt the point of my post. You/I have to remember to pick my words extra carefully on this site because your post will get picked apart and turn into someting else. :ohwell: I love this site and respect everyone on it, and i know that everyone is intelligent.
I do not put everyone all in one catergory, i know everyone is different, i know everyone follows their own regimen ect. ect.
I was just saying that if it was someone from this board with a regimen that seemed to be harmfull like blowdrying with a paddle brush weekly like a newbie with WL hair or an oldtime member, then people would respect it, and people would probally be intrigued and maybe try it out, since she's not, people are more likely to laugh and dismiss other ideas and the way people handle their hair, not even just about this incident. Everything doesnt work the same for everyone. People get results with all sort of things--not just baggying, low heat, and protective styles :ohwell:

Anyway, my point was to only say we should respect people, not laugh at how much oil sheen they spray and stuff like that and that they use grease. We should tell them there is no such thing as "negro naps" and the proper way to take care of hair because we were all their, or knew someobody who was their at some point
Re: Do you remember "Black Barbie's" terrible blowdrying youtube video? Well, she's b

Hey did you BC yet?

Sorry im a bit OT

Look....It's not so much that she didn’t know what she was's that she had the nerve to share that info with other people as the truth. IMO if you're going around giving bad info, YOU NEED TO BE BASHED!!! If people had come at her all nice like "Oh sweetie pie that's not proper hair care..." she may have left the video on there, and another poor soul might've followed her tips, and jacked up their hair. However if she'd posted a thread on the board with her regimen, people wouldn’t have responded that way. We would've been more caring and given her advice...

And for that board to call us heartless....the proof is in the pudding. Everyday you see people giving their personal hair advice to the other members of this board out of the kindness of their hearts. This entire board is based upon kindness and love for one one with a hateful agenda would ever give you heartfelt advice intended to help you and make you better so they need to STFUWTBS! and if you're a LHCF member and you feel that way, I ask you this, what has LHCF done for you?? Because it's done enough for my hair, health, acne, and self esteem for me to BASH this site and it's members.

Okay I'm done.