do you relaxed/texlaxed ladies ever worry about this??


Well-Known Member
One of the main reasons im not texlaxed is because i dont want to be one of those older black women with very thin hair and i have to wear a wig or have bald spots desperately holding on to the few relaxed strands left. Does that worry you?
One of the main reasons im not texlaxed is because i dont want to be one of those older black women with very thin hair and i have to wear a wig or have bald spots desperately holding on to the few relaxed strands left. Does that worry you?
That can happen if you're natural too. Enjoy your hair while you have it.

only old women i ever seen that happen to were the ones with poor practices begin with. have an old extened family member who wanted to dye her hair every month and pretty much cooked her follicles.
My grandmother is 84 (can pass for 65-70) and relaxes every 10 weeks. She has beautiful hair and is one of my hair inspirations. All she does is roller set and use grease.
One of the main reasons im not texlaxed is because i dont want to be one of those older black women with very thin hair and i have to wear a wig or have bald spots desperately holding on to the few relaxed strands left. Does that worry you?

That happening has more to do with genetics and poor hair care practices than whether you're relaxed or not.
Well i have a scalp condition that started when i started wearing braids i think im alergic to synthetic. I use a medicated shampoo for scalp psoriasis that helps....thatd why im scared. But if i relax my hair i wont wear braids NEARLY as much. Im so torn
Well i have a scalp condition that started when i started wearing braids i think im alergic to synthetic. I use a medicated shampoo for scalp psoriasis that helps....thatd why im scared. But if i relax my hair i wont wear braids NEARLY as much. Im so torn

A lot of it has to do with hair practices. If you are worried about the scalp, try a mild lye relaxer and not relaxing as often.
Hairs practices and knowing how strong your hair is matters.

For example I can have really thick healthy relaxed/texlaxed hair and can flat iron & blow dry up to twice a week and be fine.

However, I cant relax/ texlax and dye my hair. It's ok at first but then the hair gets thinner and fragile and I had to cut 7-8 inches last year.

The more you know. :lol:
I worry about having thin hair period because thin hair is an issue many deal with in my family. I do worry if the relaxer will accelerate the process but my concerns are all genetic, not necessarily the relaxer itself.
I worry about that op because relaxers have made my edges thin. I've been stretching my relaxers. I want to transition but the last time I did that I ran into a problem, I'll see how things go this time. I'm currently 14 months post relaxers and things are okay.

I hope I am able to hod on to my hair for a very long time without any significant problems like balding.
No, I am almost 12 months post relaxer, and I don't worry about it. If you take good care of your hair you don't have to worry about it later :)
Nope, I don't worry about that at all, I stretch between relaxers, right now I am 4 months post and will probably go about 5 or 6 months.
I did when I was relaxed...but only because thinning hair runs on the women on my father's side.

But now I see that in addition to genetics, they also had unhealthy hair practices like scratching their scalps with hard combs every week, relaxing bone straight every 3-4 weeks, using marcel irons on relaxed hair, sponge rollers. Etc.

My mom's side has beautiful hair and their hair care practices are very different. They are ALL Naturals who roller set every week. Rarely use heat. My mom never used chemicals. I still don't know why she relaxed my hair.

Now that I'm natural and take care of my hair, it looks like a different head of hair from when I was a kid. Even my mom says so. She's always asking me "is that your hair?" Yes Mom. Yes it is. This is what my hair was capable of before you "permed it".

All that to say, I think healthy relaxed non thin hair is possible with the right care. Just Use Meticulous care if you have a genetic predisposition toward thin hair. If you listen to your hair, you will be fine.
Nope. Never thought of that, I believe balding and thinning is genetic. My grams hair actually got thicker with old age.
I don't necessarily worry about thin hair. Echoing what others have already said, it depends on how one handles their hair and it can also depend on genetics. My mother is 60 years old and still relaxes her hair, however she takes very good care of it. She naturally has fine hair unlike me but it's still healthy. Her hair was WL before she had breast cancer and had to undergo chemo, now it's between APL/BSL.

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