Do you refrigerate your aloe vera gel?


Well-Known Member
I bought some more aloe vera gel. I usually get the FOTE gel that you don't need to refrigerate because you don't drink it. I just bought some of the aloe vera gel that you drink but I'm not drinking it only putting it on my hair. It says refrigerate after opening. I'm wondering if I still need to do that because I'm not drinking it.
The natural stuff such as Lily of the Desert, you should refrigerate. I usually get a large bottle and take out what I'm gonna use, or put some in a smaller bottle and refrigerate the rest.

I do have some left from a gallon jug of (not so natural) aloe vera juice I got from WalMart in the laxative section (bottom shelf). I've had it over a year and never refrigerated it because it has preservatives. I use this for dilution of hair stuff.

Lately, I only use (natural) aloe to water down lotion that I have added my oils (carrier and EO) of choice to.
I only refrigerate if it was when I bought it...

Ive bought 2 different kinds from Whole Foods... One was in the fridge at the store and the bottle says to keep refrigerated .. the other was on a shelf unrefrigerated and the bottle doesnt specify so I dont keep it cool
Does anyone know how long it can be left in the refrigerator? I have had some about a month. I'm kind of afraid to use it.
Does anyone know how long it can be left in the refrigerator? I have had some about a month. I'm kind of afraid to use it.

Lily of the Desert has an expiration date on the bottle, so it should be good until the date on the bottle as long as you store it as suggested. HTH
I refrigerate the drink/juice that I add to my goji and acai juices, but I do not refrigerate the gel that I use for my hair although it does say refrigerate after opening. When I make my moisture mist with the drink and filtered water, a little honey quat, etc., I do add a few drops of tea tree oil as a short-term preservative and I use up the batch within a week to 10 days.
I refrigerate the drink/juice that I add to my goji and acai juices, but I do not refrigerate the gel that I use for my hair although it does say refrigerate after opening. When I make my moisture mist with the drink and filtered water, a little honey quat, etc., I do add a few drops of tea tree oil as a short-term preservative and I use up the batch within a week to 10 days.

Cool thanks I may try that.