Do you put oil on your scalp?

Do you oil your scalp?

  • No I don't oil my scalp and it grows fast

    Votes: 91 36.7%
  • Yes I oil my scalp and it grows fast

    Votes: 157 63.3%

  • Total voters
I'll use any natural oil on my scalp now. I can't tell whether or not they made my hair grow faster in the past b/c I used them off and on. Now I'm using eo's w/ other natural oils cause my scalp is itching more.
I've been using an essential oil blend on my scalp as of late; the growth has increased, but I'm not sure if it's because of the oils or because of the increased healthiness of my diet lately.
i oil my scalp with what ever oil i feel like using. usually olive oil or one of my hairveda oils. I dont know if it helps with growth but my scalp gets dry a lot and it drinks the oil right up. I have to do it about everyother day or so.
I oil my scalp lightly but consistently with natural oils. As of late I've been using African Formula diluted with olive oil and it gives me better growth than going oil-less. My scalp does not like pomades or anything smothering, even if it is natural.
I only oil my scalp in the winter months to help better manage my hair and maintain its moisture. I'm sure it helps aid in retaining my growth but I can't say if it has been the sole reason for growth. I use Afroveda Shikakai Growth Oil and/or Afroveda Hibiscus Oil.
Yes i do:yep:

Right now i'm using Bee Mine Serum....its oil based mixed with sulfur

And as it gets colder i'm going back to using JBCO.

Sometimes i use Vatika coconut oil on my scalp bc its mixed with other good herbs like Neem and Amla....i just hate waiting for it to melt in hot water in the sink...its hard to get out the bottle.

I also have the Scalp Elixir i bought a very long time ago from need to use it up....but thats also a mix of oils. Oil works waaaaaayyyy better on my scalp than grease:yep:
Right now, I'm using a 50-50 mix of castor oil, and coconut oil with a few drops of essential oil mixed in. I use it at least once a week. Just recently added JBCO to my scalp after a shampoo. Last year, I used Vatika, and my hair seemed to grow faster than it does now.:look:
Yes, I put Aphogee Essential Oils Mix (with some rosemary eo mixed in) on my scalp and I just started putting JBCO on my nape. I'm hoping the JBCO helps to thicken and grow my nape area.
The only thing I apply to my scalp is shampoo. Oil gives me dandruff, shedding, build up and an itchy scalp. If I even use conditioner on my scalp it gets very itchy as soon as I'm under the sun or I exercise. I tried to use ayurvedic powders as well and I got a lot of dandruff which was difficult to remove. Average/fast growth.
Only when I pre-poo with oils. I add peppermint, lavender or cinnamon EO to give my scalp an added treat.
I voted no, because from my BC until last month I didn't because I was told by my beautician (when I was relaxed) that our hair didn't need it....and I went from TWA to BSB in 2 years.....I only oil my scalp once or twice a week now because I joined the Castor Oil challenge....I don't think oiling or not oiling will change your hair's growth rate....If I oil too much my hair and scalp is a mess (icky)....Plus its counterproductve for me since I co-wash often.....what with the workouts and all.
I think she may have meant don't grease your scalp. That can clog pores and if you already have a scalp that produces lots of sebum (mine overproduces) then certain oils can and will clog. Otherwise oiling is fine.
As far as the OP, it depends on what TYPE of oil you are using. If one uses natural, light oils and maybe mixes in a few EO's for additional properties like cooling, fragrance, or calming the scalp, then they should NOT clog the pores.

I don't use grease and mineral oil, and I see no problem with applying high-quality light oils to the scalp. My scalp and hair are healthy and to me my hair grows well. I have been oiling my scalp for YEARS. Some natural oils are actually close to the constitution of sebum, and can be beneficial for those needing a little extra lubrication on dry scalps.

I think she was incorrect for basically using a generalizing statement and essentially saying that ANY oil at all will clog pores so best not to use any AT ALL. Umm no. :rolleyes:
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I never need to oil my scalp because my daily hair moisturising regime also moisturises my scalp. If I oiled my scalp it may become an oily mess! What I apply to my hair seems sufficient to moisturise my scalp & I never have a dry scalp.

Funnily enough I only experience dry scalp when I oil it! I find that DCing with heat really helps with moisture, length retention and conditioning of my hair and scalp.
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Come to think of it... Since I've taken a break from oiling my scalp, I have no need to scratch. Wow! Just a thought.

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I using up products right now and I have been oiling my scalp and hair with Sweet Almond oil infused with orange EO. I don't think it grows any faster but my hair sh'ole do feel fine aftawuds.:drunk:
I use either EVCO, EVOO or jojoba problems growing for me. I don't think I would use regular grease on my scalp. That will probably clog your pores.
Im going on a strict oil my scalp regi for 3mnths. I won't use anything but a mixture of oils & a daily moisturizer. Just seeing what works for me.
I don't put anything on my scalp.

I had itchy scalp until I gave up moisturizer/grease for oil then I gave up oil all together. My sebum is just fine.
I have to oil my scalp because it (my entire body) is sun sensitive and will burn. I apply a mixture of tea tree, peppermint and EVOO after DCing.
No I love oils, but I just put them on the length of my hair and a little extra at the roots b/c the tangle easily. All I ever put on my scalp is shampoo.
YEs I oil my scalp and my length especially the ends, and I have better retention when I oil vs. not oiling at all.
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