Do you pay to have your braids/weave removed?


Simplicity & Peacefulness
Do you pay to have your braids/weave removed? If so, how much does it cost and how long does it take them? Should I expect them to detangle my hair also?
I have paid almost every time to have my braids/weave removed. I pay around $50 and that includes weave removal, detangle, wash, dc, blow dry, and flat iron. It usually takes about 1 hour to 1.5 hours but unless you are dealing with someone who know how to be gentle they may not be very gentle during detangling.
I never paid. Their technique was so awful that everyone lost tons of unnecessary hair. Especially from the edges. I always did it myself.
I removed my braids myself. It is easy enough. Then I can pamper my hair the way I need to in between.

You definitely want to make sure you use someone you trust. There have been stories on here where the stylist cut the person's real hair while trying to remove braids because they cut to high up.

I'm sure removing a weave is more delicate than taking out extensions.
I paid once and left half way through the process. I had micro braids and she cut the braids then attempted to wash (actually rip) them out. If I had let her continue I would have had no hair left by the time she was through. Come to think of it I don't think I paid her when i left. My hair was dripping wet and looking a hot $$$ mess.
I've never paid to have braids removed but I'm considering it. My braider charges $35 to take out Havana twists and detangle. She said it would take about 90 minutes. It takes about 3 hours for her to install them and it takes me 5 - 6 hours to remove them and to detangle my hair. I've been using her since 2012 and she is gentle enough when doing my braids/twists but I have no idea about her takedown technique beyond the products she uses.

When I was relaxed and wearing sew in weaves, I paid my former stylist to remove the weave. That included removal, detangling, relaxer touch up, blow out and styling. I paid $75 but that included the tip, so it was probably $55 - $60.

Fusion weave removal and reinstall with a relaxer touch and style was $500. I wouldn't dare try to take out fusion weave on my own though.
I removed my braids myself. It is easy enough. Then I can pamper my hair the way I need to in between.
I do crochet braids, and this is my approach. I take them down on Friday when I get off of work, and spend the weekend washing, conditioning and doing treatments to get it prepped to have braids re-installed on Sunday.
I have paid almost every time to have my braids/weave removed. I pay around $50 and that includes weave removal, detangle, wash, dc, blow dry, and flat iron. It usually takes about 1 hour to 1.5 hours but unless you are dealing with someone who know how to be gentle they may not be very gentle during detangling.

:pinocchio REALLY!? All of that for 50$!? are you satisfied after??
After some rough removals and some of my hair being cut by accident. I take my sew-in out myself. I spend fri night carefully cutting the strings and detangling my hair and pre-pooing. First time it took me 5 hours! And Im pretty sure I cried twice out of frustration and sore arms. But now I can do the whole process in under 2. Saturday I wash and DC. Sunday reinstall.

No one is going to be as gentle on your hair as you. Ive had too many bad experiences and cut hair that I feel better doing it myself. I'm more motivated and will take the necessary time to do it right. A stylist with time constraints or impatient customers that are waiting will not.
Honestly, I used to wear my weaves back to back and didn't pay much attention. I went to her only once for just the removal, my last weave install. I feel like my hair doesn't get the proper deep conditioning when I pay to get the weave removed and I want to start doing it myself. I think I would be more satisfied doing it myself and can pay closer attention to my hair.
Do you pay to have your braids/weave removed? If so, how much does it cost and how long does it take them? Should I expect them to detangle my hair also?
No, I use the free services of my sisters. They are gentle and never cut my hair in the process.
I don't trust myself to have the patience to carefully remove my weave... So I paid my stylist to do it.

She then washed conditioned, detangled and put my hair in big 2 strand twists.

I really like my stylist and she does great work so I have no problem paying for weave takedown.

Braids I do myself.
My first weave, I paid stylist to remove. She charged $20 and that was with a detangling, but I told her I would wash when I got home. The second weave, I had my mom remove. :) I had the weave in for 3 months and had a lot of new growth so it was really easy to see the thread/string to cut. It took her about 30 minutes.

I paid stylist to remove my crochet braids. I watched a few YT tutorials on how to self-remove, but I still was scared to attempt figuring I would cut hair so I just went the paid, safe route. She charged me $25, and detangled. She offered to wash, but like before I wanted to make sure I got all the hair out before any water hit it.
I've never paid to have braids removed but I'm considering it. My braider charges $35 to take out Havana twists and detangle. She said it would take about 90 minutes. It takes about 3 hours for her to install them and it takes me 5 - 6 hours to remove them and to detangle my hair. I've been using her since 2012 and she is gentle enough when doing my braids/twists but I have no idea about her takedown technique beyond the products she uses. When I was relaxed and wearing sew in weaves, I paid my former stylist to remove the weave. That included removal, detangling, relaxer touch up, blow out and styling. I paid $75 but that included the tip, so it was probably $55 - $60. Fusion weave removal and reinstall with a relaxer touch and style was $500. I wouldn't dare try to take out fusion weave on my own though.


Do you have any stylist recommendations for NYC that can takedown a sew in?


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