Do you moisturize EVERY Day??


Well-Known Member
If so how many x's do you moisturize daily?? Do you think it is necessary to moisturize your hair EVERY day??
Yes I tend to moisturize twice a day because of how dry my hair get. I think it is very nesscary to moisturize daily because if your hair becomes really dry it is more prone to breakage and damage, trust me I speak from experience
Twice a day because when I do this I see less breaking but I try to use a lite moisturizer to avoid my hair being overloaded with build up of the product
i just looked at your pics and your hair is gorgeous
She does have LOVELY hair.

I don't mositurize every day Denali - my hair is too fine. I do it every other day and always after I take my wrap down. I don't moisturize at all if I airdried it. I do that after the wash and then not again until I wash again. I only moisturize every other day when I've rollerset my hair.
If im wearing my hair in a rollerset then I moisturize 2x a day with ORS olive oil. Now that I airdry more often than not I've cut it down to once a day with ORS olive oil.
i moisturize EVERY day. i'm too scared that if i dont my hair will dry out and if my hair starts breaking, i'm going crazy.
I moisturize once a day in the am when I do my hair. I spray it with leave in, then apply gel and then moisturize or oil my ends.
Your hair is beautiful and your highlights are really pretty. I was trying to access your highlighting technique album, but a password is needed. I sent u a PM.
I never moisturize, I hate any and all forms of hair dressings, whether it's a serum, oil, grease, cream, I hate them all.
I moisturize my ends EVERY night no matter which style I am wearing. In the morning I use a litle evoo or coconut oil for sheen.
my hair is phenomenally (sp?) so I have to moisturize daily. Denali03, where did you purchase the jojoba oil that is on your product moisturizers page?