Do you love Grease? and Oil? Check this out!


Well-Known Member
I recently rediscovered an old product and with the recent discussions about greasing the scalp/hair with the good ole' petro, I thought I'd share my favorite - It's lightweight, kind of creamy, and a little goes a long way.

DAX Organic Oils SuperGro - about $3.99
PETROLATUM, Sweet Almond oil, Aloe Vera, Avocado oil, Sunflower oil, Jojoba oil, Sesame oil, wheat germ oil, Safflower oil, Peanut oil, Cottonseed oil, Parfum.

It has the petro and a whole lot of oils!!!

Has anyone else used this and if so how often did you use it and did you experience any significant growth?
This is what you're talking about, right?

I've never heard of that product, but I do remember this one (so old-school):


Let me know how that supergro turns out.... :)
I am curious, I've been avoiding petroliatum and mineral oil products like the plague. So are we saying they are okay. I know my mom used ultra sheen like it was going out of style and my hair was beautiful. So I'm confused !:confused:

All the other ingredants in DOO sounds fabulous. My scalp is really itchy for some reason (MSM?) no dandriff, just itchy!!!!!! perhaps I need to grease it!! LOL

texasqt said:
I recently rediscovered an old product and with the recent discussions about greasing the scalp/hair with the good ole' petro, I thought I'd share my favorite - It's lightweight, kind of creamy, and a little goes a long way.

DAX Organic Oils SuperGro - about $3.99
PETROLATUM, Sweet Almond oil, Aloe Vera, Avocado oil, Sunflower oil, Jojoba oil, Sesame oil, wheat germ oil, Safflower oil, Peanut oil, Cottonseed oil, Parfum.

It has the petro and a whole lot of oils!!!

Has anyone else used this and if so how often did you use it and did you experience any significant growth?
AtlantaJJ said:
I am curious, I've been avoiding petroliatum and mineral oil products like the plague. So are we saying they are okay. I know my mom used ultra sheen like it was going out of style and my hair was beautiful. So I'm confused !:confused:

All the other ingredients in DOO sounds fabulous. My scalp is really itchy for some reason (MSM?) no dandriff, just itchy!!!!!! perhaps I need to grease it!! LOL

I avoid both of these ingredients for my scalp.
I have jumped back on the grease bandwagon and it feels soo good on my scalp!!!

the ingredients in this new dax look good!!!I have to try it!!!The old one was always good to my hair as a kid but I haven't used it in yrs
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I didn't even know there was a new DAX. My mom used the old school DAX on my hair and scalp when I was a little girl, and my ponytails were definitely long then.
My mom also used the old school DAX, and my hair was long and thick.

Maybe I should pick this up on my next Sally's run.... :D

CreoleBelle said:
I didn't even know there was a new DAX. My mom
used the old school DAX on my hair and scalp when I was a little girl, and my ponytails were definitely long then.
It's the first pic and I picked it up actually a few years ago because I wanted a lighter grease for my hair. I've mixed it with WGHO, not for any special reason but to save the smell of WGHO, and a little bit of water (needs moisture right???). I'll be using it nightly, mostly on my hair, and on my scalp maybe 2-3 times before my next weekly wash.

It is soooo light to me that I really don't see it doing much clogging of the pores. I will definitely keep you all updated because I read in some reviews that it can help your hair grow if you use it religiously.

bklynwildheart said:
This is what you're talking about, right?

I've never heard of that product, but I do remember this one (so old-school):


Let me know how that supergro turns out.... :)
AtlantaJJ said:
I am curious, I've been avoiding petroliatum and mineral oil products like the plague. So are we saying they are okay. I know my mom used ultra sheen like it was going out of style and my hair was beautiful. So I'm confused !:confused:

All the other ingredants in DOO sounds fabulous. My scalp is really itchy for some reason (MSM?) no dandriff, just itchy!!!!!! perhaps I need to grease it!! LOL

The verdict is still out on this one??? and lately folks have been saying they never put it down. Like you said, back in the day it seemed to give great results. I think if you use petrolatum and or mineral oil and it weighs your hair down or doesn't absorb well then of course its just sitting on your head, blocking up your pores.

Is the blocking of pores the only reason why people say stay away from it?
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I just jumped back on the grease band wagon. Like I said in an earlier post, if it worked for me back when I was younger, why can't it work now.
Back when I was young, with no perm, my mom would keep my hair greased up. And then, it was so long and healthly. My mom still uses grease and her hair is soooo healthy. I do her perms and she does the rest. But her hair remains healthy. When I got married in July of 2004, my mom's hair was a natural TWA of about 1-2 inches. Now her hair is permed and shoulder length. I guess grease didn't clog her pores too bad. Hopefully I can get similar results.
My daddy used to use Dax and a nice Boars Hair Brush for his waves..

I might pick that up after Im out of the rest of my greases...
I use Softee Coconut Oil Hair and Scalp Conditioner as my 'grease'. It stopped all breakage whatsoever.

I think what makes petrolatum and mineral oil so evil is when you combine them with heat perhaps? :confused: As in using grease on your hair, and then using direct heat, that might be a bad combination. As far as I know from my research on the board, almost everyone had some kind of petrolatum based hair grease as a child, and almost everyone had nice healthy hair. The key may be the fact that as kids we hardly had heat on our hair apart from those of us that had hot comb straightenings. JMO.
isioma85 said:
I use Softee Coconut Oil Hair and Scalp Conditioner as my 'grease'. It stopped all breakage whatsoever.

I think what makes petrolatum and mineral oil so evil is when you combine them with heat perhaps? :confused: As in using grease on your hair, and then using direct heat, that might be a bad combination. As far as I know from my research on the board, almost everyone had some kind of petrolatum based hair grease as a child, and almost everyone had nice healthy hair. The key may be the fact that as kids we hardly had heat on our hair apart
from those of us that had hot comb straightenings. JMO.

ITA with what you said about minimizing heat when we were kids I only had heat used on my hair for special occasions(rare) and holidays like Easter Sunday and sometimes on Christmas.
I love it too, and it does what it says - the green one. The black stinks too bad and the yellow one is great also.
gn1g said:
I love it too, and it does what it says - the green one. The black stinks too bad and the yellow one is great also.

lol the kokatah (not sure of the spelling) smells AWFUL but when I was in college it grew muh grass like nobody's business!!! Maybe I should go back to it. My S.O. was like "omg :p you used that grease didn't you".:lol: I'm a hugger so this is kind of a reason to stay away from people LOL