Do you lose hair during relaxer?


New Member
is is common to lose hair during the relaxer process. i know when i get a relaxer. after my stylist rinses me out. there is always a ball of hair in the drain...

is this normal?
I don't know if it's "normal" but it does happen to me too. It's not always a ball of hair but I lose a significant amount. I always assume that it is mostly shed hair that I've just accumulated since I don't comb very often. I say this because I only noticed so much lost hair after I started combing less.
It happens to me too, but I never noticed it until the last time I got a relaxer my stylist was rinsing it out in my kitchen sink and I almost fainted because it was the first time I had seen so much hair in the sink! I got really scared because I thought my hair was breaking off really bad and wondered if it happened after every relaxer I get. I was so shocked that I almost cried.