Do you know your God-givenpurpose?


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Do you know your God-given purpose?

Are you walking in your purpose?

How did you discover your purpose
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I keep hearing that I'm young so not to be worried but to be honest I'm scared I will wake up years later and still don't know
I don't think you will ever know it just happens. We have free will and then there God who directs. I mean if that was the case we would all have something on us that states I'm a xyz..I find whatever I do it will not just give me increase but others as well.
I don't think you will ever know it just happens. We have free will and then there God who directs. I mean if that was the case we would all have something on us that states I'm a xyz..I find whatever I do it will not just give me increase but others as well.

I know people who believe they know and are walking in their purpose. I believe it's possible to know your purpose........
These are good questions. The short answer is: I don't know yet.

The long answer: I know that God is keeping me (and you and others) alive for a reason. Given that, I know that I (and you and others) have a God-given purpose. We are not done on this earth yet. I sense that my purpose is related to my talents and my spiritual gifts, but I just don't know the exact purpose yet ... or rather the magnitude of the purpose. We ALL have a purpose to serve the Lord and to serve others. So I know that much; I just don't know the scale of my service, but sense that it is large. I also don't know the avenue, but I think that's where the talents and spiritual gifts come in.

Are you walking in your purpose?
Yes and no. Yes, because the Lord is laying down the road in front of me. For several years now, there have been some doors opened by Him that I believe are paving the way to my purpose. No, because I have purposely hindered the "walk". In some ways, I have been running in the other direction (kind of like Jonah and the whale).

How did you discover your purpose?
I still don't know my exact purpose, but I very much believe it will require the use of my God-given talents and spiritual gifts. I sense that if I spend more time with Him, He will reveal it to me sooner than later, but again, I'm having a Jonah moment. :lol:
I know people who believe they know and are walking in their purpose. I believe it's possible to know your purpose........

Well I always believe that some may believe that but it's never for sure. We all have various talents and abilities,it's just a matter of finding the one that we truly desire that will give God glory. Sometimes things we think should blow us up is just a hobby where other things have to be developed before the manifestation of purpose comes forth. I feel at least for me I won't find out what I was here for until I go home.
God's purpose for us is the process of continually doing what He asks us to do.

Everything we do serves a purpose; the people we meet, the schools we attend, the family we are raised in; the church we serve in, etc. We may not see or understand the big picture, but in due time it will be revealed.

I'm no longer concerned about the purpose but more concerned about the "process" or the "present moment" because the process is what drives the purpose.

Lastly, when we love and serve the Lord He will order our steps. And that's when we allow His Perfect Will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. Ultimately, that will be our purpose for being here.
Knowing your "God given purpose" is something no one should worry about. There is nothing in the Bible that advocates knowing or seeking our purpose in life. Whatever happens in our life just happens. It just comes to pass without us knowing what it is. Plus, the things in this life are only temporary, not eternal. God has specific thoughts towards us and only he knows our expected end (Jeremiah 29:11).

There are two types of wills of God laid out in the bible: 1) God's sovereign will and 2) God's will of command. God's sovereign will is something we cannot control, change, or know. If we try to know His sovereign will, why things happen, what will happen, and when things will happen in our lives, then there would be no need for hope or faith. If we knew everything such as our purpose in life and what we will do in the future, there would be no need to have any hope or faith.

Now God's will of command is what God commands us to do. We can either succeed or fail in this action. You know how Jesus said in Matthew 7:21, "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven."... if we want to enter the kingdom of Heaven, we must do the will of the God. And the will of God is laid out here in this verse:

Romans 12:1-2
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

That is what I would say our purpose in life should be a living, holy, acceptable sacrifice unto God, not conforming to this world, and being transformed by the renewing of our minds.
im basically where loolah is now. the only difference is that i haven't really run from it. maybe once or twice, but usually im able to see the doors that are opening and walk to them. i then find out why and see that it is leading me more towards what i believe my purpose is. a lot of things in life that i couldnt understand is being cleared up. when you be quite, be still and listen, you begin to figure things out.
God created Esther "For such a time as this"

He created Mary who gave birth to His only begotten Son.

Moses, Paul and the list goes on.

I don't argue that our gifts should glorify God, I think that's a given in any Christian discussion, that's our ultimate purpose - to bring Him glory.

But I disagree that things in your life "just happen...." without a vision the people perish.

I know I don't serve a purposeless God, and I do believe that He has an assignment for every individual that He creates (no matter how "small" it is in the human mind).
I think God has a purpose and a plan for everyone. I don't think we are here to just merely exist. Wanting God to use you in his kingdom is something you should seek him for.

I went through this about a year ago. I kept feeling like God had more for my life than just going to work, going to church, etc doing routine stuff. I knew that I was created with purpose. So I just prayed and fasted on it. I asked God in his infinite wisdom what his purpose was for my life and what I was called here to do.

He answered me. It feels great because I am now about the business of doing that.

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.