Do you know/Walk in your spiritual Gift(s)


The Credit Countess
I ask this because for the longest time I didn't know what my spirtual gift was. I was asking God what is my role in the church, how was I suppose to better the church and you know what my primary gift was right in front of me, it was something that I had been doing most of my life and it was second nature to me like breathing. My primary gift is the gift of EXHORATION. I am one to encourge, uplift and hold the arms of the saints.

Now alot of people think of the gifts of the sprit and think about Pastoring, teaching, speaking in tonuges, but we are all not called to preach and teach and the word saids that we ALL have a gift:

Romans 12:4-8:

4For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same office: 5So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another. 6Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, whether prophecy, let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith; 7Or ministry, let us wait on our ministering: or he that teacheth, on teaching; 8Or he that exhorteth, on exhortation: he that giveth, let him do it with simplicity; he that ruleth, with diligence; he that sheweth mercy, with cheerfulness.

So do you know what your spirtual gifts are?

Let's discuss
I still dont have a clue. I think I know but I'm not sure. I have been through a lot in the past few years that have brought me to my knees. It seems as I get one thing settled and just about to see sunshine somebody steals the sun. A lady at this church I used to go told me last weekend that Because of all my trials, she can see that God id trying to birth something through me. My reply was "well I'll be glad when He do, cause I'm kinda tired right now." She said she think God is preparing me for a ministry for single women. I actually hope she is right because I do have a burden for single women like me with kids. I want to tell them about this man I know and His name is Jesus
This is a weird gift in the context of church, but my gift is party planning. So I do I lot of events for my church.

I think God can help you develop new gifts. I thought I could never speak on the pulpit but now I have delivered the sermon 3 times. I didn't think I could evangelize but now I'm excited about my new position within evangelism.
I've been trying to figure out my spiriual gift for over a year now. The Bible mentions more spiritual gifts in I Corinthians 12:7-11

New Living Translation

A spiritual gilft is given to each of us as a means of helping the entire church. To one person the Spirit gives the ability to give wise advice; to another he gives the gift of special knowledge. The Spirit give special faith to another, and to someone else he gives the power to heal the sick. He gives one person the power to perform miracles, and to another the ability to prophesy. He gives someone else the ability to know whether it is really the Spirit of god or another spirit that is speaking. Still another person is given the ability to speak in unknown languages, and another is given the ability to interpret what is being said. It is the one and only Holy Spirit who distributes these gifts. He alone decides which gift each person should have.
I've been trying to figure out my gifts for at least 4 years now and I cheated and I asked my friend who is a minister and she finally told me after years of bugging her: (I'm taking this directly from her email to me)

"You are a giver. You give of yourself freely to others. You are also organized and timely....honey those are gifts God can use in the kingdom. I also believe you can teach others like mentoring, volunteering, tutoring etc. I think you can connect well with young people. You are also a leader but you pave the way where others can follow because you always take the high road but you just don't want others to walk you would prefer they run the race because you are an overachiever in education and you can help consult with young people or people wanting to go back to school."

And I'm glad you ask the question LadyR because I didn't really consider any of these things gifts. I read the email and felt let down. I thought she said nice things but my first impression was anyone can do these things. These things are not special but I think I need to take another look at what she said and maybe if I can find a church where I feel comfortable I will be able to put these things to work. I LOVE infants but I always find myself surrounded by teenagers so maybe she is right and I need to consider working with the youth.
The reason I posted this question, is because there are more people unsure than there are sure of their gifts.

I too have a calling in the Women's ministry and I truly love to exhort my fellow saints. In addition, I am a giver. I think that it is very important to know your calling/gift so that we are not trying to walk into something that God hasn't intended us to walk in. I think that many of us walk in gifts/callings that was not intended for us because we don't know where we are suppose to be in the body of Chirst.

One book that helped me was ": YOur Spiritual Gifts can helpyour church grow" by C. Peter Wagner.

Also when I was in prayer and seaching for direction I did a search online, I think I typed in "Spiritual Gifts" and I found various tests that I took and prayed on the answers I received and throught that I realized my primary gift, suprisely I found a couple of secondary gifts that I would never had realized.
There is a spiritual assessment tool bu elmer towns on the WWW. Take the test and find out. It's great.
i took a spiritual assessment and my gifts are teaching and evangelizing. i also have the gift of discernment.

but i see that spiritual assessment as a man-made test. I think God has a way of letting you know what your spiritual gifts are without taking that test.
Poohbear said:
i took a spiritual assessment and my gifts are teaching and evangelizing. i also have the gift of discernment.

but i see that spiritual assessment as a man-made test. I think God has a way of letting you know what your spiritual gifts are without taking that test.

You are so right Pooh, the test is man-made and God does have the finally say. I'm not saying to count on just the test, if you see what I said I said as you are PRAYING AND FASTING AND ASKING FOR DIRECTION FROM GOD, I FOUND THE SELF ASSESSMENT TO BE HELPFUL. I really know my gifts before the self assessment but that confirmed it for me.
I totally agree Pooh.

You can't always walk in gifts that other people say you have. If the Lord hasn't told you it may be that you don't actually have those gifts or its not the RIGHT time to move in the fullness of your gifts.

I had two people tell me what the Lord told them my purpose was, but the Lord didn't tell me that so how am I going to move in a gift with out conformation from God.

But, after two people told me I decided to seek the truth directly from the Lord and he answered, it took 3 months for me to get it, but he answered.

Within 4 months the Lord had opened up a position, delievered the opportunity right in my hands to walk in my gift. Had I not received conformation I would have never walked in it based upon what others had said, but since I received the truth directly from here I was confident in walking in my gift and holding down the position.

LadyR said:
You are so right Pooh, the test is man-made and God does have the finally say. I'm not saying to count on just the test, if you see what I said I said as you are PRAYING AND FASTING AND ASKING FOR DIRECTION FROM GOD, I FOUND THE SELF ASSESSMENT TO BE HELPFUL. I really know my gifts before the self assessment but that confirmed it for me.

Oh, I wasn't speaking against your post. ;) I was just speaking for myself in response to the subject of this thread. That is great that God let you know what your gifts were before taking the assessment! :)
my co-worker shared a site with me. i never knew my gifts either...i really felt like i had none. the site told me my gifts were hospitality and administration (right up my alley). do those count as gifts?
Yes hospitality and administration counts as gifts.

dstdiva said:
my co-worker shared a site with me. i never knew my gifts either...i really felt like i had none. the site told me my gifts were hospitality and administration (right up my alley). do those count as gifts?[/QUOTE
This is such a good thread Lady R because for so long I didn't know, or I wasn't really sure of my spiritual gifts.

Mine are words of wisdom, discernment of spirits, speaking in tongues, and exhortation.

To be honest, I don't like telling people "I have the gift of wisdom" because it sounds conceited. The only reason why I feel okay sharing that, is because I've had people, spiritual leaders, disciplers, family, friends, tell me I have the gift.

I remember praying for wisdom when I was VERY young. (Like 8 or 9 years old.) I remember praying about it after my dad told me about King Solomon, and how God told Solomon to ask for anything and it would be given to him. Instead of asking for riches, or a great kingdom, Solomon asked for wisdom. God was so pleased with Solomon's unselfish request, that he blessed Solomon with RICHES! After reading that story with my dad I remember praying FERVENTLY for wisdom. :lachen: Now, there may have been some selfish ambition in that :lol:, but I honestly think God answered my prayers. hehehehe. Even though I'm not bling blingin', God's wisdom has saved me from ALOT of heartache and wrong decisions, and he's used me to counsel other people which is better than the money. :yep:
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Yes, I believe I do know and walk in my spiritual gifts. I feel I've known clearly since I was a very small child.
LadyR said:
So do you know what your spirtual gifts are?

Let's discuss

I know what mine are, but were afraid of a couple of them. Now, I am just allowing myself to feel comfortable with it, and see it as a gift.
I have both the gift of EXHORATION and to TEACH. Because they are gifts from the Father, they happen as easily as breathing happens. I don't have to think about them or be watchful for opportunities to do them, they simply happen. I have had people contact me to thank me for my words of encouragement when I never knew what I was saying was encouraging. Or, I've had people come to me and ask me for more info on something I said, when I never even knew I had caught their attention...they want to learn more. But, with my gifts I have to be very, very watchful that I don't ever give myself the credit for what I have been blessed to do. All that I am and all that I do should be and is from the to the Lord I give all the credit and praise.

In my profession (counselor) to have the gift of encouragement is a blessing. Not to sound boastful, but, I have been able to help people that my colleagues could not help. I've even had people sent to me specifically because of the belief that I can reach the unreachable. But, even though I tried to explain to my colleagues it's Christ and not me, they still say that "I" have a way of persuading's not that at all, God has endowed me with the gift of encouragement and teaching...helping people learn how to love themselves for who they are and helping them to continue to accept themselves daily. That is not something you can learn in school because people are different and neither S.Freud nor C. Rogers has all the answers for what people are facing today. God knows us as individuals, so I ask for his direction to personalize my interventions with my clients...He does just that. Yes, my gifts are part of who I am, and I'm thankful for them.