^^ OK, I'm confused... because there are too many variables, omissions. I re-read it and no where did it say Jesus gave the man specific instructions...or to do this task alone. That he stopped at someone's house on the way to accomplish the command doesn't necessarily translate to disobedience. So I fail to see how the story in 1 Kings 13 is a good example. Perhaps you can explain further how 'obedience is better than sacrifice' relates to this trivia? 'Cause I don't get it.
From my understanding, when God gives a command, it's either with specific instructions or a goal-oriented mission. Noah received a blueprint for the ark and was given specific instructions. Moses built the temple with specific details, down to how many jewels on the high priest's breastplate. In 1 King 13, that man of God had been given specific instructions..he was not to eat or drink (accept no one's hospitality) and was to not go back the way he came. He obeyed the first time, when he declined the king's offer to dinner. But he disobeyed the second time when he heard falsely from another prophet that he should eat, drink. God's character is what we must rely on. He isn't a man that he should lie or contradict Himself.
There are lots of examples of goal-oriented missions from God. When Jesus told disciples to go into all the world and preach the gospel, for example. Whatever means we can preach the gospel, the goal is the same. Sometimes accomplishing that task involves the actions of people who didn't hear from God directly or who may not even know Him, but their actions help accomplish the divine plan. I'm more inclined to believe the second man falls into that category. JMHO.. perhaps someone else can chime in.