Do you jump in and out the shower?


New Member
How do you wash your hair and dc. I wanted to try to make a poll, but didnt know how.

Do you wash in the sink, dc and then get into the shower to rinse out.


Do you wash in the shower, get back out to dc, and then jump back into the shower to rinse out.
I first dc under the dryer for 20 min then jump in the shower to wash then use another condish to sit on my head while I wash up then rinse out. No in and out for me!!! I learned this trick from Macharieamore (sp?)

Oh year, too many tangles if done in the sink. :-(
I don't jump in and out. I usually I wash, bathe, apply conditioner and most of the time I sleep in it. The following day, I rinse, bathe then roll or do a pony.
I first dc under the dryer for 20 min then jump in the shower to wash then use another condish to sit on my head while I wash up then rinse out. No in and out for me!!! I learned this trick from Macharieamore (sp?)

Oh year, too many tangles if done in the sink. :-(

Wow I didnt know that it would still be affective if you dc before washing.
I learn something new everytime.
I don't jump in and out any more now I dc dry hair.
I always do henna/alma/indigo in the sink.
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How do you wash your hair and dc. I wanted to try to make a poll, but didnt know how.

Do you wash in the sink, dc and then get into the shower to rinse out.


Do you wash in the shower, get back out to dc, and then jump back into the shower to rinse out.


Both, either one of two ways:

1) Prepoo on dry hair.
2) Get in shower to rinse out prepoo, shampoo, and condition with plastic cap on, while I clean my body up, shave, pumice, etc...(all done in the shower, and the steam from the shower makes a great conditioning treatment. :yep:) Then about 5-10 mins later, I take cap off, rinse, then style.


1) Prepoo on dry hair,
2) Get in shower to rinse prepoo, shampoo,
3) Get out of shower to DC under hooded dryer,
4) Then get back in to shower to rinse, then style.
I normally

1) Prepoo on dry hair,
2) Get in shower to rinse out prepoo then shampoo,
3) Get out of shower to DC, apply plastic cap and get theunder hooded dryer for about 15-20 minutes,
4) Then get back in to shower to rinse :ohwell:
I don't jump in and out. I usually I wash, bathe, apply conditioner and most of the time I sleep in it. The following day, I rinse, bathe then roll or do a pony.

ditto- I feel less stress when it comes to doing my hair that way so basically it's a 2 day process.
I usually prepoo, then shampoo, rinse and then come out of the shower and deep condition under a heat cap. Then I get back into the shower and rinse out and do leave ins etcc........

Tuesday I discovered a new method by accident. I was prepooing with coconut oil and Alpaparf illuminating mask with karite, when I needed to go out ASAP. I intended to wash my hair but I decided to turn it into a conditioning wash. So I rinsed out my hair which felt silky and great and while I was taking a shower i added some NTM conditioner. It was the worst thing I did. My hair went from silky to straw. I immediately rinsed it out and put some more of the Alpaparf mask which made it softer but not as silky as before.
SO I decided since my hair tends to be dry especially during winter I will shampoo and cowash per week instead of washing two times per week but still do my prepoo before each one.
Does that make sense what do you all think about prepooing before a cowash.
Also is a dryer with more heat better for deep conditioning than a heat cap?
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I jump in and out of the shower. I just wrap up in a terry cloth robe and chill out. It gives me an excuse to paint my toes or put on some face mask.
I shampoo in the shower, get out and deep condition hair under the dryer then get back in to rinse.. washing or conditioning in the sink makes my hair a tangled mess :blush:

Days of touch-ups are long ones..:wallbash:
I touch-up roots, get in shower to rinse, get out to condition and leave in for 10 minutes, get back in shower to neautralize then shampoo, get out to apply semi-permanent color rinse, sit under dryer for 20-25 minutes :wallbash:
get in shower to rinse color, get back out to deep condition under the dryer then get back in to rinse conditioner, then finally out to style hair..:cry: by this time I am so tired!!!
I do everything in the sink. I use my adjustable computer chair and sit with my back to the sink so that my hair is washed staight back just as it would in the shower, using the extra long hose to the sink spray that my DH got just for my hair. I relax, wash, henna, anytime my hair needs rinsing, I go to the sink. I also have a special drain catcher (with super small holes) so that my hair floats on top of drain and doesn't go "down the drain" as it gets longer. During summer, I get either DH or son to rinse me out in the back yard, but its hard to grab those guys when I start doing my hair . . . somehow, they disappear. :ohwell: But they both are impressed with my long hair cuz they both knew me when I was bald headed. :lachen:

Both, either one of two ways:

1) Prepoo on dry hair.
2) Get in shower to rinse out prepoo, shampoo, and condition with plastic cap on, while I clean my body up, shave, pumice, etc...(all done in the shower, and the steam from the shower makes a great conditioning treatment. :yep:) Then about 5-10 mins later, I take cap off, rinse, then style.


1) Prepoo on dry hair,
2) Get in shower to rinse prepoo, shampoo,
3) Get out of shower to DC under hooded dryer,
4) Then get back in to shower to rinse, then style.

This is what I do as well. Sometimes I sleep with the conditioner on.
I apply the deep conditioner to dry hair. Most times I'll spray it with water to dampen it. Leave it on for about an hr. (sometimes going under the dryer). Then I shampoo and detangle in the shower, add the moisturizing conditioner while I shave and what not. Rinse and out.
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I apply the deep conditioner to dry hair. Most times I'll spray it with water to dampen it. Leave it on for about an hr. (sometimes going under the dryer). Then I shampoo and detangle in the shower, add the moisturizing conditioner while I shave and what not. Rinse and out.

This is what I do also. Helps with my time management.
I guess I'm the minority- I wash my hair in the sink. I use poos/conditioners that detangle well, so tangles have never been an issue.
I guess I'm the minority- I wash my hair in the sink. I use poos/conditioners that detangle well, so tangles have never been an issue.

Well you are not alone. This is what I do is wash in the sink and I never have any problems with tangles, but the longer my hair gets I am not sure if it will stay that way.
Option #2 for me because i co-wash most days and on the weekend- i henna- i add honey, hot water, acv, other herbs, amla, etc., shampoo, condition and dc in the shower. I just go back and forth til it is done.

Neroli- i find it hard to believe that you were ever bald-headed.
How do you wash your hair and dc. I wanted to try to make a poll, but didnt know how.

Do you wash in the shower, get back out to dc, and then jump back into the shower to rinse out.

wash in the shower in the sink woul dbe too much tangles
Option #2 for me because i co-wash most days and on the weekend- i henna- i add honey, hot water, acv, other herbs, amla, etc., shampoo, condition and dc in the shower. I just go back and forth til it is done.

Neroli- i find it hard to believe that you were ever bald-headed.

OK, may not totally bald headed, but definitely stuck at shoulder length. I've gone from SL to BSL to below BSL in about 4 years and both my DH and son as well as my mother and father, are like DANG!!!!!!!????? Not to mention the rest of the family who knew my hair back in the day. :lachen: They are still tripping my hair is not a weave, but that's a whooooole nother story :lachen:
I first dc under the dryer for 20 min then jump in the shower to wash then use another condish to sit on my head while I wash up then rinse out. No in and out for me!!! I learned this trick from Macharieamore (sp?)

Oh year, too many tangles if done in the sink. :-(

ok... this is smart. i never thought of doing this :perplexed i usually shampoo in the shower, then come out, dc under dryer, then wash out in the sink. but i'm gonna switch to this...DC first (I saw sareca's thread on DCing on dry hair with heat) then get in the shower, wash and instant condition, then out!
I started with washing in the shower, getting back out to dc, and then jumping back in to rinse. Lately i've been dcing over night on dry hair so in the morning i just jump in to shampoo and whatever else that follows.