DO you have that section of hair that just wont grow right?!


Love yourself first!
I had a couple of sections that didnt grow right! My back middle section and my left front side! I finally got the middle evened out from trimming every eight weeks, but the left front is taking FOREVER to grow out! I think I have 3 more inches to go before the entire front will be even with each other.

Do you have a section that drives you crazy! LOL!

My nape! No matter how much I baby it, it's just stubborn. I've surged, oiled, begged..I really don't think it wants to get any longer. :ohwell:
Try strighting this area last the less amount of chemicals or heat the better.
Do you sleep on that area, or play with you hair, twist it, brush it with your stronger,dominate hand?????
think about it..
Yes! Two years ago pretty much all my hair broke off due to a bad dye job and I decided to stop relaxing :perplexed well, now my hair is a lot better but i notice that my left side of my hair just isnt as healthy looking as the right side! It grows slower on that side for some reason :ohwell: oh well what can ya do?
My left side and front part of my hair grow slower then the rest of my gets so annoying...but i have been seeing some growth recently.
The middle section of the left side of my hair will not grow --- if anything, it continually breaks off, but I believe that’s due to the fact that I’m transitioning and my hair is not responding well because it wants a relaxer. TOO BAD!! :p Also, along the front left side of my hairline, my hair will not grow. I believe it’s due to the fact that a braider I had in the past continually braided individuals along my hairline in small sections causing my hair to fall out along that side. I’m trying a lot of products to see which one works the best and it seems that the combination of MTG and Surge are helping little baby hairs pop up. They’re still fine hairs, but at least they’re growing a little. :antlers:[font=&quot] [/font]
I've always had problems growing the left side of my head. However, I'm noticing, I'm not alone. *Thinking*, could this be the cause of wrapping each night in the same direction? Those who are having problems growing the left side, do you wrap your hair clockwise like I do? If so, I think we've found our culprit.
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My front grows like a snail. I'm 5 1/2 weeks post relaxer and I have an inch (easily, probably more) in the back and maybe a half inch in the front. :mad:
My front also grows slower than the rest. I assumed this was due to more manipulation from styling and the fact that products hit that area first (breakage from build-up?) I've trimmed my back area to get rid of layers and it is doing it again, this time naturally.
FashionistaNY said:
I've always had problems growing the left side of my head. However, I'm noticing, I'm not alone. *Thinking*, could this be the cause of wrapping each night in the same direction? Those who are having problems growing the left side, do you wrap your hair clockwise like I do? If so, I think we've found our culprit.

This isnt my problem. I have never wrapped my hair. I usually twist the ends and cover with a bonnet. My hair has finally gotten long enough to twist all in one big ponytail except for the left small section that wants to act retarded!

I dont brush my hair at all. I dont think I comb it too much either. I think my problem lies with someone doing a bad layering job on me! Trying to grow out layers is a long process.
Yes!!! The right side of my hair grows slower than the left side. Never had this problem before. All sorts of weird crap is happening with my hair...

I don't know who this hair belongs to, but they can have it back!

Yeah, my nape area right smack dead in the center is so thin and short. I thought it was the relaxing but its not showing any progress w/ 11 mos being relaxer free. I dont know what to do for that area anymore. I'vee been using the Biotin creme but nothing has changed. My album has pics of this area.
And I thought it was just me!! My front left side of my hair has always been way shorter than the front right.

I checked this out with a few people and they said that its normal that one side of everyone's hair is shorter than the other - weird huh?
My right side seems to grow faster than the left. For now, I'm not going to worry about trying to even it up. I hope that the left side will catch up w/ it. LOL!
Yes, my bang area grows a lot slower than the sides and back. My sides and back reach to my bra strap but the front bang area comes right above my shoulders. I have been babying that area by massaging and keeping it moisturized but it still grows slow and it drives me crazy sometimes! I want even length hair all around and I want it now.
Yes, my if the back center section would grow at the rate of my front and sides, I'd be at my goal by now:wallbash:
The very back of my dome!!! In the middle, the part that hits the bed when you lay down. It is probably from not changing the position of my drawstring ponytail as often as I should. So now, I oil and braid that section up and create a ponytail (bun) around it.
Yes! My left side just won't grow as thick and long as the right. I have to constantly trim the right to even it up. I purposely stopped wrapping my hair and putting stress on that side.
I have a section - my nap - that grows and then breaks off, its ridiculous I don't know why it does that, but Im trying for that not to happen this time. You know keep it well mosturized and back on my Biotin. That's the only thing that I know kept it good last time.
My front edges and my crown. I'm hoping that relaxing for years was the cause. Since I'm only 1 year natural I'm hoping that my future hair won't have this problem.
My crown area is the trouble spot. It grows in much slower and the texture is nappier than the reminder of my hair.
I used to, well lemme take that back. I do have areas like the two corners of my nape. I just gave up on this area and I am just elated that my back or nape of the hair is growing longer.