Do you have friends who feel like....


Well-Known Member
they cant do there own hair. I have a friend who goes to the hairdresser all the time and she told me that she wont even wash her own hair, and that she could never blowdry it or wrap it herself. She just doesnt understand how i can do all that myself and not go to the hairdresser. I just look at her and smh i feel bad for her because if there ever was a time when she could not go to the hair dresser she wouldnt know what to do. Do yall have friends like that?
I get being "style challenged" but not being able to even WASH your own hair. Nuh uh honey no no. *smh* I guess it depends on the person's life experiences but you are so right there will come a time when she won't be able to afford it or won't want to go to the salon. I'm not good with cornrowing, weaving, difficult styles so I mainly do individuals, twists, or flat iron but not being able to do simple things like wash, dc, blow dry, flat iron something is wrong unless your friend is like 12 or under. There's people who have real difficulties and still can do the basics.
Its not that she cant wash her own hair she wont do it, so when she goes and gets her hair done it stays like that till she goes again and sometimes her hair looks like a hot mess by the time she makes another appt.
Yeah, I have a friend like that. She CAN wash her own hair but she ALWAYS wants the 'stylist' to do it, even if the 'stylist' is just a lady who does braids for $25 and will wash your hair for $10 more. Against my advice, the fool showed up to the braids place with dirty hair & paid to get her hair washed, and then complained that she could have done a better job at home. Really??:ohwell:
Yeah...I feel sorry for my friend. She can't wash, style or do ANYTHING to her hair. She is at the mercy of whichever stylist she is seeing at the time. Every once in a whlie she will mention her desire to go natural BUT (insert ANY excuse here LOL!)

She keeps a short cut because no stylist has figured out how to get her past NL. Occasionally I will do her hair & YES she has some of the thickest, most challenging hair I have ever come across BUT it ain't nothing that a little time, effort & knowledge wouldn't help. About 6 yrs ago I got her to stretch for about a yr in braids and her hair grew to almost BSL...but then she got happy and started wearing it out too much and she went back to square one.
I'll be here to help if she ever gets serious about her hair...
My sister is like that. The other day, I told her that I was going to wash and rollerset my hair and she says to me..."How, by yourself?" I'm, yeah. :look:
No I don't have any friends like that, but I have heard of some people who do that, and I just don't understand myself, why be dependent on someone else to do your hair all the time, there's nothing wrong with pampering yourself by going to a stylist, but all the time, no, that's a waste of money, and it seems like a little bit of laziness to me, IMO.
My friends are pretty self reliant except for the technical stuff like weaving...

I'm glad for them, why pay?
Your friend probably had a bad experience washing her hair years ago. Maybe she lost a lot of hair by poor blow drying technique or using too much heat. We all know what its like to have a hair problem and become frantic. I think more people would go to the salon on a regular basis if they could afford it. As long as your friend isn't going longer than 3 weeks without getting her hair washed then she isn't that different from most women. As a teenager and young adult I would get my hair done every 2 weeks. It wasn't about doing it myself or not. It was just considered maintenance. It wasn't until I stopped relaxing that I became more involved in my hair and that was because there were so few places, at the time, that knew how to do a quality press.
I have a friend who refuses to do her own hair. She claims that her hair is too thick (it's not. it's actually fine but dense; thanks LHCF) for her to handle so she has to have someone else do it. :look:
I used to be that girl. I got tired of shelling out $30-$60 every week or two when I just wanted clean hair. I'm mostly DIY now.
Yeah my friend is like that. Her hair is really nice i think its like between apl and bsl and she can't wash it at home. She is always in the hair dresser every 2 weeks getting her hair washed and set. Its okay though...not everybody the same way im the reverse A hairdresser has not touched my hair in almost a hair has grown better without one.
Yep. My GF is an every two weeks girl if she can't get in she'll wear a had or a wig. She just complimented me this past weekend on my hair which is now the same length of the weave I wore last summer. I told her my reggy and she was like that sounds like to much work. I'm like what all I do is Henna/Indigo every two weeks. Wash deep condition every week. I either were braid outs or buns the majority of the time. Where is all the hard work?
YEP!!! But once is short of funds so I told her she can be broke or buy her own stuff and do her own hair. And lo and behold the girl FINALLY did!! Sometimes I'll wash it for her.

She can't, won't and BETTER'D not do her own touch-ups lol but I finally got her washing her own hair which was nothing short of a miracle.
umm i used to be one of those people lol i used to get a wash&set every week at the dominicans and my mom still does that (she knows how to do her own hair and used to do it but now she chooses to be pampered instead). i don't see anything wrong with that- i mean i never bought haircare products/tools anyway (no leave-ins etc) so that was the only money i ever spent on hair ($30-40/month is about the same as buying a hair product isn't it?). whenever i used to blowdry my own hair, it came out like a frizzy mess but the dominican salon made it shiny and bouncy. so it's not that people CAN'T do it-they just don't like the results that they get when they do it themselves. now that i'm natural, i do my own hair and unfortunately i have to buy tons of hair products that i never used to have to. i might even spend more money now (sigh). but yeah hair styling just doesn't work out for some people (shrugs)
I get being "style challenged" but not being able to even WASH your own hair. Nuh uh honey no no. *smh* I guess it depends on the person's life experiences but you are so right there will come a time when she won't be able to afford it or won't want to go to the salon. I'm not good with cornrowing, weaving, difficult styles so I mainly do individuals, twists, or flat iron but not being able to do simple things like wash, dc, blow dry, flat iron something is wrong unless your friend is like 12 or under. There's people who have real difficulties and still can do the basics.

Excuse me:lachen::lachen:I can't flat iron.
umm i used to be one of those people lol i used to get a wash&set every week at the dominicans and my mom still does that (she knows how to do her own hair and used to do it but now she chooses to be pampered instead). i don't see anything wrong with that- i mean i never bought haircare products/tools anyway (no leave-ins etc) so that was the only money i ever spent on hair ($30-40/month is about the same as buying a hair product isn't it?). whenever i used to blowdry my own hair, it came out like a frizzy mess but the dominican salon made it shiny and bouncy. so it's not that people CAN'T do it-they just don't like the results that they get when they do it themselves. now that i'm natural, i do my own hair and unfortunately i have to buy tons of hair products that i never used to have to. i might even spend more money now (sigh). but yeah hair styling just doesn't work out for some people (shrugs)

I agree it's her choice. I have a fitness training business and I have a few clients who won't workout unless I'm making them do it. Some people would never pay a trainer because they will do the workout themselves.
I was that person....styling my hair is still a challenge. I am slowly learning how to do a few different styles. I am in the process of finding a new stylist because now I realize how poorly my previous person was actually taking care of my hair. Also, natural hair is definitely not her forte so I need someone that understands where I am with my NOW.

Not everyone is interested in DIY hair or learning how to care for their own. I understand where they are coming from.
I don't see it as a problem and when I'm done with school ad making enough money I will probably go to a trusted stylist the majority of the time. Unless it's a simple style like a pony or braidout, my hair takes too long and I don't enjoy doing it anymore. I also doubt I'll have time so yes I will pay someone to do it just like I pay a restaurant to cook my food or I pay a mechanic to fix a car that most likely I could do. My mother mainly relies on her stylist as well. She can wash he hair and she does it when her stylists gets sick or goes out of town but it's too much work for her and she would rather someone else do it. No prob with me. The only friend I have likethat that I have a prob with is my friend who always gets weaves and never takes care of or has her stylist takecare of her own hair which has been the same length since middle school
I used to be that way because I had the money and was lazy. But now I refuse to spend my hard earned money on someone taking care of my hair since I can do it for free.
I'm cheap. I'll be damned if I have to depend on a stylist for something. I don't like to have to depend on anyone for ANYTHING, plus if you want it done right sometimes you just have to do it yourself.

No one handles my hair as gently as I do.
My mom is like this. I will admit that her has been looking really nice for the past 4 years since she has been going consistently to the hair stylist. She goes at least once or month or for a touch up. The issue is that she doesnt wash her hair until she goes back to the salon. By the 3rd, 4th, or 5th week her hair get super frizzy and is all over the place. She then tries to blow dry, flat iron, and rip a brush through dirty puffed up hair. She wont let me wash it. She wont wash it herself. My hair doesnt look terrible and I can do hair pretty well. But she just wants to stick to what she knows will work. I keep telling her that trying to style dirty oily hair wont heat style right. She wont listen and then become upset that her hair doesnt look right.

She can do the basics but I guess her doesnt come out looking like salon results. It been a while since I have seen her do her own hair from scratch. I do understand that she doesnt want to wash out the semi perm rinse or stand over a sink. I told her she has other options like I could put the rinse in for her and she could hop in the shower to wash her hair. She just would rather not do it or even let me do it. So now she is walking around with big poofy hair.
i used to feel the same way. i didn't know what the heck i was doing, and i was a teen so i knew nothing about hair boards. i used to just shampoo and skip the conditioner, then try to detangle apl/bsl hair. :nono: now that i've found hairboards, i don't have those problems anymore. ♥
I have a friend like this the only thing she can do to her hair is gel it down with brown gel then glue tracks on top this of course has taken a toll on her hair. I always told her this was not a good idea she finally listened to an extent she now wears a BSS lacefront but she still just cakes in brown gel (over old brown gel on dirty hair) and throws on the wig she just allows her hair to matt underneath it (instead of using it as a ps) so her hair is very short and broken. We are both expecting my little boy is due october 17th she is due in January and has not learned the sex of her baby yet. I feel bad for hoping it isnt a little girl because the poor child would have no hair.
Yep. Sounds exactly like my mom. We used to go to the salon every 2 weeks. I started doing my own hair at around age 10 and at around 13, pretty much stopped going to the salon except maybe once every 2-3 months, but she still goes every 2 weeks like clockwork. She barely touches her own hair except for putting it on rollers every now and then. I can't imagine how much that costs her every year.
i used to feel the same way. i didn't know what the heck i was doing, and i was a teen so i knew nothing about hair boards. i used to just shampoo and skip the conditioner, then try to detangle apl/bsl hair. :nono: now that i've found hairboards, i don't have those problems anymore. ♥
This was me in college.

Usually I waited to get my hair done until I went home. Freshman year one of the first things I did was look for a black hair salon near campus.

There were a few times that I washed my own hair, didn't use conditioner because I didn't really understand what it was for and why people use it, then tried to comb and set on these plastic mesh rollers I had. Or flat iron with no heat protectant with my $14 Gold N Hot flat iron.

LHCF was created a few years after I graduated.
My aunt does this. She gets her hair done once a week. It will be flaking and itching like a mad woman and she waits until Thursday. I also have a few friends like this. One former roommate was going to get her hair briade by one of my friends, then she knocked on my door and asked if she could use some shampoo. I was shocked. She didn't even own shampoo because her hair only gets washed at her bi weekly visits. Another close friend of mine got her hair done by her grandma who was an old school beautitician and who gave her a hard press and kept her hair full and healthy. Sadly her grandmother passed away and she quite literally was perplexed about what to do with her hair.(She didn't touch it for months) She was in her twenties (late twenties) and had never washed her hair. Some of us had an intervention and offered to do her hair.
I'm style challenged but it never stopped me from washing my hair regularly though. In fact there were times I even did my own braids. I never went to the salon with dirty hair.
I still go to a stylist every two weeks. It's only a waste of money if you know how to yet your shelling out all ths money but you can diy. I am not an expert everything I'm learning is through hair boards and trial and error. Everyone has different levels of hair knowledge.....