Do You Have Certain Lines That You Use......??


Well-Known Member
During different times of the year? I have discovered two lines that work very good for my hair.....that's Bee Mine and the products from

I like Bee Mine right now because the fragrances are sooo fruity and go well with the hotter season.

And i LOVE during the cooler seasons bc i love the Seyani hair butter and she has alot more fragrances to choose from that smell more like scents you would think of during the Fall/Winter time.

I also like using JBCO during the cooler months bc its too thick for me to be putting on me during the right now i'm using the Bee Mine Serum:yep:...and i also tend to use thicker conditioner for co-washing during the cooler months.
I've used a lot of products during the last four years that I've been natural, but the one line that I keep coming back to is Qhemet, it's the best and my close second would be Karen's hair products.
here we go again ...

(browses for new products to try)

& im still waiting on my Mango Bee Mine Serum to arrive ! :spinning:
im so excited, did you see any mind blowing growth ? lol
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Good question! Yes, I use heavier DCs during the fall/winter and lighter ones during the spring/summer. I also use lighter oils in the spring/summer and heavier oils in the fall/winter.

Prior to the start of my HHJ, I would use "regular" Pantene after a fresh relaxer and Pantene "Relaxed" a couple of weeks prior to relaxing because hair needed something heavier.
I use qhemet during the winter, spring, summer (briefly stopped since I was co-washing a lot & didn't want to waste product but I came back) and fall. I like to keep it simple but I also like shescenit's conditioners & shampoo.