Do you have Braidable Hair?


New Member
Meaning that do you have the type of hair that after you get it cornrowed or in braids it still looks sumwhat neat after a couple of weeks. Well I am almost on week two of my braids and it looks like Ive had them in for two months
Yet I see another girl who got her hair done around the same time as me and her looks like it got done yesterday. I asked her what she does and she said all she does is grease her scalp, which has nuthing to do with maintaining the braids. It seems like all of my ends are fuzzy/fringed out and the root parts are really puffy. I rarely touch my hair and I tie my head up at night. My only solution is to get my front braided over, but besides that any clue on how to keep them neat looking so i wont have too keep getting them rebraided all the time?
It might be your hair type. When I get cornrows or do twists, my hair develops frizz almost immediately. My niece's hair is the same way. The child (she'll be two this month) barely crawls out of her mom's lap from a hair session and her hair is everywhere.
ayeshia, my hairs the same way.
Me and my sister used to get our hair braided on the same day, and hers would stay much longer than mine.

It also may have to do with most not moisturizing often while in braids, i.e. using only grease, but nothing 'wet' so it doesn't get as frizzy.
did yall get ur hair done at the same place, some times the technique used makes a diference, and grease does make a difference. I think it helps the hair stay smooth and stick together better.
Thanks for the help you guys. I think I just has to do with my hair type
. Even when I got my hair braided as a child I would remember my hair getting fuzzy after like three days and my mom would yell at me because she thought i was playing in my hair. I think Im going to moisturize them once a day instead of twice, because the more i spray, the more it seems to unravel. Im getting the front of my head done over again next week so I be able to see if that technique works out.
I had the exact same problem when I wore braids. I don't know what the deal was. I would read of people saying, "Now don't leave braids in for longer than 3 months or your hair may start to lock" and I'm thinking...3 months! I'm lucky if I make it 3 weeks without having to do the front part over! Luckily, my mom braided for me so she didn't charge me and I didn't have to pay when she redid the front after 2 weeks