Do you have a "what if" guy?


Well-Known Member
Long post.. sorry. :spinning:

:wallbash:Is there a guy who you either were with or wanted to be with, and you had the opportunity to tell him how you felt, but you didn't? So now he's your "what if" guy? As in, "what if I told him how much I liked him? Where would we be now?"

Obviously, I have a what if guy. :grin: We went to high school all four years together and I never really noticed him til our senior year. Well, I always knew exactly who he was because we have the same last name.. no chances of us being too closely related; he's white. :drunk: Anyway, I always thought he was kinda cute, in a nerdy, geeky, totally adorable way. :kiss: He played bass guitar in our school's jazz band, and being a cellist, we both had an appreciation for the performing arts. The one and I only time I saw him perform, I was amazed. :yep:

Fast-forward to the second semester of our senior year. I had to take a computer lit class to graduate, so in order to fix it into my schedule, I had to have some of my classes moved around, and that included switching to a new English class and he happened to be in it. We sat on total opposite ends of the classroom. I sat right by the door in the front and he was in the back by the windows, but we always gave each other some sort of acknowledgement whenever the other one entered the class. Sometimes when I'd look up at him, he'd be looking at me and then look away. :look:

At my school, the guys had it easy. It was 5 girls for every 1 guy. :rolleyes: So, before prom, it was hard to find a date. I had to go out with one of my-coworkers who I barely knew... the night went great obviously because I haven't spoken to him since :rolleyes:... he was a waste of my time and my money. :wallbash:

Before that, I wanted to ask him my what if guy, but I was afraid how he'd react. I don't know for sure if he liked me too, but I could feel... something, you know? I don't even remember if he had a date that night, but I always wonder if I had asked him and if he said yes, where we'd be now?
What happened? :D

He said he felt the same way, and day by day it seems that we're falling harder for one another, which has me like :drunk:.

Whether it will actually work has yet to be seen. I'm praying for the best. :yep:
He said he felt the same way, and day by day it seems that we're falling harder for one another, which has me like :drunk:.

Whether it will actually work has yet to be seen. I'm praying for the best. :yep:

Ahh.. great story. I hope ot works out for you. :grin:
Ahh.. great story. I hope ot works out for you. :grin:

Thanx. I think that you can rest assured that if you and this guy are the right ones for one another, that the opportunity to pursue it will come by again, it will.
I just got in contact with my "what if" guy. He popped into my life about 3x after we've dated, and each time I was in a relationship :wallbash: But now I'm single, and he's in a rocky relationship. :ohwell: Hoping it doesn't work out :look:
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my what if guy turned out to be a piece of ish.

he let me think we didn't get together because I wouldn't vocalize how i felt.

we both married other people and both divorced later. He has 4 kids. I saw him in December, and I dodged a major bullet! He tried to get me to be with him when he was still married... suggested I have his baby! Then he had another baby with his wife!!! THEN they divorced.

And to think I pined for this dude for years!!!

I hope I can keep someone else from thinking about the one that got away, sometimes they need to STAY away!
Yeah I had a what if guy. He has since gotten married and became a father. :ohwell: Sometimes I really do regret not speaking up. If I had the chance to do it all over again I probably would have told him how I feel.
I have a "What if...i had just given it a bit more time" guy. But I know it probably would have had the same outcome..but who knows? :-/
Yes I have one now. I met him this past semester which was my first semester of grad schoolbut his last semester, he graduated from undergrad last weekend. We both had a mutual attraction but we developed a friendship. I have been careful bc i just got out of a long term relationship and he was leaving soon anyway...timing is off. Towards the end of the semester, less than a month before the semester ended, things developed a little more. But bc of what I mentioned above and other circumstances, im not pushing anything, what will be will be. We still communicate, i wrote a letter before I left last week. We both from GA but I live in SC when I am not in school (school in AL)...My family ironically is planning on moving back to GA next month. He told me he still will be coming through AL this summer bc has fam in AL and that maybe he can see me too while i am in summer school, but who knows...
yup--my what if guy was on me heavy in college--fine as h*ll--but no my behind was dating a lame med student who turns out we just didnt mesh well--now my what if is even more fine--married and just had his first child--now im not hating but

damn i would so it differently if i had the chance....

My what if guy just bought a house... a nice one.. at age 20! :look: What was I thinking letting him go? :wallbash:
I can say with all certainty that I'm glad my 'what if guy' and I never hooked up. Drama and he does NOT respect women. :nono:
I just got in contact with my "what if" guy. He popped into my life about 3x after we've dated, and each time I was in a relationship :wallbash: But now I'm single, and he's in a rocky relationship. :ohwell: Hoping it doesn't work out for them :look:

He's officially single now, but it still didn't work out. I've moved on...finally. :grin:
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Yes I have one now. I met him this past semester which was my first semester of grad schoolbut his last semester, he graduated from undergrad last weekend. We both had a mutual attraction but we developed a friendship. I have been careful bc i just got out of a long term relationship and he was leaving soon anyway...timing is off. Towards the end of the semester, less than a month before the semester ended, things developed a little more. But bc of what I mentioned above and other circumstances, im not pushing anything, what will be will be. We still communicate, i wrote a letter before I left last week. We both from GA but I live in SC when I am not in school (school in AL)...My family ironically is planning on moving back to GA next month. He told me he still will be coming through AL this summer bc has fam in AL and that maybe he can see me too while i am in summer school, but who knows...

Things have changed since this post...we are still cool but I can't see myself being with him long term. In the beginning of the summer he finally decided to really express himself, but it was a little to late for that. I have my eyes on somebody else now...
Yeah, I made a post about it earlier this year.

Deep down inside, I knew he was crazy about me, but mentally, I just wasn't there. By the time I really opened up my heart to the possibility, he was moving away, but I didn't say anything because I felt he had made up his mind - that he wanted to leave NYC to go to California. I wasn't until much later that I found out that he only left New York because there was nothing that was keeping him here :(

He's now engaged to a woman he's been dating for less than a year...