Do You Have A Plan For Your Hair Journey?


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about this the other day, when I realised that I'm in danger of trying to do far too many things at once, which will probably backfire. So I came up with the following plan:

- Learn how to look after my hair as it is (relaxed). Focus on finding products and techniques that work for my hair. Have some fun experimenting!

- Once I'm happy that I've found good products, have a handle on styling, understand how my hair behaves (moisture/protein, porosity etc.), really focus on getting it to a length I'm happy with, and try to get it as thick and healthy as possible.

- If this doesn't work, or once I've achieved it, think about transitioning. I don't think it would be wise to try this before I can even look after my relaxed hair; feels like a recipe for disaster! And wanting longer hair was what originally led me to find this board and learn about healthy hair - I think if I tried to transition too soon and had set backs or ended up losing/having to cut a lot off at once because I didn't know what I was doing, I'd be devastated!

Does anyone else have any short or long term plans for their journey, to get to the goals they're trying to achieve?
I have a hair plan. In regards to length; my short term goal is to get to APL and my long term goal is to get to MBL.

My other focus has been on the health of my hair. I've been using the MHM as my reggie since going natural. I feel like I have a handle on what products work for my hair and how to wear my hair curly.

My next focus is to learn how to wear my hair straight and coloring. I plan on trying out Beautiful Textures Straightening product.
My plan was to get to waist length. Now that I am almost there, I've been trying a lot more styles that require manipulation. I realize that I need to pull back before I have a set back.

My hair is still only shoulder length curly so I need to grow my hair out to about tailbone length to get the length I want curly. That is a more daunting task and will require more detangling product and pampering. Not sure how long I will maintain that length so my journey will change over time.
My plan is to get bra strap natural hair by 2017. I've been doing everything by the book so that I can get there. Prepoo, shampoo, condition under steamer every week and do the LOC method and bantu knot every night on my short afro.:afro:
I'm hoping to be at or near hip length by the end of this year. That way, I hope my curls will droop to APL curly when I pull them forward over my shoulders. Right now it's SL curly when I do this....but APL in the back.

I plan to get to hip length...then trim about 1 to 2 inches off to have healthier ends and just maintain it at that length, Hip Length. I only need about 2 to 3 more inches to get to where I want it.

I am also trying to use up all of my current products bc I plan on buying products in large sizes after the current ones are all gone. My hair REQUIRES liter sized bottles now.
Blunt, heavy MBL, and enjoy my hair along the way. That's pretty much it. This is the second time I'm growing my hair out (got to BSL and went natural soon after) and I was very militant the first go round. It was more about proving to myself that I can do it. Now that I know I can, my plan is to not be as planned as I was before lol.
My plan is to really focus on growth and health of my hair. It sucks that I have been at the same length for 4 yrs due to excessive cuts and damage. I want to go past bsl without damage.
My plan is to not go broke buying hair products and accessories :lachen:

Ok my real plan is to grow out my layers by doing quarterly micro trims (1/4 inch).

Once my desired thickness is achieved I plan to grow my hair to waist length. I plan to do a lot more experimenting with styles once I am at my goal length. There isn't much I can do at my current length (apl/bsb) :(
My plan is to transition using keratin treatments until all the relaxed hair is gone, but I also want to grow my hair out for a friend's wedding ... so we will see how it goes!
My plan is to not go broke buying hair products and accessories :lachen:

Ok my real plan is to grow out my layers by doing quarterly micro trims (1/4 inch).

Once my desired thickness is achieved I plan to grow my hair to waist length. I plan to do a lot more experimenting with styles once I am at my goal length. There isn't much I can do at my current length (apl/bsb) :(
That too!
My hair plan is to keep doing what I'm doing. I'm ok with trying out new products/ingredients but my regimen will stay the same. It's simple, it's working and I like it.
My original plan back at the beginning of 2012 was to transition to rexlax and reach APL. My current plan is to transition to natural and get to WL stretched. I keep going back and forth on getting to WL and then trimming my texlaxed hair off or maintaining at APL until the texlaxed hair is gone. I change my mind every other day. :look:
My plan is to reach a healthy bellybutton length in the back with thick ends. I am at full MBL, but might cut back to just past grazing MBL at the end of the month for lusher ends. I'm also trying to baby my hair more (less shampooing despite oily scalp) and sticking to the curly/coily girl method exclusively.
My plan is to end my transition after I reach APL natural.
Then do whatever I can to reach BSL then MBL.
Maintain at MBL. The end.
I don't have a plan anymore. I reached my hair goal over a year ago and have since just been going with the flow. Actually, BCing has crossed my mind a lot lately.
My short-term goal is to reach BSB this year and my long-term goal is BBL (below butt length) :supergrin::supergrin::supergrin:.

My plan for reaching these goals is through consistently keeping my hair clean, moisturized, and hiding my hair with various protective style options (ex. wigs, braids, twists, etc.).