Do you have a hair dryer at home?

Hi Porkypig007,
I have a hooded hair dryer and I only use it for deep conditioning treatments or roller sets. Other than that I never put heat to my hair.

Yes it is better to "air dry" but I think that when you put excessive heat to your hair such as using a blowdryer with high heat on a regular basis is what causes so much damage.

I hope this helps. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
I have a hair dryer; it's better for your hair because it's not direct heat like a blow dryer on your hair, but air drying is probably the best method.
Same here. I have a hard bonnet dryer at home and I use it for deep conditioning. I'm too impatient to sit under it when I roller set after a wash. I've tried, but I can't stick it out.
I use mine(soft bonnet and hard bonnet) for deep conditioning treatments and rollersetting. I feel it is safer cause there is no direct heat as in blowdrying and curling iron. I also use a oil and shea pomade on my wet hair that in my opinion works even better after being applied to wet hair then drying under in the heat of the dryer(sort of like a mini hot oil treatment... )
Sorry, I'm a student. Sold my blowdryer to pay for books!!

First off let me say welcome - I didn't get to answer your first post - and also - cute name! /images/graemlins/wink.gif

I have a bonnet dryer like many of the ladies here. I use it to deep condition and to dry my hair when I rollerset - like Sweetcocoa I find the the direct heat of curling irons and blowdriers has a different effect on my hair (healthwise) than drying under a bonnet. I beleive that this is the case because the heat isn't directly on the hair and is more evenly distributed over the whole head.

Whether or not it's better to airdry depends on you. For me it meant more tangles (unless it summer) and I was finding that this meant I lost a lot more hair. The exception is in the summer when I wear a wet and wavy/curly look and I don't have to comb the hair at all. No manipulation is key when I airdry. And this look lasts two days at best because of the tangles. But airdrying at any other time (which means my hair isn't straight) is difficult on my fine hair unless I'm going to pull it right into a bun....any manipulation beyond this and I get breakage. For that reason it's better for me to wear my hair straight - after a rollerset and wrap.

It's all trial and error - everyone's hair responds differently to different techniques.
