Do you go against the grain?


New Member
Hey sisters in Christ,

Do you go against the grain? Are you singled out in your circles (work, school) for being the "religious" one or the Jesus freak? Or would people be shocked to find out you loved the Lord?

It's hard to keep righteous in this world, where there are no absolutes. Where affairs, separations, and unGodly lifestyles are applauded.

I am happy to be told by a classmate to pray for her, "since you're the praying girl in this group".

I feel so blessed for my wonderful gift of a husband when I hear of all the broken marriages from those in my classes.

I'm not boasting, I want to thank my Jesus.

Sometimes, though i get weary, and need encouragement. I feel so alone when I'm walking with Jesus. I hate hearing folks holler "Jesus Christ" when they are upset, using His holy name like a cuss word.

How hard is it for you all? Any words of encouragement?
Yes I do go against the grain and I am proud to do so. I feel it is my duty to be a example of what it is to be a strong and true Christian, each and every day. :look:
Hey sisters in Christ,

Do you go against the grain? Are you singled out in your circles (work, school) for being the "religious" one or the Jesus freak? Or would people be shocked to find out you loved the Lord?

It's hard to keep righteous in this world, where there are no absolutes. Where affairs, separations, and unGodly lifestyles are applauded.

I am happy to be told by a classmate to pray for her, "since you're the praying girl in this group".

I feel so blessed for my wonderful gift of a husband when I hear of all the broken marriages from those in my classes.

I'm not boasting, I want to thank my Jesus.

Sometimes, though i get weary, and need encouragement. I feel so alone when I'm walking with Jesus. I hate hearing folks holler "Jesus Christ" when they are upset, using His holy name like a cuss word.

How hard is it for you all? Any words of encouragement?
Hey Precious Sister...:kiss: You are not alone, fighting on your own. Many here are very close to you; and we feel and know what you're going through. :yep:

Never feel that your love for Jesus and all that you stand for has been in vain. All that you are and all that you do bears no shame or blame.
Mel, it was you who held me up and supported me, through all of the oppostion that I experienced while posting on OT.

It wasn't a picnic over there. Many tried all they could to show they didn't care. But I knew what God had for me to do...maintain and keep my stand for Him and His word.

And through it all, it's you and your sister love and many wonderful PM's that keep me going. Your siggy still gives me strength..."I am a God fearing woman trying hard not to conform to the ways of this world."

And Melodee, that you always be, a strong sister in the Lord, fearing Him in loving obedience and not wavering stand of man.

Stay strong...:love3: Thank you for all of the love and support you've always given to me. :blowkiss:
Hey sisters in Christ,

Do you go against the grain? Are you singled out in your circles (work, school) for being the "religious" one or the Jesus freak? Or would people be shocked to find out you loved the Lord?

It's hard to keep righteous in this world, where there are no absolutes. Where affairs, separations, and unGodly lifestyles are applauded.

I am happy to be told by a classmate to pray for her, "since you're the praying girl in this group".

I feel so blessed for my wonderful gift of a husband when I hear of all the broken marriages from those in my classes.

I'm not boasting, I want to thank my Jesus.

Sometimes, though i get weary, and need encouragement. I feel so alone when I'm walking with Jesus. I hate hearing folks holler "Jesus Christ" when they are upset, using His holy name like a cuss word.

How hard is it for you all? Any words of encouragement?

You are not alone. It happens to those of us who TRULY walk with the Lord and who are called according to His purpose. And it shows when we see what comes out of the heart via our words. (especially re: the bolded)

You are blessed to have a wonderful husband. Know that I too have a great gift in my husband and if that's boasting, then so be it!

God gives us the very best and I'm grateful to Him for that. His love for us is so deep, He provides everything we need for life and godliness.

How great is our God!

Keep standing...and after you have done all to stand...stand. You are never alone and you know you can depend on me at any time. You have been an instrument of love here on this forum and the Lord uses you mightly. I thank God that I can call you, my sister!
