Do you get SAMPLES before buying?


Well-Known Member
I must admit, when it comes to hair care, I'm easily influenced with member's raves of products. That's a reason I decided to try to stick, on a large part, with natural ingredients (oils, butters, herbs) to try and make my own products. That way I can find out whats right for me, save money, and know exactly what's in it -- and I wouldn't turn into a product junkie either

I was reading some other information at (
) regarding products. A very good point she made was purchasing SAMPLES (sometimes they're even free) before you go out and buy something. I never even thought about this! Not to mention, it's good enonomically, too. I can honestly say, of all the products I've purchased since I've been into hair care (which is no more than 4-5 months) I've got about 20 and only really liked about 3. I also have to admit that I never RE-tried most of my products, either
So I'm gonna give some of em another shot before I give or throw them away.

My question to my smart shoppers is, do any of you know sites that offer a lot of samples on different hair products? If not, how do you usually go about getting hair samples or testing products out?
You can go to websites (to get e-mail addresses for companies) and ask them for samples. I requested some samples from KeraCare (for one of my cousins). They sent a bunch of stuff (just received it today). My cousin will probably think she hit the lottery when I give her all of the samples.
yeah recently I've emailed a bunch of companies. I got samples so far from Elasta QP, Sebastian, and Keracare but Elasta QP really HOOKS YOU UP!!!
I'm all set with haircare products(Yay Kerastase!), but for other things, I usually try to ask people or read reviews on it, before I buy. It's really helpful, I've only been disappointed like one time.
It depends, if relatively inexpensive (i.e.. sauve conditioners, then no) but if expensive (i.e, kenra), then most definitely samples to make sure worth it for me. However, I can be persuaded to buy an expensive product outright if the ingredients are impressive AND I can't get my hands on samples. . .
I wrote about where I can find Kendra samples, and also, to be nice, asked them for recommendations on what products to use on type 4 hair. I got the recommendations, but no mention of free samples
. Before writing back, I wanted to know if there's something else I need to say? Has anyone else received Kendra samples?
I would definitely recommend the Moisturizing Shampoo and Conditioner as well as the Daily Provision light weight leave-in conditioner. I would also try the Volume Mousse to give your curls definition and control.


Regan Dunlap
Kenra LLC
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sunday, July 25, 2004 2:17 PM
To: Customer Service <[email protected]>
Subject: interested in Moisturizing products

I just visited and I’m interested in receiving samples for your Moisturizing Shampoo and Conditioner. I have type 4 coily hair and would like to see if these products will work on my hair. I would also like to ask if there are any of your styling products that you would recommend for my type of curly hair? Thank you in advance.


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um... its kenra, not kendra.. you should have just asked for samples. when i asked, they sent an email back saying samples were on the way.