Do you get jealous when your friend gets a new man? (not what you think)

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
Do you get jealous when your friend gets a new man? Not jealous that she's in a relationship or jealous because you want that particular man . . . I mean, jealous because all of a sudden you get bumped in the list of priorities and all of a sudden your friend doesn't have time to hang with you because she's with "her man" and everything revolves around "her man" and even though she's known for YEARS and only known him for, like, 2 months, she's telling him things that she wouldn't dare share with you :perplexed

Sorry - I'm just venting . . . .
Nope, cuz it's just rehearsal for if/when she gets married one day. Her husband will become her best friend so it's unrealistic to think yall will be hanging out/sharing secrets all the time for life.
I'd be happy for my friend as long as we're still maintaining a good relationship
I'm currently in this position with a good friend of mine. I wouldn't say i'm jealous of their relationship or anything but i do notice that i'm sidelined a bit. We used to talk at least once a week or at the most once every two weeks but now that's kind of dwindling. I'm happy for her and all but people need to make sure that they still have time for friendships and interpersonal relations outside of their relationship b/c God for bid it doesn't work out with him, you've now lost your support system. Well all i can do is sit back and pray that everything works out for them, she seems to be in love... Good for her :)
This is happening to me. I don't know if I would call it jealousy. But I am not being paid much attention. LOL. But it is o.k. I am happy for her , and I am glad that she is happy. In the mean time I watch ANIME and read. So I am good.
I wouldnt say jealous but frustrated because you dump me for a penis..its bad for women to do this bc a when he leaves you if he does then you will be trying to call me and Im going to go mia on you,b it makes them seem silly..when you get a man not hubby you should include him in your life not make him your should still have friends go out and still maintain your life..he is just a accessory until he marrys you then you still should have friends bc you can't be with him all day..everyday.
Yeah... I actually did this to a friend. I recognize it now, and in the New Year, I am definitely going to try to reverse any damage that I may have done to our friendship.
I personally do not get jealous or frustrated or upset in any way when my friends find a new man.

We will ALWAYS be friends and they know that, so if they find a new man and spend less time with me as a result, I am fine with that because I have my own life to live also. I am too grown to have any types of negative feelings towards a friend that is otherwise a great person, but chooses to spend time with a man that could potentially become her husband. Hell! I can't keep her warm at night, so why would I get frustrated because she is choosing to spend time with someone who can.

If the new man leaves, my friends all know they can call me and vent regardless of what stage our friendship is in. Friendships wax and wane, and since I am friends with people I truly love, I will always be there for them. That is what true friendship is.
I wouldn't say i'm jealous, i am a bit disappointed, i got all these warnings before i got married that i shouldn't forget my friends and stuff and i vowed i wouldn't cause i had some that dropped me in the past, so i made sure i saw my bff at least 1x a week or at least called, even though i'm married.

Now she's married, been married 7 months and has been to my house only once! She didn't even know how many rooms i had or how it was arranged or anything. At the same time, every weekend she finds time to hang out with "their" friends, go to the beach, parties and stuff so i'm disappointed because i did not and would never do that to her, i just feel like i'm making all the effort and i'm tired.
well i wouldnt say jealous, just a bit neglected. But in the sam regards i cant really say too much because i do the same things when t comes to me and a new man. I spend so much time trying to make sure the relationship gets off the ground that sometimes i may lose a close friend or at least shy away from them. I have come to realize that this is something that i have to work on because when it comes to the point were that man dumps me or hurts me in someway, its going to be those friends that i run to. And even if its the long haul with this man, im going to need that friend to tell all my gossip
If im in a relationship i make sure keep my friendships in order simply because to have a healthy relationship you also need your set of friends that if anything happens you will have someone
Would you guys address this with your friend or just let it be. I think i'm especially feeling a bit sidelined only because i'm now recovering from a break up (together 3 years) so now i want some girl time but it's a bit difficult now because they have moved in together. I'll just start investing in my other friendships that's all. :)
It's not jealousy, but I have a right to feel slighted- mostly because when something goes wrong with these men, I'm usually the one they want to run and talk to. I'm cool with you putting your man first, but when you only speak to me when you're single, then we're not friends... I am the SAME with my family. I don't have time for that.
On the other hand she also has a right not to care.

I had a friend who would not speak to me 6 months at a time. Whenever I'd call her, if he called 2 minutes later... then she had to go and would leave. She was at his beck and call... it's 7 or 8 years later... they're not married... she's not ready to be married... but she's over-committed to him.. and he's flirting with my other best friend... and has BEEN doing that.
Been in a situation like that. It's almost like being dumped, all because of some ...., but that's life, I guess. I told her how our friendship was changing, and she came off like she really didn't care. She didn't even tell me that she moved, or got engaged!!! So, I just gave up trying to contact her (I always intiated contact), and just left her alone. It's better that way, IMO. In the end, it's about the guy. :/

But I do wish her the best.