Do you get flakes from mtg?


New Member
Does mtg burn your scalp and leave big flakes that cake up at the root of the hair shaft? Is this normal? Mtg gradually burns my scalp until it looks scaly and my whole head is tight from the skin drawn togehter. Could you please share if you have had this experience?
Hi Zailless - I'm sorry to hear about your experience with MTG. I didn't experience anything like this. The MTG actually got rid of my dandruff. My scalp used to be really dry especially in the front and crown area. Were you using the MTG with anything else? I hope that all goes well for you.
I use mtg straight twice a week. I felt it tight and i knew my scalp was burnt. I tried to apply some grease to cool it down and it burnt like hell. I washed my hair and the shampoo burnt like hell. I put castor oil on my scalp to calm it down. today I pulled out my cornrows and was scratching off the flakes and the amount of hair came out made me depressed. below the flakes the scalp was red and tender and thin.
It sounds like your probably allergic to the sulphur in it. IMO you should stop using it and give your scalp a chance to get back healthy. I know that sucks because so many other ladies here have had good experiences from using MTG. But it's not worth losing your hair over it.
I feel like i harmed myself. i thought it was ok for the scalp to be tight and shed. i have seen the flakes and the shedding before but i thought thats how the product works and i thought the flaking was good for the scalp. This is a setback for me. while i didnt go bald i saw some red bumps come up and i was quick to massage it with castor oil until the bumps went away. the area is just thin. its such as waste to be waiting so long to grow my hair, from june 2005 and to lose so much of it just like that. i am tired of fighting the hairloss when that wasnt ever a problem of mine. whats worse is that i think i am the cause of it.
Don't blame yourself (Hugs to you). I tried the baggy method and that didn't quite work for me. My ends were actually getting thinner. I was baggying with NTM and WGO and my ends were always wet. I never gave my hair a chance to breathe. Now I just baggy 3x's a week with Profectiv Healthy Ends and WGO (thanks to the advice of TSimth). I feel your frustration with feeling as though you've failed somewhere down the line. Whatever you do, don't give up. Your scalp will get back healthy and you'll make good progress in no time.
I am so sorry this happened to you, there is another lady i talk to frequently on the board and she said that mtg burned her scalp also. she said she had to stop, she now uses an essential oil blend on her scalp. It does not have this affect on me.
Thanks for the support. I feel much better. I am glad you were around to respond to my post.
my goal for 2007 and is to forget about speeding up hair growth and just let my hair and scalp regenerate. what was funny is that i used pantene clarifying shampoo to wash my hair and it burned as i said before. it itched like crazy. i had just a bit of tea tree shampoo left and i poured the entire thing on my scalp and it just cooled.
zailless said:
Thanks for the support. I feel much better. I am glad you were around to respond to my post.
my goal for 2007 and is to forget about speeding up hair growth and just let my hair and scalp regenerate. what was funny is that i used pantene clarifying shampoo to wash my hair and it burned as i said before. it itched like crazy. i had just a bit of tea tree shampoo left and i poured the entire thing on my scalp and it just cooled.

Anytime Chica :) . That tea tree is really good. You hang in there.
I'm sorry you had a bad experiance. I agree with aprilj, you might be allergic to the sulphur. But anyway, just be gentle with the scalp and keep it moving. you will be back on track in no time. It always seems like there are set backs in our journeys, but just think of it as being tested. I'm sure you will pass the test with flying colors. Also, tea tree oil is amazing, I use to use it and it felt really good on my scalp. Also you might want to try pure shea butter.
zailless said:
Does mtg burn your scalp and leave big flakes that cake up at the root of the hair shaft? Is this normal? Mtg gradually burns my scalp until it looks scaly and my whole head is tight from the skin drawn togehter. Could you please share if you have had this experience?

I've never had any adverse reactions to MTG. You may be allergic to sulpher. You should discontinue use and get checked by a doctor.

Good luck!
Zailess I was just reading your post. I'm sooo sorry. I really hate that this happened to you since there are so many positive results about MTG. I was strongly thinking about ordering some to speed up my growth after the scissor happy stylist wacked it off. I think I'll just stick to what I know and forget about speedy growth. You hang in their. I know you're upset, but it's post like these that may save the next head of hair.
FAMUDva said:
I've never had any adverse reactions to MTG. You may be allergic to sulpher. You should discontinue use and get checked by a doctor.

Good luck!

I agree. This shouldnt be happening. Discontinue use right away, and if your scalp doesnt return to normal within a week or so I'd go to the dermatologist. Bring the bottle with you.... he will most likely fuss you out, but at least be able to help you get to the root of the problem. :)
My hair used to item from MTG but after I kept using it stopped but I am sorry you had such a bad experience from it.

there are other things u can try..

Happy Growing...
I'm sorry to hear this! :( This is why it's soooooo very important to do a patch test on your skin for a couple days prior to use to see if you're allergic. I've taken MSM before and used Sulphur 8 in the past so I knew I didn't have an allegy but still patch tested. When did the burning/scales start?
kbragg said:
I'm sorry to hear this! :( This is why it's soooooo very important to do a patch test on your skin for a couple days prior to use to see if you're allergic. I've taken MSM before and used Sulphur 8 in the past so I knew I didn't have an allegy but still patch tested. When did the burning/scales start?

I have used mtg before for about 7 or 8 months. my hair never fell out. if anything i didnt see any hair in the comb. it used to get tight from the burn and flake but i never experienced hair loss. I started using it again after a break. it tightened the scalp the same way and then started flaking. in spots where i lost hair the scab that came off left the scalp pink. and then there is the intense itch. when i felt the itch i knew something was wrong. maybe its not normal for any product to create a burn on the scalp. maybe its a chemical burn but i dont think i just developed an allergy to sulphur i think its just too harsh for my skin. my friend is allergic to sulphur and didnt know it. she put sulphur cream on her face and her skin came off in her hand so an allergy you might find out right away. thanks for your response. i think i finally found the cause of my hair loss. its so funny, i had so many theories. this is the same way i had these huge flakes and this sweet intense itch where i found my patches. what is also strange is that, before this i never knew you could lose hair while using mtg. when i first started, i barely shed a hair. but since i started using it again twice i had this flaking and massive shedding. the shedding is heavier in the front of my head where the skin is most tender. I hope all this flakes off and my scalp can renew.