Do you get as frustrated as I . . .


New Member
Does anyone else get as frustrated as I when a product is being highly recommended with raves and raves and the most important piece of information is NOT provided: THE INGREDIENTS!!! It's great to hear wonderful reviews and how fabulous a product makes the hair, BUT, that does not really help make intelligent choices -- for me, the detemining factor in most cases would be the ingredients. Thus, I respectfully request, beg, ask and plead that folks PLEASE include a list of ingredients, especially when recommending products. I know its not always possible, but given the research that members do into ingredients on this board, it should be a priority to give that information on posts reviewing products, whether rant or rave, but IMO, particularly when raving.

Thanks for listening. . .
For me personally it is too much work to list the ingredients.

Now if a member is interested in the ingredients and asks then I will post them of course.

But see I'm not a big ingredient freak anyway so maybe that's why it doesn't bother me as much....
Okay. I guess I AM an ingredient freak 'cause how else can I assess a product, particularly one that SOUNDS interesting? I usually do online searches when someone raves about a product, but sometimes ingredients are not listed at onlines sites. It's just a peeve of mine because I think in most cases, ingredients are the ultimate recommndation for a product . . .
Well, you can do what I do.....just a suggestion....I make a list of the products that I am interested in and put the list in my purse. Next time that I go to the beauty supply store I find the products, and check the ingredients, and read the bottle to see how to use it.