Do You Find Yourself Unwilling to Discuss Your Family History Because of Your Hair?

Re: Do You Find Yourself Unwilling to Discuss Your Family History Because of Your Hai

I definely feel the same way as you. My grandmother was supposedly half indian (and she completely looked the part) but I would not tell anyone this if they commented on my hair. My hair has grown well over the past year, its thick and healthy now and this was not always the case but if i utter the words "I got indian in my family" people will attribute my hairs health to that instead of actually believing it was my hard work that got it this way. Besides everyone should know that we (AA born in america) are all mixed with something.
Re: Do You Find Yourself Unwilling to Discuss Your Family History Because of Your Hai

I agree, everybody's been told their grandparents, great grandparents, or great great grandparents were part indian.

But actually, indians RARELY mixed with blacks back then. There's only about 1% of African Americans that truly has indian in their families.

So you're worried about explaining your heritage to folks who haven't even asked you about it yet?

Enjoy your hair, no need to worry about something that hasn't happened yet.

I'm convinced that most black have been told they got indian in their family :lol:
Re: Do You Find Yourself Unwilling to Discuss Your Family History Because of Your Hai

I agree, everybody's been told their grandparents, great grandparents, or great great grandparents were part indian.

But actually, indians RARELY mixed with blacks back then. There's only about 1% of African Americans that truly has indian in their families.

Completely agree. That occurrence was sooo rare. What's interesting to see is people making up tribes that they know darn well did not interact with slaves, sooooooo you're family's from the Midwest but your great-great-great 5 more times great grandmother was Blackfoot?? The tribe all the way from Montana??? Really?? Ok. I mean, there are always exceptions to the rule, but......

Anyway, not that this matters much but my living grandmother is straight from the Sioux reservation and what's funny is unlike most Natives and Asians her hair isn't pin straight, its a wavy 2. Point is Natives are just as mixed as Blacks (especially in 2011) just with more White than Black naturally. I too am curious as to what makes people believe only Black people have one type of hair texture.

My guess is just that folks are more comfortable being ignorant vs thinking outside of what they've seen and experienced. Many choose not to remove limitations from their thoughts. Life is safer when you're dumb, thinking may actually charge you with responsibility for your own actions and future, and in this case, hair. I don't tell anyone about my ethnicity when they ask about my hair, etc, I change the subject. I will not partake in allowing you to continue to be an idiot lol. Its nobody's business, we all know its retention and healthy hair care practices that matter anyway.