Do you exfoliate your scalp?


New Member
I read the following in "Curly Girl"

Weekly Scalp Treatment (for All Hairtypes)

We know that exfoliating is good for imporoving the condition of your skin. Since youru scalp is also skin, give it a special exfoliatin gtreatment once a week or so. Exfoliating will slough off any dead skin cells or conditioner buildup, making your scalp healthier and relieving any itchiness. Mix up and apply the Exfoliating Scrub (below.)


1 tablespoon brown sugar or quinoa (available at health food stores)
3 tablespoons conditioner

1. Mix together to create a thick consistency.
2. Wet your hair in the shower, then rub the paste on your fingertips. Apply to scalp and massage gently in a circular motion, starting at the nape of your neck and moving upward. Linger on any spots that seem tense or itchy.
3. Rinse throughly, then condition.

Sounds interesting. Does anyone know if this could particulary be harmful. Has anyone tried it?
I think this is for people on the no poo (shampoo) regime from the Curly Girl book. They don't use shampoo so they need something to get the scalp clean--exoliation and I believe they do some kind of lemon juice rinse.
Wow! Thanks for the recipe! All the scalp exfoliators I see online are $20 -$50 online for 8 - 16 ozs.
Oh I did a search and found this one also.

Once a week, crush 2 aspirin ( Salyctic Acid ) tablets and mix it with one ounce of shampoo. Lather it on your hair and gently scrub your scalp. Rinse well and condition as usual.
i dunno if this makes since or not but you kinda already exfoliate your scalp when you wash and message your scalp...does that sound rite?
I've tried it before. I thought it was useless. Even though the sugar was granular when I mixed mine together and put it on my scalp it was too soft to be an exfoliate.
It makes sense, but it's different for folks with dandruff, eczema or psoriasis. They have dead skin or flaky scalp and need shampoos with certain ingredients that exfoliate the scalp or they need to use their own recipes to do it.

Kind of like how everybody washes their face, but a nice facial scrub removes dead skin and makes it glow.
This is interesting. I've learned that the only time to scratch our scalps is during the time we are washing our hair (other times are supposed to be damaging). This is probably for stimulation as well as exfoliation.
Elucence Clarifying Shampoo contains salicyclic acid and it claims to exfoliate your scalp. The shampoo contains honey and is very gentle.
I've been doing exfoliation since Sept. I haven't seen more growth or anything, but I like to get rid of the build-up I get. I think that is from Surge14.
I exfoliate my scalp. I use Philip Pelusi's Exfoliate. I love how clean my scalp gets from using this shampoo.
I posted this in the hair recipe board. I was reading that book too! I want to try it so bad. I can't wait until the shower gets fixed.
I use a scalp stimulating shampoo when I need to exfoliate. Silk Elements Revive & Restore Stimulating Herbal Shampoo is one of my favorites because it's specifically for unclogging scalp pores and lifting dead skin cells. I've also found that it doubles as a great clarifier for my hair. I've also used EQP Scalp Stimulating Shampoo for scalp exfoliation. It gives an excellent tingle. :)
Every 2 months, I get a scalp exfoliation ($75) and it has made my hair grow like a weed! They apply a microdermabrasion cream and scrub my scalp followed by an oxygen treatment under the dryer. Shampoo that out and then pour a 30% glycolic acid over my scalp (ouch!), wait about 10 mins, rinse and end with a phytologie hot oil and grapessed extract sprayed on my scalp. It's expensive but it has worked for me.
I have the Curly Girl book and I saw this recipe but I have never tried it before. I have only used baking soda, lime juice or apple cidar vinegar to exfoliate. I have not seen major growth but my hair became very shiny.
Every 2 months, I get a scalp exfoliation ($75) and it has made my hair grow like a weed! They apply a microdermabrasion cream and scrub my scalp followed by an oxygen treatment under the dryer. Shampoo that out and then pour a 30% glycolic acid over my scalp (ouch!), wait about 10 mins, rinse and end with a phytologie hot oil and grapessed extract sprayed on my scalp. It's expensive but it has worked for me.


Wait a minute, who in the heck does this? :confused: Taking notes.
I usually exfoliate my scalp by scrubing my scalp with my fingernails while in the shower with my favorite conditioning shampoo for a good 5 minutes.
I also think that its important to oil the scalp with a light oil like jojoba because like any other surface of the skin it needs to be moisturized so you can't forget to moisturize your scalp.
I read this in Curly Girl also. I know the brown sugar body scrubs I use work well but they have a coarser grain. If you get "sugar in the raw" at the healthfood store the grain will be a little coarser, if I recall correctly. If its too coarse I guess u can put it in a food chopper/processor for a sec or two. I havent tried it yet, tho.