Do you ever wonder?Vitamins/Supplements


Well-Known Member
I'm still thinking about this. This is for my vitamin/supplement taking girls.
Do you ever wonder if the brand of your vitamins matter? Like GNC VS WALMART? Like one kind would be more efficient.

I notice walmart almost never sell anything thats PURE..I'm sure this also counts the vitamins.Which means if you have used their vitamins and never saw quality results this COULD be the reason.:perplexed
Well I used the Nioxin vitamins for almost two months and didn't notice much of a difference in my hair but I had stronger nails. I just started taking Vit D capsules from Big Lots and my nails grew from stubs to I'd say 1/4" in about two weeks.
Yes! I actually googled this a few months ago. I learned that you should not write off cheaper brands because they allow other companies to research their products such as the potencies and seeing if there are anything toxic in it. Nature Made is one of those companies so I now use them on a regular. This past year researchers discovered numerous companies had toxic ingredients in their fish oil pills OR the potency level was a lot lower than stated on the bottle. You should definitely do the research. I think it is very important that everyone purchases supplements from a company that is willing to be randomly screened so the public knows what they are consuming. I really wish the fda would enforce stuff like that so every company is required.

Definitely do your research. I would paste the links I used but I am on my phone. If I remember, I will come back and paste the government links when I get home

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If its a highly commercial brand like GNC, or store brand like Walmart, I wonder who they are private labeling their products from, then I wonder where those companies get their raw materials, how its manufactured, the process, etc. I know this because my ex works in the supplement industry at the raw materials level. For me, it really depends on the product itself. Like isawstars mentioned, you have to do your research.
Yes! I actually googled this a few months ago. I learned that you should not write off cheaper brands because they allow other companies to research their products such as the potencies and seeing if there are anything toxic in it. Nature Made is one of those companies so I now use them on a regular. This past year researchers discovered numerous companies had toxic ingredients in their fish oil pills OR the potency level was a lot lower than stated on the bottle. You should definitely do the research. I think it is very important that everyone purchases supplements from a company that is willing to be randomly screened so the public knows what they are consuming. I really wish the fda would enforce stuff like that so every company is required.

Definitely do your research. I would paste the links I used but I am on my phone. If I remember, I will come back and paste the government links when I get home

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in other words dont use walmart brand?lol
Another thing I look at is how many I have to take. My bff was taking a box of vitamins and I looked up the serving size and it was 4-5 pills PER DAY and then there were like 50 pills or less. I was like you'd be buying this forever!

Same thing with this other brand of fish oil. Serving was three pills and there were 60 pills. Hmm so it lasts you 20 days? Then they had a buy 1 get 2 free but still it was a rip off when I compared it to the brand that I buy that lasts me three months.
in other words dont use walmart brand?lol

No, don't not use walmart just because it is cheap. Find out who manufactures their supplements before crossing them off your list.

There are a ton of articles about law suits regarding PCBs in fish oil supplements and even about having lower potency that labeled on the bottle. Fox news in DC, Good Morning America, etc.

"Roe filed suit against eight fish oil producers and retailers, including CVS, GNC, Omega Protein and Rite Aid." (article found in )

If I buy any type of vitamin I look up the manufacturer online or look for a GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice), USP (United States Pharmacopeia), or NF (aka NSF) seal on the bottle. FYI, I went to Vitamin Shoppe and did not find a seal or any similar print on any multivitamin... that rubbed me the wrong way. I didn't look at other vitamins so I dunno about the rest of Vitamin Shoppe stuff.

The following is a link lists manufacturers who volunteered to participate in USP's program for dietary supplements. The brand names are listed underneath the manufacturer's name.

I am thrilled that Nature Made is on it because it is reasonably priced in comparison to GNC.

The following is a link about how GMP is practiced, regulations and how consumers benefit from it:http://

Lastly is similar info but from the NSF website:

"NSF International is an independent, not-for-profit organization that provides standards development, product certification, auditing, education and risk management for public health and the environment. Manufacturers, regulators and consumers alike look to NSF International for the development of public health standards and certification that help protect the world's food, water, health and consumer products."
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