Do you ever wonder about the relationships of people in your family?


Well-Known Member
I read this forum a lot even though I am not getting married anytime soon. Bunny77 has taught me so much :laugh:

But when I read so of these threads I keep think of my Uncle. My Uncle has three kids and has not married his girlfriend. They do everything that married people would do-- family vacations, kids in activities, nice house, stable finances (my uncle is a fashion designer and has a store)..without the ring

Anytime we talk about his family someone has something to say about the fact that he is not married. Most of my family lies to other and say my uncle is married (the are so ashamed). Anytime his gf is not around my aunt is yelling at him to get married. He says he wants to give her a big wedding and doesn't have the money:rolleyes: Everyone says they could understand one child but after three (the oldest is 7!) he needs to make moves

Do situations like this change your persepctive on people? I love my uncle and he is such a good person. He is a great father and honestly gives his gf a great life, but I wonder if he every had a discussion about marriage if I could hold my tounge. I also wonder about how much he really vaules his gf??

Anyone have similar situations?
My family is full of shackers and out of wedlock kids. Until recently I was the only legitimate child in my family for over 30 years. :perplexed

Yes, they are an embarrassing lot, my family, but I just deal with who I want to deal with and keep it moving. I don't even wonder why they make the crazy decisions they make. It's too exhausting! :lachen: