Do you ever spot relax?


New Member
I am trying to relax my hair less often. I can tolerate at most 3/4 of an inch of NG before I have to relax. The problem is that my crown gets there in about 5 weeks and my sides and edges would probably take 3 months! All these years I've just relaxed my whole head every time even though my sides and edges didn't really need it because my crown was so unmanageable. I believe that's why my hair there is so thin.

This time I am thinking of just relaxing my crown and leaving the rest be until it needs it. Am I really slow to just be figuring this out ? :lachen:

Does any body else spot relax?
Like, do you just relax your edges when you are stretching and bunning just to keep a smooth appearance in the front? Or just do any one area that grows faster than the rest? Share...
when I stretch I relax the hairline and nape only, so it's ok, just make sure when your ready to relax your whole head you wait until your nape and hairline have new growth as well.
I hadn't really thought about it untill I saw this posting. I'm due for a touchup. Think I'll just do the edges so they'll lay down a little better.

Thanks for the idea!
I thought about doing this one time during one of my stretches, but I always have most growth from the crown to the nape first, and the front is always soft and grows much slower, but was just too lazy to spot relax. Maybe I'll try that one time.
I've got this one spot on my crown that is nappy as I-don't-know-what. Its driving me nuts trying to comb through it. I'm going to relax it today and leave the rest alone.
I think doing that there is a possiblity that you might misjudge and overlap.

You are quite right. I self relax for economic purposes mostly (not because I am good at it), and I admit to overlaping just about every time. But I use the Mizani Honey Shield to help avoid damage from that. I also sometimes use Silk Amino Acid or CHI silk infusion for the same purpose. Back in the day I used to just use conditioner or vaseline.
Nope I'm scared of overlapping. So I will just deal with it and manipulate my hair less when I get further into my stretch.
No, I never have.

My crown grows faster that my back and sides, but I just tolerate the extra new growth until the other areas have enough to warrant a touchup.